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[PRP] Friends? [Orah and O'tep]

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Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 11:18 am
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It was about to rain.

She could smell it in the air. As she looked up she could see the clouds start to gather over her head. A small sigh escaped her lips as she flicked her tail behind her a few times before she stretched her paws out in front of her. She was laid out on a rock, she wasn't even that sure if she wanted to get up and wander back toward the den a newer scratch was across her face, many other ones littered over her coat. She was surprised that a lot of the older ones didn't turn into scars. She had to thank Ukoo for that some time. For the longest time that she had been with Tariq, the only other female that she could remember being around was Ukoo, but now there were some newer ones.

With O'tep being on the line of wanting to try to get away, but having a feeling she was going to stay. Having the hate for Tariq, yet at the same time having an odd attraction to him. Everything was so confusing to her. On top of that she wasn't that sure about getting to know or even talking to the newer females. She wasn't that sure why she just didn't do it. It wasn't the number one thing on the top of her mind. She talked to Ukoo often... But that was because for whatever reasons he really was getting along with Ukoo. She had this odd bond with her.

She felt the first rain drop hit her nose. She sneezed as she lifted her head and looked at the sky. Grumbling slightly to herself as she stood up. Next thing she knew it down poured. "Great." She grunted, she could already feel her pelt soaked. But she couldn't help but to snort, Tariq was out doing something. The idea made her laugh as she started to slowly make her way back. She was a little worried about Ukoo as she was going out to hunt. However she knew that Ukoo was smart, she would be able to find a place to hide.

She slowly approached the den. Slightly glad to be back, shaking off as she stepped into it. "Stupid rain."
PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 2:34 pm
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Just inside the den, beyond the reach of more than a few small drop of rain, a dark reflection of O'tep watched the outside world with an expression of puzzled wonder. She was completely still, except for her eyes as they followed the path of any drops that caught her attention. She knew what this was, vaguely... it took a bit of thought, but she could finally pull the word from her cloudy memory.

"Rain..." She said, her voice as rich as her brown coat, and just as soft. "How lovely." She blinked slowly, almost unaware of where she was. So many things here were new... she was discovering these new things all the time, but somehow, they always seemed familiar if she gave them enough thought. They always had a name of some sort and a sense that she knew them well. But... well, trying to remember was like trying to grasp water.

Didn't much matter though, not at the moment. It was easier just to ignore all the things she didn't remember and focus on what was happening NOW. That scary male could be anywhere, and she'd rather be aware of him if he was nearby.

Whimsical Blue

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Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:09 pm
O'tep looked around the end as she leaned over and started to clean some of the water off of her pelt. She was really annoyed that she was no covered in water. It ticked her off to no end. She growled slightly trying to be careful of the scars and scabs that Tariq had left him over time. He didn't want to have to put up with the blood right now. She just recently got her fur most of the way clean, he didn't want to have to put up with it again.

O'tep looked up at the sound of the voice, he was really hoping on avoiding another in the den, except for her buddy Ukoo of coures. however there was some one there. She let out a small sigh then flicked her hair out of her eyes. "Yeah right." She grunted. She hated the rain. Atleast right now she ddi. She grunted softly as she sat down on her haunches. She blinked a bit. "I'v never seen you before. Who are you?" She huffed slightly then yawned, slipping away from the den and settling down to clean some of the water off of her plet
PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:09 pm
It wasn't till the voice came from the darkness that Orah started out of her thoughts, blinking wide-eyed at the paler female across the den.

"Oh, um... Orah." She said, her voice halting as she was overcome with a fit of shyness. She ducked her head and lowered her eyes, scrubbing a paw in the dirt. The gold bracelets about her ankle chimed musically and soft, her ears lowered against her head.

"I was brought here by a black male. I'm supposed to be part of his harem, I think." She mumbled softly, glancing up to see if the other female was mad at her for invading what appeared to be her home. "Everything's so confusing. I'm sorry if I'm being a bother."

Orah felt terrible now. She was obviously out of place here, and probably not even wanted. Her head drooped as she thought up all sorts of different things they were probably saying and thinking about her, wishing she'd leave them all alone.

Something in her made her certain that no one ever really wanted her around... though she couldn't have said why.

Whimsical Blue

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Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 2:44 pm
O'tep looked at the female and arched a small brow. She could make out some stripes and the darker color of the female. Did Tariq have a thing for stripes or something? She stretched her paw out a bit and continued her grooming.

