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Reply [IC] Tianxia Lands [IC]
[PRP] Family Obligations

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Loyal Werewolf

PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:35 pm
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Perhaps it was not the greatest action as a Lord to leave his House for a trip that he did. Every so often he was to go to his half-brother's den where the brothers were to meet and discuss subject matters that would concern them, as to their mother's last wish. Though most knew it was a hassle to gather the brothers. Every few moon cycles upon the new moon, the tide of the oceans would shift and change, signaling to the eldest that it was time to call for the brothers.

Trig, the largest and eldest of the brothers, resided in the isolated den upon the coast line. The first and only meeting place. A den beaten into a cove's wall with constant beating of the waves, only could be assumed that it was hollowed out with lime seeping through the ground and the crushing waters. As the years passed, the tides pulled away leaving the cove available for any to claim. The large, golden male had slipped away from public eye and managed to discover this cove of secrecy. The waves kept far from the cove's entrance, soft sand littering into the stony ground of the den. After much removal of unneeded stalactites and stalagmites, the den became a livable place. Three large pedestals lined the back walls of the large shelter; the one on the right was the shortest, the left being the middle height, the one in the middle and the furthest back belonged to Trig as the tallest, most worn rise. It was here that the four brothers returned to speak. To Sheng's misfortune, he was commanded to watch over their second eldest brother, Trig's younger kin, Kinari.

The demon known as 'Terror' during rebellions and wars, the smallish lion, riddled with scars, was disliked among his siblings for his methods. Cruel, powerful, quick, and merciless, Kinari was one of the more powerful siblings to the family of four brothers. After his bump in with Trig, he was often dragged back to the cove for these meetings until he had disappeared once again. Upon his return to the meetings, he held new scars and a new scent. When asked, he said nothing as to where he obtained them nor whom scent this was. Little did they know of his encounter with the rogue Firekin...

Sheng, being the third eldest, objected to their brother's request and was quickly put into place. It was one thing to object, it was another to have no option. Trig was much larger than Sheng and he was was stronger if he so chose to be. The ex-Firekin-now-Lord could do nothing after a quick wrestle with him submission.

"I'll make you regret this, Trig..." Sheng growled, his paws leaving deep prints in the grass as he moved. Infuriating, annoying, troublesome, the only purpose of watching over this b*****d was... well, he was useful to him in a way. After some thought, the brother would serve a nice purpose for the House of Zhi Ming. Kinari was strong, he was fast, upon the battlefield he was a monster that can't be put down. Pain only drove him to continue fighting. An amusing thought of the poor victims who would flee before the tiny lion who would eventually catch them. The Lord smirked. Perhaps it was a bad choice to house this lion, but he would prove to be useful if he was chained and restrained. The necessities were already made. A clearing down below the mountain upon the savanna, just a ways from the path that led up to the House surrounded by groves of shrubs and trees. Here he had planned to keep the new member and keep a close eye on him.

Trig could not keep him. He needed to be alone.

Ger could not keep him. He was still searching for that leopard.

Sheng was the only one with a place for the thing and had a strength, authority, and ruthlessness toward this lion to keep him under watch.

He was nearing the border as his face slowly turned into a scowl.

"KIN-ARI!" Sheng roared.

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They weren't quite there yet, but he was definitely not looking forward to this new life, stuck in this one place, with his most disliked brother. Sitting upon the border, the small lion suckled upon his bang, a common habit to exhibit his boredom. When Kinari was bored, he sucked upon his blood soaked bang and also signified that he could be easily tempted to kill someone at any given moment if given that chance. The only thing keeping this one sated was the being that was nearby.

"Are you sure you want to come with me to this place?..." Kinari questioned, crimson eyes looking with disinterest. A bang hanging in the corner of his maw, the taste of the recent kill still fresh. "You don't have to be chained down as I will be shortly."
PostPosted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:19 pm
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Rose colored eyes burned in the surroundings, taking everything into account and hardly being amused by any of it. It was bizzare, it was unreal. In reality it was hardly what he'd come to expect of the lands of the greatest empire in the known African lands. Of course, Inzondo-mnyama had been all across the savannah, never daring close enough to the true home of lions but crossing through borders and witnessing the changing terrain of those homes around it.

