
The Greeter
Real Name: Tyler Spencer, aka Lawrence Anderson, aka Richard Williams, aka Elijah Sylvester, aka Joseph Lee, aka Lance Dickinson, aka Chance Kutner
Undertaking: Psycho
Virtue/Vice: Charity/Wrath
Background: Anyone who has never had the urge to kill another human being for being rude, stupid, nasty, or just plain making life more difficult has never worked in retail, food service, or dozens of similar menial jobs. Whether its an inconsiderate co-worker, a vindictive employer, or an angry customer, such individuals just compound already stressful situations into intolerable emotional pressure cookers. Its no surprise then that, in the World of Darkness, some people just snap. The Slasher who calls himself "The Greeter" was one of those people. If he even remembers his real name, his true identity, he never mentions it. Instead, he's whoever he needs to be to get close to his target.

The Greeter keeps a wide variety of false identities, complete with driver's licenses, social security numbers, credit cards, bank accounts and birth certificates. Many of these he steals from his victims, although some he creates whole cloth. Under these identities, he takes low paying jobs that expose him to rude, obnoxious and often stupid people - Walmart Greeter is a favorite of his, hence the name. Other common jobs include rest home wait staff, hotel housekeeping, pizza delivery boy, and pretty much any retail job known to man.

Talents: Disarming, Deadly Distraction
Frailties: Thin Veneer, Obsessive

Smiling Jack
Real Name: John Gull
Undertaking: Mask
Virtue/Vice: Fortitude/Lust
Appearance: Unlike the majority of his Undertaking, Smiling Jack wears no mask. His face is his mask - an unchanging Glasgow Smile, glazed eyes, and spiky black hair. Though he is incapable of speech like all other Masks he has been known to cackle insanely, particularly while attacking his victims and just after a kill. He will also sometimes cackle while stalking a target, moving quickly from one point to another so as to create uncertainty about which direction the laughter is coming from.
Talents: Unstoppable, Killing Machine
Frailties: Blinded by Blood, No Mind but for Murder