At her next words she sighed softly. So this female was going to be one of her 'harem sister's. She didn't mind Ukoo but she wasn't that sure how she felt about the others around here. She just wasn't used to it. "Yes. This is a harem. I'm part of it too." She grunted slightly at the idea. It wasn't something that she liked to admit. Not something she liked to admit at all. She hated the fact that she was here, yet at the same time something was keeping her here at almost all times.

"Tariq was the male." She growled his name. She hated him, but at the same time she had a strong... attraction? To him. She wasn't even sure if that was an attraction. But she knew that there was something about him that was keeping her around here, she just wasn't that sure of what it was. "You're not a bother." She said simply.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:11 pm
Orah's head lifted a little as the other female continued to speak to her, some bit of hope springing to life in her heart that maybe... just maybe... she wouldn't be a complete outcast to this female. She had a feeling, though she couldn't really remember when, that she always seemed an outsider, never really part of anything.

"Tariq? I... I think I remember that. Its... hard to remember things." Her voice dropped at the end, heavy with confusion. She didn't know why remembering was so hard... but best not to probe that too much. It made her nervous. "I'm... glad I'm not." She said softly then, settling back to sit so she didn't seem eager to get away from this stranger. The dark female was actually all too glad to have someone to talk to, after the confusing events that had landed her here. She wasn't at all sure what had happened, but being around this female made her feel more grounded with every moment.

"What's, um, your name? And... what all do you think I'm... supposed to do here?"

Whimsical Blue

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Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 10:05 am
O'tep looked at the lioness, she didn't seem that bad but she didn't want to jump ahead and be best friends with her. No she couldn't do that, it wasn't the way that she was. It just wasn't. She flicked her tail around a bit then nodded. "You should." She said plainly before sighing slightly. "He is more than likely the one that brought you here." She grunted trying not to laugh at the idea. The males had recently went out to get more members. in her mind she was hoping that she could get away with more attention being spread around. But she didn't know it wasn't going to happen.

She moved toward the back of the den. Where Tariq liked to sleep. She wasn't sure why but she always like to curl up here. It didn't piss Tariq off anymore but she got a nice play to sleep at times. She flopped down stretching her body out and looking at the lioness. "My name is O'tep." She said simply. She didn't want to answer the other lioness's question at first but she knew she was going to have to. It was better from her than from another male.

"Well.. I can say that you are basically supposed to do what he says. thats the only way that I can describe what you're going to be doing. It can range from cleaning the den to gathering food, to taking care of children..." Her voice trailed for a moment before she shrugged. "You might even have to have his children. He may or may not have you do that."
PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:29 pm
The brown lioness watched as the other moved to the back of the den, getting up to pad lightly after her and settling a comfortable distance away from her. Easy conversation distance, but not enough to crowd her. After all, Orah hardly knew this lioness, and the last thing she wanted as to make herself more of an outsider by offending her supposed den mate.

She tilted her head at the description of her duties, brown eyes wide and curious.

"Just... whatever he wants? That doesn't sound... to bad. I like to hunt and I like children." The having children thing sort of passed over her head, the pang in her mind making it shy away from just why having children was such a odd, if not bad, thing. "I just... I don't know about this whole business. Is being here a good thing or a bad thing? Should I be upset... or grateful?" She ducked her head in embarrassment, her ears back. "I just don't know what to think, it all happened so fast..."

Orah sighed in frustration, feeling worse and worse. Maybe it was her own fault... maybe this was punishment for something she'd done that she couldn't remember...

Maybe she deserved to be here and all sorts of bad things would happen to her now...

It was getting really hard, suddenly, to hold back a flood of tears, her liquid eyes misting up as she shivered.

Whimsical Blue

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Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 4:32 pm
O'tep looked at the lioness as she moved around. She wasn't making his lioness fell very bad. Some times O'tep was just grumpy, it was the way she was. She wasn't the nicest to Ukoo at first but even then she got used to her. At heart O'tep was a softie, but not many others knew that. Her tail flicked around more as she idly licked her self, cleaning her white pelt. Trying to bring it back into order. She was almost constantly cleaning herself, trying to keep her many wounds from turning into scars. she didn't want scars, because still in her mind she was going to get out of there one day.

