Materials needed:
*11 medium safety pins
*1 large

18 light blue
8 dark blue
13 purple
13 red
9 orange
9 yellow
7 light green

After you gather all you materials, your job now is order.

Take a medium saftey pin, open it, and slid seabeads 7 seabeads on. If the pin doesn't fit the beads on just right, then it's the wrong size.

Anyways, the picture below indicated below shows what you want to put on each pin. Each pin placement is a vertical row of course
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Now just put the seabeads on pins, slide pins onto the larger pin, make sure you slide the pins all the way through the hoop of the larger pin, that way you are able to wear the pin still. Here's a picture for better explaining

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I didn't come up with this, but years ago I did it for some girlscout thing. Now I'm passing on the knowledge. You able to do other designs too, but I found the rainbow the prettiest. =D