Name: Auron Ryoku (Ore-in Ree-O-Ku)
Aliases/ Nicknames: N/A

Physical Description:

Age: September 13, 1989

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Okami is a spirit in the form of a very large black wolf, and has protected the Ryoku family for a millenia. He is approximately six feet in height and has pitch black fur with glowing eyes. The color changes with his mood and is usually seen through the Zanpaktou's recipient. As in, when Auron gets angry his eyes glow red, he is calm, it glows a calm ligth blue, etc.

Zanpaktou: Auron's Zanpaktou is in the form of a slender, long katana, however it has two interesting abilities. One, it can split into two swords when needed, sacrificing power, but gaining speed. After the split, the katana may fuse back into one. Two, when lost, or knocked from Auron's hand, Auron may call it back to his person's at any time, but it must be within vision.(not achieved)

Shikai Release: Togatta Shikon za Okami (Sharp Fangs of the Wolf)

Shikai: Auron's release entails a few unique add ons to his Zanpaktou's. First off, Auron's blades extend a full yard, and not only that, but gains unnatural sharpness. The sword may cut through anything and everything, but is extremely adept and almost made to cut through spiritual energy of any kind. Two, he gains access to the Rasen Okami Shikon, a move where when Auron swings his sword, releases unnatural sharp spiritual energy in the form of a sharp spiraling disk speeding towards the target. (not achieved)

Bankai: (achieved/not achieved)

Special Accessories: N/A




Biography/History: (A must have)

Signature/Patented Technique: (If any) (Patented techniques can only be learned from Captains, VCs, or those of Captain level.)

Guild Status: Lowest

Online Schedule: Everyday