She nodded. "Basicly. And if you like doing those things you won't have a problem." She nodded before lifting her paw and starting to clean it. She wasn't sure how many times that day she had done it but she was going to do it again. She paused as her tongue stopped in mid air as she looked up a the lioness. She wasn't that sure how to answer that question.

"Umh. Well as long as you listen to him and do your job you'll have shelter meals and friends. It's not that bad, unless your me but you seem like you fit in. You'll be happy. This is a good place." She nodded. It was the truth, however she wasn't much of one to admit that often. This was a good place but she felt like she didn't fit into it, Even though she'd find out that she did at the moment she didn't believe that she did.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:37 pm
O'tep's assurance that it was a good place helped to soothe Orah some and she sniffled, blinking back the tears and settling herself.

Yes. She could do this. She'd make herself useful, and then she could have the protection of the pride, a strong male, food, and maybe... friends. That last seemed too good to be true, but... well, O'tep had said it, and she would know, wouldn't she?

"Thank you, O'tep." She said softly, giving her a tentative smile. "I hope I can be good enough to be useful here. I just... want to be accepted." She sighed and shook herself all over, glancing out at the rain that still poured outside.

"What do you do here, O'tep?" She asked after a moment to think. "Do you hunt and take care of the children too?"

Whimsical Blue

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Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 5:40 am
O'tep glanced at the other female with a soft smile and a nod. "You're welcome." She chuckled slightly before shifting where she was laying once more. She rested her head on her paws, becoming half way contempt with her cleaning and the other half bored of it. She licked her lips before letting out a small sigh. "It isn't hard to be accepted. I'm sure you'll fit in fine." She was hoping that this other female didn't get into that much trouble. She wished that for all the females that came into this harem. She really wished that for all of the females that came into the pride.

"Don't worry about what I do around here." She laughed slightly before flicking her hair out of her eyes. "My job is to make Tariq's life a pain and get in trouble about it. Trust me you don't want to do it." she nodded toward the female, hoping that the subject would be dropped then and there.
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 1:16 pm
Unfortunately for O'tep, the statement about causing Tariq trouble only made her more curious, rather than less. She had all sorts of questions now, and couldn't help bursting out with them in her surprise.

"Why would that be your job?" She gasped out, her eyes wide. "Why would you want to make someone's life harder, and then be punished for it? What... what would make you do that?" Orah was scandalized by the notion, her mind in a whirl. [[Make yourself stand out? Why would you do that? Didn't everyone want to fit in and belong? Why did she say it was her job, like she had to do it and no one else would... or could?

Orah herself wanted nothing more than to fit in and belong, to be cared for by another being. To put yourself on the outside was just something she didn't understand. She'd never tell O'tep she was wrong, of course, but she struggled to understand her reasoning. Did... everyone think like this? And if so, why was she, herself, so different?

Whimsical Blue

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Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 9:59 am
O'tep looked at the lioness before sighing slightly and shaking her head. She stretched her limbs out some then licked her lips. "That's my job because I want for it to be my job." She laughed then flicked her hair out of her eyes then nodded toward her. "What can I say? I really doubt that it would be a job that he would give me himself." She sighed slightly before shaking her head at the lioness. "I chose to be a pain in the a** because I can." The only way that she could really explain it would be to explain her past.

O'tep yawned slightly then stretched out again. "Well I think I'm going to take a nap." She nodded before glancing at the lioness again. "You might want to too. When it's raining its the best time to sleep. To me anyway." She laughed before resting her head on her paws and closing her eyes. She was hoping that that would really stop the questioning.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 1:15 pm
Orah laid her ears back in embarrassment, lowering her head.

"Oh... pardon me." She murmured, rising to back away from the lioness. She could sense the dismissal in her words and though they weren't really meant harshly, the dark lioness still felt like she'd unconsciously gotten too far into O'tep's personal space. Well, she'd be more careful next time, and try to be more courteous.

"Sleep well... O'tep." Orah said softly before she turned and padded back to the mouth of the den, settling herself to sit facing out. She was far from tired, watching the raindrops fall with a passive sort of interest. What was wrong with her? She never fit in anywhere... though where she hadn't fit in before eluded her, back in the mist of memories she couldn't reach. Was she forever to be an outsider? It was looking like it.

Though... maybe she could try harder to make friends here. If she was going to be staying for a while, friends would make it easier. And from what she guessed, there were other lionesses besides her and O'tep. Maybe, out of the group, she could find at least one friend.

Whimsical Blue

Mythical Shapeshifter

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