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Surviving High School (were, Vamp,Elf, Human rp) Goto Page: [] [<<] [<] 1 2 3 ... 10 11 12 13

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Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 3:56 pm
PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:57 pm
((Lolz don't look at me Latufy XD blame those two!! *points acusingly to sukie and phantom* Blame them!! XD nah jk i contribute x3))

Hikaru had let what Rissa say go over her head, both her and Rissa knew that her and Khaz had never gotten along since they were younge pups. Though for some reason Rissa always said they had a crush on eachother, just to bug them. When Khaz began the hunt she shifted to her wolf form, she felt so relieved to be in her wolf form again, Khaz assigned her to a senior hunter, she was never teamed up with him, and she was glad for it. She always huffed at him, though she rather enjoyed being teamed with the senior, he knew all the ropes, and always showed her fun ways to kill humans each time, it was always a fun adventure. This time Fleck, the wolf she was teamed with, was showing her a very effective way. Instead of the traditional way of sneaking up on the human, they caught her attention by getting into a play fight, though it appeared to be a real fight, the human girl got up and shouted at them, they both turned to her and began circling her, running in a circle around her, Hikaru going one way, Fleck going the other way, making it harder for her to watch what was going on, both Fleck and Hikaru enjoyed playing with their food. She tried running this way and that, though they wouldn't stand for it, they nipped at her heels, and slowly they herded her deeper and deeper into the woods. Once she was far enough Fleck gave Hikaru a nod and she lunged in, her fangs peircing the girl's throat, ripping it clean out of her neck. She smiled up at Fleck "Your right, that does get rid of some energy, it was rather fun" She chuckled "But I could have thought of that one, come on Fleck, don't tell me your running out of ideas on me!" At that the older wolf chuckled and shook his head "maybe next time pup, for now lets eat." At that Hikaru let out a long sigh, though she didn't object as she tore into the human's flesh. Once they were done with their meal, they burried the remains of the human and returned to the meeting place where Khaz told them to go, they sat and awaited his and Cara's return, it didn't take long, soon enough they came back, the blood still fresh on their faces from their feast. They then turned and headed to the official pack meeting place, slowly the pack came together, Hikaru's eyes darting around looking for Rissa's return. When she saw her pack mates return with no Rissa to be seen, she trotted over to Jessy "Hey, where's Rissa?" She asked him curiously. "She decided not to return, just because" Was his reply, she let out a long sigh and wondered if Rissa was off to see that vampire boy again, she knew now from how Rissa acted that she was seeing him, she shook her head from side to side. "Thanks Jess" She murmered before she trotted away to the edge of the meeting, she awaited for Killua to make the ending speech, she never really listened to it, but something this time caught her attention "On this night of hunting, i'm regretted to say that one of our own was found dead, and most likely killed by a vampire! Jagger, though old, was still a part of our pack, and was found with his spine snapped! You are to be on the look out for any vampires in our terra! If you find them, hold Nothing back!" and with that Killua let out a long howl that the intire pack joined in on, one to mourn the loss of Jagger, even Hikaru joined in, she knew the old coot well, and would miss him greatly. After that Killua ended the meeting and dismissed the pack, keeping only a few behind to help him with the ceremonial burial for Jagger. Hikaru didn't want to stick around afterwords, instead she ran off to find Rissa, she would search until sunrise if she had to, it was an unwritten tradition that they walk home together, and she didn't want the tradition to end tonight.  

Hellz Kirara
Vice Captain


PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:29 pm
She then looked to the sky when she herd the fimilier howls of the burriel ceramony and she changed right befor Ruko, she was sitting down with her tail curled around her, she then through her head to the sky and relised a wolf howl for her old friend, the one who tought her many things and the first wolf to accept her into the pack im gonna miss him she thought as her voice raised higher and higher then lower, like a cirtin tune to bid those closest to you good bye, she then stood up and her voice was inside Rukos head once more "ill meet you at the highschool, i have to walk Hikaru home, its like a tradition that we can never break" she replied as she stood and began to walk away, her body was so tired that her paws felt like bolders weighing her down, when i get home, its lights out for me she thought as she soon droped to the ground still with in Rukos sight, she Flintched as her body felt the mud seep though her pelt i am definetly gonna need a bath she thought as she rolled over and over untill her black coat was now a sickly dirty brown now, mud will cover the scent she murmered to herself as she walked to the water "Well paws, hopefully you can guide me to the other side" she sighed befor she launched herself into the raging white waters, her pelt almost imediatly lost the sickly brown coler and returned her blackend pelt to normal, she felt like she was pulling twice her weight and for got which way was which, she then trusted herself and went one way, soon her paws reached the river bank and she was able to climb up, once out she shook her pelt thickly to try to get all the drops of water off herself, she then tossed her head up in a low pitched howl telling hikaru that she was on her way and to meet her at their normal spot, her body protesed to move but she forced herself onwards and soon gained enough speed to pick up to a run  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 5:10 pm
((Ok well then forgive me alice but its fast forward time sadly our charecters date will have to be fast forwarded))
latuf was in the middle of playign DDR [And PWNing might i add] when he heard multiple howls out in the night he looke dout the window of the arcad eand noticed could tell it was a hunting night "s**t" he said his head turned away from the DDR screen and still scoring perfects he then finished the song and walked outside slightly worried he didnt like the sound of some of these howls it wasnt safe for him tonight he could handle himself against 2 or 3 werewolves but not a pack, if they cach him with a human they would have all the reason to kill him. "Hey Elliot you wanna go get somethig to eat??" he asked it was probably about 9 o'clock by now she may have been hungry.  