He'd witnessed the sea, he'd seen the burning sands of his homelands, he'd seen the lush forests and jungles of the jungle prides who sequestered themselves from the world.

Inzondo had seen quite a few things in his life, short though it was in comparison to those who's worn paws tread across the savannah with no home. The large ex-Firekin had seen quite a few things in his life and met quite a few older lions.

All of whom he'd been tempted to slaughter and eat like the cattle the two-leggers kept for food in the worst times.

One of his ink-colored shoulders rolled and his strip of golden mane hung before his burning eyes for a moment, covering them and hiding them from scrutiny that the lion beside him was subjecting him to. The dark lion didn't like words, though he would occaisionally use them. Kinari knew that, yet Inzo had let him get away with hearing his voice ever so often, surely more than most on the savannah had ever heard his voice next to only two lions that no one could even remember anymore.

Dead as they were.

"It's interesting." Inzondo-mnyama ground out in his gravle-like voice. It was harsh, like two rocks being rubbed together and it was darker than necissary.

The moment Kinari had told him his older brother's name, Inzondo had bristled. Of course he remembered the lion that had tortured creatures rather than kill them. Inzo himself had killed a sickly zebra that Trigger had allowed to live just because he couldn't eat it. Then he'd been forced to take as many bites as his body could handle. Far more than it could handle in fact.

Moto'vianzio.... Trigger... Sheng Kou

Many names rumbled around the grasslands but his name rumbled more often than Inzondo would have liked to hear it. Thanks to his being the lord of the empire to the North many lions had heard of him just as they had the other lords and the Emperor and Empress.

Wrinkling his nose as if in discontent, Inzondo glanced over at Kinari and offered him a gentle look. Or as gentle as Inzo's looks ever got anyway, which wasn't very.



Loyal Werewolf

PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 3:27 pm
"It will take the brute a few moments longer before he reaches us," Kinari replied, his eyes filled with discontent and some regret. If he wasn't so tiny and matched upon strength, none of this would be happening. When it came to his older brother, he couldn't win most of the time and the times he did, it felt empty. Screw the family. Screw the Freak. Screw the Brute. Screw the Whelp. For all he cared, he was simply fine on his own until War had sent him into the Pride Lands to find Na-be, later to be discovered, Red. If only his never-sheathed claws could find that damned seer again, he would rend him apart!


The smallish lion rose to his feet, taking strong and angered steps around in a pacing motion. This was ridiculous.

Inzondo, the most recent lion of few who managed to subdue him, was lurking nearby. The rogue didn't want him to tag along, but he did. He didn't want him to be stuck at the North House with him either. However, it did mean he would have company and someone to beat on whenever he got bored and can actually take it. Unlike most, Inzo doesn't whimper.

"Alright, you, are you damned sure about this because I doubt my brother will let another Firekin go easy in his pride and I doubt he'll let us come and go as we please, either..."

Annoyed and concerned.

It was something about this male that was different than the rest and he didn't like it.

Inzondo kept stirring feelings inside of him he didn't like.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:25 pm
One of Inzo's dark ears flicked in Kinari's direction again and he frowned. The words coming from the younger lion's muzzle annoyed him sometimes, but he was still there. Inzondo had yet to find a reason to leave and for whatever reason that said something about the large ex-firekin.

But to think that Trigger would kick him out simply because he was born to the Firekin was doubtful. Even though he had the blood in him, Inzondo hadn't smelled like the Firekin since the day he first set foot on the savannah under the tutelage of a cheetah. He smelled more like a cheetah than a lion sometimes since his 'father' had left his mark on both he and his brother.

There was no going back to the Firekin, Inzo knew that better than anyone since his own twin brother had been killed by them for trying to go back.


Why tempt fate the way he did?

There were many things about Okoth's death that settled heavily on Inzondo's heart and mind and there were no answers to be had from his brother's empty memory. Someday he hoped that he could ask him, in the other realm. That wouldn't happen for years to come though.

At least as far as he was concerned.

