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Reply [IC] Abandoned Forest [IC]
[PRP] Busy, Busy, Busy (O'Tep, Najiyya and Fae)

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Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 12:38 pm
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Busybusybusybusybusybusybusy! Najiyya had done her part for the cubs. She watched over them, she helped feed their mother, she helped keep them safe, groomed them, kept Tuliua company. This meant that she was busier than she had been in...well...her entire life!

At present she was currently dragging her latest kill back towards the den site. After all, a nursing mother had to have a lot of food to keep her strength up and keep hungry cubs full and healthy!

She currently had the poor dead prey beast by its throat and was physically dragging it across rough terrain. Her whole body worked to that goal, muscles tense, sharp jerks of her head closing the gap between her and the den site. She wished that her sister, Fae, was here to see this. Her older sister wouldn't believe her eyes if she could see Naji now! This was dedication for you. True responsibility! In fact it was heartening to see how well she was tackling this challenge of helping care for cubs. She dragged the prey another couple of strides, rolling her eyes back to see how much further it was. Oh, not far now!

She'd managed to find this poor creature already wounded and dying and had taken it out quickly enough. A lucky find! Someone else might have come across it and eaten it. But no. This kill was going to a worthy cause!

She paused to rest, setting a paw on its shoulder and moving her head from side to side to ease the ache that had started there. Boy, this was hard work!
PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 1:03 pm
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O'tep was no where near excite to serve others. Oh no, not at all. In fact right now she was storming away from the den that she stayed in with Tariq and the other females. this time she knew she couldn't battle it out with him like every other time that she didn't want to listen to him. She was covered in recent open wounds from their last fight. She was sore from being tossed around, she couldn't fight against him today no matter how much she wanted to. She wanted to rebel and yet she couldn't. Days like this was when she was most annoyed. She hated him, but yet she couldn't say that, something attracted her to him.

She huffed before flicking her hair out of her eyes and looked back at the den where she came from before she stared to walk again. She felt bad for leaving Ukoo there... Ukoo seemed to be her only friend the only one that she really cared about, the only one that she was really nice to. Then again females weren't the ones that were trying to make her do what she didn't want to do... Female's didn't boos her around other females didn't treat her like she was nothing. They didn't treat her like she had to listen to what they said.

She arched a brow as another white female caught her eyes. She was carrying a meal... Most likely for her male. O'tep stared for a moment trying to figure out who the other female's 'master' was. She couldn't put her paw on it, she wasn't that sure. Then again she wasn't allowed out of the den that much, the other leaders of the pride didn't want her to be a bad influence on the others. She smirked, she was a bad influence. She moved a little closer to the female before finally speaking. "Hello." she spoke a little boldly. Her voice didn't match her size, she was small, really small, about 70% the size of a normal female.


Mega Streaker


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 1:09 pm
Najiyya had always considered herself short, and she was when compared to her sister. Her sister, Faeqa was tall and willowy. Najiyya, on the other hand, was shorter and plumper. However, this girl was even shorter still and it brought a small smile to the white one's face.

But the smile faded as quickly as it had come.

This female who had approached her so brazenly was covered in wounds. Recent wounds, too! Oh no! What had happened? Had someone attacked her? An outsider? One...one of their own? She shuddered to think of it and instantly drew closer, prey forgotten.

"Oh, oh you poor thing! What happened?" Her eyes scanned those wounds and she felt her stomach turn with something akin to protectiveness. Was this the same feeling Fae had of others? Fae was always described as protective and motherly.

"You should sit down, rest or...here, let me tend to them." Najiyya was a very touchy-feely lioness and her attitude towards hugs and physical contact sometimes put others on edge - though she never seemed aware of it.
PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 1:59 pm
O'tep couldn't help but to smile back at the lioness as she was smiled at. However she was a little confused once the other lioness's smile turned into a frown. She then remembered what she currently looked like. She was about to say something until the other lioness started to speak, she couldn't believe how quick the lioness asked what happened to her. There wasn't many who looked at her and asked questions. She sat down as the other lioness suggested it and raised a small brow as the lioness got closer to her. She wasn't going to push it away though, she knew she couldn't get to all of her wounds and she also knew that some of them had to be taken care of. She'd appreciate it. "Thank you."

