Name: Isaiah Phox.

User Image
Gender: Male.

Age biggrin ied July 11 of 1873 appear 17

Fighting style: both of them regular and reverse.

Skill: Skilled sword man, Great fighting technique, Skilled fisher, Great strategist.

Abilities: Aikido, Spiritual Energy Control .

Accessory: A necklace with a shark tooth and 1 capsule and 1 plastic bottle, the capsule is for healing in battles and the plastic bottle has a special bite for fishing and the shark tooth helps him consentrate his spiritual energy.

Zanpakuto: acquired with Vice-Capitan Kanda of the 6 squat .

Zanpakuto appearance: It like a fencing sword named sabre but it has a katana blade and its grip it black and blue.

Zanpakuto spirit: X

Shinkai: [obtained].

Its a double-edged blade that is folded to form a circle just before the hilt and everything else is normal. Its hilt its a half circle color blue with some screws color golden attach to its grip that it color black and blue.

Shinkai summon: Show FATE!!

Shinkai abilities: [obtained]

1: At its normal form it may absorb up to five things or attacks like a black hole except zanpaktos.

2: After absorbing a thing or a attack it may trow it.

3: The zanpakto may divide in two and have to swords and the hilt again become like the sabre style with with the half of the half circulo.

Bankai: [not obtained].

Bankai summon: Show Time FATE!!

Kidou: none.

Personality: He likes to be serious must of the time but he can’t He is too goofy and likes to have fun because of this he doubt sometimes.

Mannerisms: he get bored easiely and try to fix that doing extreme things and like to eat a lot.

Biography/History: He was a son of very good fisherman but he liked to hag out in the low regions of soul society. One day when Isaiah had around 9 he escaped from home after he left his father gets in trouble with a hollow. After being adviced for a friend Isaiah to go back home Isaiah saw how the hollow was eating his father. Isaiah was shocked and get paralyzed when a shinigami came and started fighting but the shinigami couldn’t do much and the hollow escaped. After that Isaiah was decided to become a shinigami and save other people for what happened to him will never happen again.

Signature/Patented Technique: Modified Aikido

Guild Status: 7th Squad Vice Capitan

Online Schedule: Almost everyday except Sunday from 4 to 7 pm. MST