The time is ten years before the start of the Naruto series. Imagine Konoha under a different rule. Imagine a Konoha where the Uchiha massacre had never happened. Imagine what would be different. This Konoha is a military dictatorship where only boys and men are shinobi.

Konoha’s future is hanging by a thread. The assassination of the great Third Hokage astounded the council members. The only evidence that he had been killed was his cold, lifeless body. The killer is keeping himself hidden. The council members had all agreed that the best candidate for Hokage was Fugaku Uchiha-a decision that wasn’t well supported. Rumors have been spreading about the council being bribed.

As soon as he was officially Hokage, Fugaku’s first order had been to rid the shinobi task force of women and girls, believing them to be unfit for duty. At this, all kunoichi in the village had been outraged. But one took her complaint farther than any other: young Ashurii Mitsuki of ANBU squad 3, whose leader was none other than Uchiha Itachi. She took her complaint straight to Fugaku himself, who was then working on his second goal: to find a suitable wife for Itachi.

As she was shouting at him and destroying his office, he somehow got the idea that she was the one. So he had an ANBU squad track her until she was vulnerable enough to be captured. Fugaku’s third goal was to destroy the Land of Waves. He held a grudge against them because one of his teammates had died there, years in the past. Needless to say, the demolition of the small, shinobi-less village was done quite easily.

Now we come to Fugaku’s fourth and final goal: to conquer the world. Most of the shinobi of Konoha have been brainwashed into believing his lies, that conquering the whole shinobi world would unite the countries and lead to peace, though some still have their own state of mind. Those few have gone into hiding, taking only the people closest to them, setting up a small camp on Konoha’s borders where no one can find them.

Ten years in the future, at the start of the Naruto series, we see a different beginning. The families who had gone in to hiding a decade ago were reemerging, bringing with them a new generation of shinobi. Itachi and Ashurii are formulating a plan to stop Fugaku once and for all. The turmoil in the village and out is throwing Konoha out of balance, and Fugaku’s plan may mean the end of Konoha. Forever.

Will you help the few remaining free-minded shinobi in foiling Fugaku’s nefarious plans, or will you aid him in their fruition? The choice is yours.