Now she was going to answer the questions. "I don't listen to m- ... I DON'T listen to Tariq." He wasn't her master, she refused to say it, she didn't want to think of him in control of her. Now if only she knew what was going to go on in the future, if only she knew she was going to think differently of her. She shrugged off the idea before nodding toward her. "So I get punished, but I fight back." She spoke as if it was nothing as if she wasn't walking around with the injuries that she was walking with. then again to her it didn't matter.


Mega Streaker


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 3:02 pm
She busied herself with reaching the wounds that she could, cleaning them so that they wouldn't get infected and cause the poor lionness further harm. Some of them looked very sore and she couldn't imagine what it must be like to have to go about daily duties with such wounds! She looked up as the other started speaking and tilted an ear in her direction to show that she was listening.

So this was one of Tariq's girls. There had been whispers about the way in which he treated his ladies, but she hadn't paid much attention to them. She didn't think it was true. Now, however, she wished she had paid more attention to gossip, at least it would have prepared her for this. Though, thinking on it, she didn't think anything could have prepared her for seeing a female so badly treated.

It made her heart ache.

"You don't listen to him?" She asked, pausing in her tending to look at the pretty striped female. "But...but why?" Probably because he was mean? Even still, she knew if Faiz shouted at her she'd listen to him. She'd never fight him, in any case! He was much bigger than she! Which meant that this girl was a lot smaller than her male. She was very brave...or stupid. No, she chose brave.

"You should be careful, you might get badly hurt someday." She shook her head. "I don't understand how he could hurt you, though...it doesn't seem right. They are our superiors, of course, but they show us care, too. Care, because we provide them with food and children. We are important too..."

She flicked an ear. "Sorry, I don't know your name. I'm Najiyya, of Faiz's harem."

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"Vizier Faiz's harem." Another voice chimed in. A leaner, taller female with a narrow, stern face came striding towards them, stepping over the carcass to glance at the two females. "What are you doing, Najiyya?" Who was this her sister had found now? A pretty little stripped female, but, oh! She was hurt! So that was why Najiyya was there at her side.

"Dear thing, you're injured. Should I call for aid?" Her eyes flickered to her sister's face and Najiyya shook her head. Her immediate response was to fetch someone, anyone to come and aid this poor female.

"I-I'm Faeqa, Najiyya's sister." Fae added hastily, not wanting to worry or crowd the girl. "Don't worry, we mean no harm." She drew closer still.
PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 3:40 pm
O'tep purred quietly as the other female spoke. It was nice to have some company, normally she didn't care if there was some one around for her to talk to or not. Normally she didn't mind not having anyone around. There was a reason for that. when it came down to it she raised with out others around her. She remembered being with her father for most of her life. She had a on and off memory about her father, about her past. She was pretty sure that she was born here but even that was unclear. She remembered her father being crewel beating her making her do what he said... But everything was in pieces, like she really didn't remember how she ended up in this pride...

She looked at him then shrugged. "Nope." She then laughed slightly shaking her head. "I don't want to listen to him. I don't like males. They passed me around for a while, they they said that he would break me but I'm more than sure that he won't." She smirked slightly That was what she thought anyway... If only she knew what was coming. She sighed softly before sighing. "I'm not going to get hurt..." then she shrugged. "I don't listen enough, I don't want to listen. I'm not giving him cubs, nor am I going to bring him food. Then again I'm just weird like that." She flicked her hair out of her eyes and shrugged.

