This is my first fan thing and im not entirely sure that i can do this well but im giving it a shot. redface So... read it and tell me what you think i should do to make it better and more realistic. sweatdrop So... enjoy. (oh and this is just something i made up, it doesnt fit with the storyline)
A Chevalier's Mistake

The night air was still and not a soul was around. It was as silent as it had been all night and there was no sign of anyone approaching. Haji was beginning to think that no one would ever come. The night seemed to be so quiet that it was suffocating him. To break the silence and give himself something familiar, he took out his cello and played Saya's favorite song for himself.
As he played the song, he began to think back on his life with Saya. The memories made him feel everything from sad to angry to happy. Looking at his memories made him want to redo some of them so he could fix his mistakes. There was so much that he wanted to change so much so that he could make Saya happy and carefree.
He was so immersed in his memories that he didnt notice the person walking up behind him at all. The person behind him heard the song and noticed that Haji was lost in thought; he stopped and leaned against a tree to wait for Haji to finish playing. He also recognized the song as Saya'a favorite and a single tear escaped him.
When the last mournful note echoed away and faded into the silence of the night, the man walked up to Haji. This time Haji noticed that someone was behind him and immediately moved to attack. He stopped an inch from the chest of the man before pulling back. He walked away from the man a bit and looked down at the ground.
"I offer my sincerest apologies for attacking you, Solomon, I was not paying attention to my surroundings. Still, you should have made your presence known to me beforehand. I trust I did not injure you at all," Haji told Solomon, sounding emotionless and never looking up from the ground at all.
"I'm fine," Solomon replied, looking off into the distance. "Haji, I think you know why I asked you to come here tonight. This spot holds much pain for us all, especially for you and me. However, you and I both know that we must move past this tradgedy. Saya is..."
"Do not finish that sentence, Solomon," Haji interrupted, looking wild-eyed at him. Shoving Solomon against the nearest tree, he growled, "I know very well what happened that night. How could i forget the very night that haunts my every thought and dream; how could i ignore my greatest mistake that caust Saya her life?"
Solomon looked at Haji with eyes full of pity that Haji instantly hated. "You made a mistake and that happens. Saya is gone, yes, but she would have forgiven you for it and you know it. She wouldn't want you to be like this and torment yourself. If you truly regret what happened to her, then live your life, like she would have wanted you to do."
"What do you know about what Saya would have wanted? You barely knew her and because of me she isn't here to tell us. I should have known better than to have let her out of my site when I knew that Diva and her chevalier were looking for her. But I let her wander around carelessly and she was kidnapped. I took too long to figure out that she was gone and find her. Do you have any idea what it was like to finally find her only to know deep down that I was too late; to arrive only in time to see her final moments and see in her eyes that she knew that she was about to die? I fought and fought but there were too many of them for me to fight before Diva killed her. My only consolation is that Diva quickly followed Saya," Haji yelled, a horrible, twisted smile making him seem like a different person as he mentioned Diva's death.
"You shouldn't have killed Diva, Haji. She killed Saya and I know your pain over that but now her twins...well we just don't know what will happen with them. They will be the queens of our kind but now we have no way of making sure that they learn to control their powers. They will be alone and lost in the world now, and you should appreciate the pain of that feeling, at least," Solomon explained, pain crossing his face.
Haji grimaced at the pain the twins would feel but the grimace quickly disappeared as another thought pushed his sympathy away. "Those children are Diva's children. I didn't have enough time to make sure that Diva regretted what she did to Saya but they are her children and will suffer for her mistakes. I will neither help nor hurt them; i will have nothng to do with either of the children."
Rage flamed in Solomon's eyes as he took in what Haji was saying. "Those twins are Saya's neices. They are her brother's daughters and you would do well to remember that she loved her brother. Since Saya is dead shouldn't you be doing your best to help those girls grow up to be like Saya and preserve that part of her? Or would you rather they grew up like Diva, the exact opposite of what we both know Saya would have wanted for them? We are both greiving but, unlike you, I am going to make sure that a part of Saya lives on through them."
Haji did not answer Solomon and that angered Solomon more. He turned to leave but stopped as he was walking away. "They are at the Zoo. We rebuilt it so they could grow up where their aunt and mother lived for so long. I'm telling you this so that, when you come to your senses and realize that Saya would have wanted you to do this, you can come and help me make sure that the others dont make them evil. Together we can make sure that there is a part of Saya that lives on always."
He walked away, leaving Haji standing alone in the dark to think about what he'd said. Haji stood alone and thought for a long time about Saya and different things that she may have done in this situation. He stayed there all night and only left when the sun came up so that he could find a secluded place to continue thinking. He still greived but he tried to think of what Saya would want him to do.
Finally, weeks later, he made his decision. He went back to the Zoo and at that point, he almost turned around and left. The second he walked up to the gate, all of his memories assaulted him and left him breathless, though his face didn't change. Pulling himself together, he walked through the gate and up to an exact replica of the mansion he and Saya had first lived in so long ago.
Solomon answered the door, looking unsuprised to see him. He nodded at Haji saying, "I knew that you would eventually come to your senses and see to the twins' upbringing. I suppose that you want to see them?" When Haji nodded, a smile actually grew on his face as he told Haji, "Wait until you see them. They look so much like Saya did."
Haji followed Solomon upstairs and into the nursery. A part of him dreaded seeing the face of the babies that supposedly looked so much like Saya. He was afraid of reopening his wounds by seeing a face so much like hers; of seeing the same knowledge of impending death when they grew and he messed up in protecting them. However, some part of him wanted to see Saya's face looking up at him in her neices.
They reached the nursery and Solomon led him to the two cradles. Haji looked slowly at their faces and was filled with joy at the uncanny resemblence to Saya. Once he saw them, he vowed to protect them like he didn't protect Saya. He would watch over them through their lives, keeping them from harm, for her.
And for the first time since Saya's death, Haji was happy and he had some hope for the future. And the future lied with the fate of the two children in front of him.