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[{ Welcome to the official Gaia Spirit Week Guild! }]

Hey everyone! Yes, here it is. The official guild accompaniment to the annual GSW. Welcome! Introduce yourself, join a conversation, stick around.

For anyone who doesn't know yet, Spirit Week is a completely user run event, which is aimed towards uniting Gaians and helping people remember why they still come onto Gaia. For all the fun times and friends, for all the cool items, and the sweet events. Because Gaia and it's employees work really hard to make Gaia as awesome as it can be, and we here at Spirit Week think they've done a damn good job!
Spirit Week has been going strong for four years now, run by Varlot and Shieran (using the account I r Spirit Week), generally taking place in early July. The idea of the event is to dress up each day, for a week, according to the theme of the day. We have several events, including a raffle, and avatar contests. For more information, you should check out the old threads. :]

To check out the old Spirit Week threads of previous years, before we had this guild, look here:
The 08 thread!
The 09 thread!
The 10 thread!
The 11 thread!
The 12 thread!

In this guild you should:
- Follow Gaia's TOS at all times
- PM I r Spirit Week or one of the crew if you see someone breaking the rules
- Discuss the next Spirit Week
- Discuss the previous Spirit Week
- Post any questions and suggestion you may have (Though you should also feel free to PM us!)
- Organize screenshots
- Incite class rivalry! ;D
- Appreciate your fellow Gaians
- Hang out with all your friends
- ???
- Profit!

In this guild you should not:
- Be mean or rude to other Gaians! Ever.
- Cause drama for any reason ever. If someone is really upsetting you for some reason, PM them to try and work it out, or, if you feel that it's necessary, PM us and we'll try and help you work it out. But do not make it an issue for the whole guild.
- Srsly, no drama. That's a biggy.
- Break Gaia's ToS
- Make the mods mad. It is just not recommended for your health.
- Beg
- Spam everyone

Thanks guys! I know everyone here will follow the rules! heart
I hope everyone has a lot of fun in this guild!