“When I was at JYP I kept my eye on Jaebeom when he became a trainee. He was a hubae that brought high expectations as his body was flexible due to his b-boying, and was furthermore extremely passionate. As I think of Jaebeom who had to give up his dreams due to negative internet comments, I feel it is unfortunate as a sunbae, and also mad at myself for not being there for him.”

Park Jinyoung had introduced Jaebeom, the trainee he picked up in Seattle, USA to Kim Taewoo in 2004, and he was friendly towards him, and treated him like a real brother as they were both under JYP.

Kim Taewoo said “When Jaebeom wrote the comments, he was a trainee with an unclear future, and was also financially unsteady. He would have felt like everyone around him was to blame, and that he was alone. Any trainee that aspires to be a singer goes through a tough, lonely time. It would have been difficult for him to stand the reality that meant being criticized and pointed at.”

Kim Taewoo had to watch Jaebeom as he left hurriedly after leaving a message to announce he was leaving on the 8th. He sighed, saying “The bigger problem is that the criticism towards Jaebeom was produced and multiplied by internet comments, which are pretty much one color. Sunbae singers should have gotten together and protected Jaebeom . It’s a late regret, but I am also thinking of this.”

Why is everyone coming out about Jaebeom now after he's left? Did they not think that Jaebeom would actually leave or not think of defending him until after the consequences?