Do u want your dream avi or quest item? Join and we will help! This is another guild that helps with dream avatars, but it also helps with quest items! There will only be a 75 gold fee, so i hope u will accept. Our guild also has a booty grab thread! the booty grab thread has many tanks, but a lot of lag. but theres also a booty grab sub forum! its still under construction though, as we tell those who posted in the booty grab threads to post it in the sub forum. btw in the booty grab sub forum, each gaian with a tank will have their separate forum, so there will be less lag. plz check the guild out and join! right now its our second day, and we hope to get 100 members per day. so i hope u will accept this invitation! feel free to add me, cuz im the captain! also feel free to add the vice captains and crew members!

Here's a link to all of u who want to join our guild! ^_^