Turning his burning rose eyes to Kinari once more, Inzondo-mnyama lifted an eyebrow at him and frowned a little deeper. Why wouldn't he be sure about it when he was following him. That was the only plan that Inzo even had really, was to follow Kinari. Apart from that he was tempted to take Trigger up on his offer to become a Major... though it was a wafting temptation.

He wasn't sure he could do well under supervision but he'd find out. Inzo was getting better since Riikiia had died. A lot better actually, his temper had evened out some, just staying constantly dour rather than spontaniously vicious. Add that to the fact that he was far less likely to eat his supervision now and you could say he'd come a long way.... almost.



Loyal Werewolf

PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:53 pm
The pridal lord's paws continued their storming race across the savanna, the glaring emeralds bearing into the distant form of the rogue upon the House border. Inside he figured the idiot wouldn't even show up. Kinari never listened to the brothers, he always did his own thing however he had wanted it. He was selfish and greedy. What would he achieve for actually following through. If it were totally up to the Lord, he would have told the eldest kin that Kinari was living under his house and was fine. All the idiot had to do was show up during these little meetings. Yet the dark maned rogue was sitting upon his boarder of his house under his pride, in extension.

Would it be best to keep it a secret from Fu Ren that this thing was blood related? Knowing how she is with her siblings, best not to just yet.

"Kinari, I expected you to have actually contacted me before trespassing upon my land," The bulking male scowled as he stepped a few bold steps closer. Kinari has not changed, he was still small. His mane was unkept and his musk was heavy with the tinge of blood. Though he was short, his body was a very miniature version of himself; claws extended, muscle upon muscle, and his features were angular to some degree. What annoyed Sheng about this one's appearance was the crimson eyes of his. Something about it unnerved him.

Kinari was one to be kept on a very tight leash. One only he can risk handling.

The ex-Firekin flicked an ear, twitched his nose, and spoke. "I see you came too," he said without the need to look over his shoulders. Without a doubt, he had an idea of whom it was. If he was with Kinari, it only meant that these two would cause problems. But if he was still alive, it meant Kinari found him interesting. Given that this new feline was to become his major, would it be wise to do the same for Kinari?

"I have forgotten your name, ex-Firekin," the comment itself dripped with question that demanded an answer.

"I'll fill you two in with what is expected of you two as we go back. Don't think because I offered you this position or that you are family doesn't mean you can slack off with whatever you want. You do as you are told and you do it without hesitation and to the best of your abilities. If I am spoken to by another because of your actions, I'll make sure you two are far too sore to even move," Sheng gave a snarl, jerking himself around to walk away.

The large male only managed a few before he was stopped.

"And I suppose you think you can take the both of us, right?" Smart mouth Kinari smirked as he watched his younger kin turn his back to him. If he was truly the warrior that he said he was, he wouldn't have been too trusting, or stupid, enough to expose his back to them. Especially to the lion.

Unbeknown to the other siblings, the male of whom Sheng spoke of was some of very particular interest to the smaller male. Since their fight resulting in Kinari's loss, the rogue sought out the other male. A male whom was stronger than he was. A male who was potentially even deadlier than he was. A male who was quicker than he was. A male that he to be his. Sheng may not have realized it, but they came here together as partners.

However, Sheng won't be finding out his little sexual preferences unless he allowed it.

"We could have killed you just now if we had wanted to. Then we'd take over the House and your females. Now, wouldn't that be a tragedy?" Kinari smirked as he raised up to his feet to move his way closer to his partner.

"As soon as we are settled, I don't expect him to bother us too often."

Sheng hung his head, a soft, chuckle escaping his maw.

"If you chose to do so, you two would be far too maimed to even make it to the House. What say you, Major, would you have attacked me if you had a chance?"
PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 11:19 pm
It was the abruptness of it all that nearly made Inzondo balk against Trigger's words, but he lifted his marked shoulders and dropped them instantly. The inward sigh went without notice until the lord focused his attention on him without looking at him.

It would appear that he would be talking more than he wanted to this day.