"My name is..." She was interrupted as another female wandered up. They must have been sisters, they looked a like. "Don't worry she was helping me." She chuckled slightly before shaking her head. "Oh, no, no, no. Don't worry about me... Tariq knows of my injuries." She said his name as if it was poison she was spitting from her mouth. Just the sound of his name made her want to dig her claws into the ground. "I can tell that you mean no harm." She laughed softly before nodding. "Its nice to meet you. Faeqa... Najiyya." She nodded before speaking once more. "My name is O'tep, its nice to meet both of you." She looked at her legs then at her back before sighting softly and pulling her lips back up to a smile. "Thank you for the help." She purred.


Mega Streaker


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:43 am
The two sisters stood around the female as if creating a protective circle with their bodies. Neither of them would go up against a male - for they were bigger and stronger and far more important - but the thought of a male hurting a female disturbed them.

Disturbed them deeply.

Yes, females were lower beings, females could never hope to achieve the sorts of things that males could, but they birthed their children, provided food...was that not worth at least being treated gently?

The two cast concerned gazes at one another and then Faeqa spoke, cutting off her white sister's words. "Love, you must be careful. Females should not talk up to their males. I know nothing excuses his behaviour towards you, but perhaps if you worked for him he would become a friend?" She thought of Faiz and how happy it made her to hunt for him. One day she might even be blessed to carry his children. The thought made her giddy with joy.

"O'tep." Fae continued. "I wish there was more we could do to help."

"Can't we tell someone?" Najiyya blurted. "Faiz is a male, but he takes care of us, Fae. Couldn't he do something?"

Fae sighed sadly, wishing it were true but knowing it was not. A male's harem was his own business.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 7:15 pm
O'tep looked at the other two females. They were obviously the females who were all 'serve the male'. She wasn't like that not at all. She was the ideal female not to want. She didn't know how others put up with this life... Or in other ways how she was still here? She planned on getting away some how, some time soon. But she didn't know that wasn't going to happen, not at all.

"She blinked a bit as they circled around her a bit but she shrugged it off as she watched them. "I don't want to be his friend." She said simply. It was a little hard to talk to females who thought that way. Well to her it was.

"Don't worry about me guys. It's fine I'm fine." Her voice trailed slightly as she looked at herself. she wasn't in the best shape at all but she could fend for herself and she could do it.


Mega Streaker


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 11:40 am
"I'm sure you will be." Faeqa reasoned politely. "And maybe one day you'll come to an understanding with him. I do hope so, love." She was already moving away now, casting a warning gaze across at her white-pelted sister.

"There is nothing anyone can do, though it saddens me to say it. Sometimes life isn't fair. Perhaps you'll have your day, O'tep." Her eyes softened. "And if you ever need a kindly word or a friend, my sister and I will never be too far."

With that the ginger one moved off, leaving Najiyya standing next to the wounded female, looking helpless.

"There must be something." She murmered. "There must be something we can do. It isn't right. A female might not be as good as a male, but that doesn't mean they deserve to be treated badly." She leaned in, nuzzling the female affectionately.

"But Fae's right, O'tep. We're your friends. Always. Remember that, okay?"
PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 1:13 pm
O'tep looked at the lioness before shrugging. "Maybe I will maybe I won't." She shrugged slightly then licked her lips and shrugged. "I dont' know maybe one day I'll get out of here some how." She sighed and shrugged before looking at the two lionesses, they were both very sweet. She nuzzled them both softly before smiling softly once more. "I'm gonna be alright guys." she chuckled slightly then flicked her hair out of her eyes then stood up and smiled at htem.

"I'll remember it." She flashed them a smile then grinned. "Thank you guys for the support though." She flicked her tail around and nuzzled htem both once more. "I really should head back soon. Ukoo is probably going to be waiting for me to come back." She nodded with a grin to her.


Mega Streaker


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 12:49 pm
Najiyya's troubled face did not ease. She stepped away, a purr at her throat as she backed off towards the direction her sister had gone. Her eyes lingered on the pretty form of that female, so strong in heart.

"Keep safe." She whispered and, after another long look she turned and moved after her sister, still mulling over what she could do to help and reeling in the fact that there was probably nothing she could do.

All she had to offer had already been offered.

Her friendship.
[IC] Abandoned Forest [IC]

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