Vice Captain

Hellz Kirara
Vice Captain
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:25 pm
Hikaru heard Rissa's howl and her paws started taking her instinctivly to where they always met, she didn't even think about which way she was going as she padded through the timbers. She could hear that Rissa was by the river, and she wondered if she was with the vampire boy again. Rissa always thought she was so sneaky with things, and for most others she was, though Hikaru knew Rissa well enough that she could tell even the little white lies. She knew when her friend was acting different, and ever since she had met with the vampire boy she started acting different, she wondered what they were up to, though she shook her head, getting the thought out of her head. It was Rissa, and it wasn't her buisness, even if she wanted to snoop, she wouldn't push Rissa too far. She soon found herself in the clearing where she would meet with Rissa, she sat down and curled her tail around her paws as she always did and awaited for Rissa's arrival. Though still more things were going through her mind, she knew that something was going down, but was unsure if it was the new vampire boy that Rissa had found, he was new here after all, but did that mean that it was him killing off the wolves, she shook her head again, Rissa wouldn't hang around with a wolf killer, she growled at herself and laid down on her stomach, awaiting patiently for her friend, she knew that Rissa would pop up any second now, she looked up and felt a small Breeze, though the scent told her nothing of where Rissa was, she could smell just about everything in the forest, it was a clean scent and she loved it, it was much better then the smell of the town.  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 12:17 pm
Ruko jumped to his feet when he saw Rissa drop into the mud. Right before he could start to run after her he saw that she got up and started walking to the water. When he saw her dive into the water he bolted forward then dove into the water after her. As he was sinking to the bottom something in the water hit him across the head, supprising him he went into shock for a few seconds and when he came to he looked around on as the water was dragging him down along with it. Ruko shook his head and jumped up high enough to shoot out of the water and land on his side of the river. His hand went to to his hair and moved it out of his eyes so that he could see better. Eyes searching around everywhere he couldnt see where Rissa was "damn, she already left...i cant smell her scent..." He sighed then heard some howls and then remembered that her pack wasn't that far from here and he must have been in there territory. Ruko then turned around and ran as fast as he could following the river until he got to town. After a short while he reached the town then slowed until he was running at normal human speed. Once he was in the town he wandered around aimlessly not knowing what he was doing. When he came to the park he stopped, looked around the dark place then shrugged and walked to the very back of the park. He then layed down on the closet bench that was near him and stared up at the stars thinking about Rissa and what he was going to do tomarrow at school.

Lardass Larry


PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 12:26 pm
Running at her normal wolf speed she started to slow down when she came to a fimiler clearing, in that clearing was thick underbrush and a few large bolders, she stood their panting as she looked to her friend Hikaru, exostion showed deep in her eyes as she moved twords her friend, "how did hunting go with your group" she asked as she walked past hikaru taking the lead on the fimiler path that lead to Hikarus back yard, she yawned tiredly but her ears stayed perked, keeping her friend in hearing range as she walked, her paws felt like lead im gonna be late for school she thought with a slight smerk  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 1:28 pm
Hikaru's ears perked when she heard Rissa drawing near and she stood up, shaking herself. "Hey Rissa" She murmered as she began following her friend on their normal route to her house, she noticed that Rissa looked incredibly exhausted, she shook her head, and she noticed that Rissa had an incredible smell of the river on her, and that the wolf was wet, she shook her head, wondering what Rissa could possibly have been doing at the river. "Fleck showed me a trick, though i have to say i could have thought of it myself, he's starting to slip up in his old age but you have to admire him for his spunk" She chuckled alittle as she looked at Rissa, concern in her eyes "Where have you been..?" She murmered "You've been acting strange lately... You were with the Vampire boy again.. weren't you" She murmered "And don't try to deny it, i know you like the back of my paw Rissa, it's easy to read it on you" She murmered "Just.. be carefull ok..? i don't want you to get in trouble with the pack.." She murmered again, her head dipped down.  