"Inzondo-mnyama, and it never crossed my mind that you couldn't see me. Trigger." Inzo's voice ground out harshly, attempting to keep his anger at the other's dissmissal at bay.

Not every day did a lion look at him and think of nothing other than what a bother he would be. It wasn't every day that Inzondo cared either, but this was blood relation to Kinari, who he'd at least proven to care about.

If only a little.

Somewhere deep in his body there was a heart and though most of it was black it carried a small soft spot that was completely hidden to the normal prying eyes. Kinari had, for whatever reason, traipsed right into it and all over that tiny spot. The attention hadn't caused the spot to grow at all but it had fused itself to the male for the moment.

Prefrences aside, Inzondo didn't need Sheng tapping into that spot through his brother and it wasn't likely that it would happen.

He'd kill him first.

Claws pricking at the ground and eyes glaring at Kinari roughly, the male turned back to look at Sheng again... Trigger... whatever it was that he wanted to be called. The male was calling him out in front of Kinari and it bugged him but it also got a slight rise out of him.

"You claimed you wanted to kick my a** last time we met if you saw me looking like I was before. Yet you turn your back on me now." Inzondo shrugged his dark shoulders again and let a dark grin grow across his muzzle, "Would you try it now... Lord?"

There was no sarcasm in his voice, there was no anger that showed through it even though his thoughts and actions were almost darkeningly cruel.

"If you can't turn your back on your major then who can you though, right? You'll have to learn to trust me eventually if you let me stand below you like this. But as a Lord you can't drop your guard for a second, considering there are other lions out there who'd take that position as a threat. If it's my job to keep that from happening then I'd like to make sure you won't let it happen."

That was enough talking to make his unused voice seem to break at random parts of it. As if his voice weren't rough enough.

Would this day never cease?



Loyal Werewolf

PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 11:54 pm
Sheng looked over his shoulder, squarely on the larger male. Compared to that of the one beside him of course. The last they met, he was a scrawny piece of meat that was ready to be eaten by the vultures-even the hyenas were probably watching from the bushes for when the damn thing collapsed. Looking at him now, he had put a little more meat on him but it wasn't a huge improvement for his liking. However, Inzondo was still an ex-firekin, a strong breed of lions, and he looks fierce enough as well.

Plus, he kept Kinari in check it seemed.

"I turn my back because I am confident I can kill the both of you," He replied as he turned his head back away from them. There was no doubt in his mind that he was capable of killing the both of them. Kinari may be his elder, but Sheng could overpower him. Inzo was a fellow firekin blooded lion, but he looked weak in his state and could be done with as well. His claws flexed at the possible assault from his rear and flank. If they had attacked, he would have to get rid of Kinari as he would pose as a nuisance. Then devote his focus on Inzondo as he could really do some damage to the Lord.

Sheng wouldn't care much for their relationship. He had his own with his mate and with his mistress. His cubs and his House. He needn't be concerned for another's love life unless it was directly connected to him.

"I would kick your a** up and down this savanna if you weren't becoming my major. Besides, you look like you've improved a bit since we've last met," Sheng took a few steps away to encourage them to follow him home. "I would still do so if you continue to egg me, Major."

Kinari scoffed as he listened to the two of them. In all honesty, he didn't care for all of this. Inzo had made his choice to join the pride with him and now he just wanted to be alone with his partner. Let things be for now and deal with them later.

"Come on..." he murmured.

The dark red male continued to walk, keeping a regal sort of appearance as he did so. Taking things slow. He still had to fill them in with everything, escort them to their own, special den that he'll have to watch over, and leave them be. Not that they'll be of any real use until time of War.

"I turn my back to a rogue until you step into my House. Once there, your past troubles and crimes are wiped. You are a new lion in my House and with a new name. I am Sheng Kou here in the Tianxia, one to be used among fellow members. You will find your names when the time comes for it. Once in my House, you two will become Majors. I'll grow to trust you. You're job is to keep our House safe and the members inside of it protected. In times of War, I expect you to aid us in overwhelming the opposition," Sheng scoffed.

"Enough talk from the both of you, I'll explain as we go, all you have to do is listen..."
[IC] Tianxia Lands [IC]

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