I've always thought a special breeding raffle where none of the owners could keep any of the baskets would be fun - everyone would have to give their baskets to other people.
Or a special breeding raffle where you're guaranteed 3 baskets but the "extra" basket all goes into a pot for a flaffle.... give a chance for people to reach out to new people for RP possibilities.
Sticks and Stones
May break my bones,
But whips and chains excite me...
♪ ♫ ♪
Would you believe that I got my first Soq from something like that? It was a thanksgiving thing I think...
The 2nd Idea sounds AWESOME! Except maybe make a condition where, If you already own someone connected to that family, you cannot recieve that basket? *Shrug*
Graceangel, I agree with that. If anything, HUGE, RED LETTERS saying what's going to happen should do |'D
So throw me down
Unto the ground
And show me that you like me~