Hellz Kirara
Vice Captain


PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 2:16 pm
she continued to walk with her friend but still in the lead as a house neared befor them, "you always get paired with fleck dont ya" she smerked and shook her head, "fleck may be old but dont be fooled, hes still a strong wolf" she smerked as she shook her head once again causing water to splater on to the forest floor, her ears perked at the next part she smerked and turned to look at her friends paw "oh really? cuz that cut looks new" she commented watched the red blood ooze to the ground from a freshly opend wound "i was a the river because i needed to clear my thoughts, and whats more better then to clear your thoughts like trying to drown yourself" she commented as she pushed forward befor she stoped at the edge of the forest "ill meet you at school tomarrow Hikaru though i may be late" she murmered as she bounded off without another word, her pelt disapered into the shadows as she pushed herself getting to the high school in record time, but as she thought no one was their "i told him to meet me hear" she thought as she sighed "should i look for him or go home?" she asked herself  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 3:47 pm
Once Ruko started to think about what would happen at school, he remembered what Rissa had told him to do. He then shot up into a sitting position then jumped off the bench and landed on his feet. "s**t im late" he called out as he started running towards the school going a little faster than human speed. Ruko ran past some humans on his way to the school, he slowed down back to human speed until they saw him and started screaming and chasing after him "ah s**t not them..." He picked up speed then turning a corner he ran as fast as he could then disappeared. After a few minutes of running around trying to find the school, he finally arrived at the front doors. "...Hello!" he called out not knowing if Rissa was here waiting for him or not "...damn it, she left already...." Ruko sighed then turned around and started walking around the school then jumped the fence and went over to the bleachers. He walked up to the top level of them then sat down staring at the sky again.

Lardass Larry


PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 4:10 pm
Seeing that Ruko wasnt their and it was about midnight, maby later then that she growled to herself now aggitated and cranky "Fine, if he dosnt want to stay in a house, then to hell with him" her fur was bristled in aggitation as she turned away and stalked to the cave that she normaly stayed in daily, lowering her head and growling in agitation she moved along the forest untill she came to the exact cave "home, sweet home" she murmered as she went to the back of the cave and collasped, curiling around herself she shuttered, she hadent got the water off herself so it was sokeing into her skin now making her cold, she sighed and tryed to ingnore it as her tail went over her nose and she closed her eyes almost plunging instantly into the darkness of sleep  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:32 pm
Ruko woke up from his thinking when he heard large splats hitting the roof of the bleachers. He turned his head and looked out into the air and saw that large drops of rain came pouring down from the sky. A strong chill went everywhere in Ruko's body, more than he was used to and it suprised him. He got up and started walking to the bottom and stopped right before he got to the rain. Right then he remembered that not that far from here was Rissa's home. Ruko's face lit up as he found a place that would keep him dry, cuz he hates the rain, and he would be able to rest. Bending his legs he jumped out into the rain, when he landed on the ground he turned towards the forest and ran a full speed into it. After about a minute he reached the spot where Rissa showed him earlier that day. With out thinking any one was in there he walked in and hung up his soaking wet jacket near the door so that it could dry. Then seconds later he found a nice spot to relax and dropped to the ground, it was warm and dry in here just like he thought and it was pretty quiet so he could think with out being interrupted. His eyes began to close half way as he started thinking about Rissa again.

Lardass Larry


PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:40 pm
even from her exostion her sleep was still restless, she kept getting up in the middle of the night due to coldness, which almost drove her to the point she would have prefered to stay in her human home, she sighed and sat at the entrance of the cave watching large drops of rain splatter the ground and she shrugged befor forcing her way outside, moving slowly she thought she would never reach home until she found it, her two storie house she sighed and circled to where the bathroom window was and jumped, she sailed in to the building with ease she shook water off her splattering the whole room, she sighed and headed to a fimilier room where she slept, of course their was sevral other beds in the house, she shrugged and jumped ontop the bed and shifted everything to her comfert befor she fell over in tiredness and slept  
PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 9:48 pm
Hikaru had plopped onto her bed, without even changing back to her human form, she knew it would happen by itself when the sunrise came, and her parents wouldn't care and she knew it. She fell asleep right when her head hit the pillow, and she was out until she heard her alarm go of "Ugh!" she said as she reached out and hit her alarm clock, making it stop, her hand human once more. "6 in the freakin morning.." she grumbled as she got up and dragged herself her bathroom, taking a quick shower. It didn't do much to help her wake up, she had to drag herself back into her room after drying off, she got dressed slowly, not wanting to go to school, she let out a yawn, she hated getting up bright and early, especially after a hunt like that. She looked at herself in the mirror once to make sure she didn't have anything on inside out. She was wearing her normal outfit, black shirt and jeans, socks and shoes. She let out another yawn as she dragged herself to the kitchen, she was glad her parents also had to get up bright and early, there was always a cup of coffee ready for her. She grabbed it and added her creamer, creme brule. She chugged her coffee as her breakfast burrito warmed in the microwave. She had finished off her cup of coffee when she heard the microwave ding, signalling that the burrito was done cooking. She opened hte microwave and ripped the burrito in two, watching with half closed eyes as steam came rolling out of the burrito. She heard a honking outside as her bus arrived. She grumbled and grabbed her backpack, slinging it over her shoulder as she downed the burrito, not minding the burning sensation it gave her, knowing it only helped to wake her up as she got on the bus to go to school, chosing a place in the very back where nobody ever bothered her.  

Hellz Kirara
Vice Captain
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