So last night I couldn't sleep and decided, while watching HIMYM that in between I'd invite a huuuuge load of people. I think I ended up with about eight or nine hundred invites, whoa! So we've grown 70 people just tonight, and there happened to be a join request and that just so happened to be our 400th.

Thanks, Westice! I'd give you a prize but.. I don't have any. sweatdrop But you're still our 400th! Yay!

Thanks of course to everyone else who has joined, and if you know any other Gaia fans, please let them know about the guild. Also, we currently have one banner to put in your sigs, but it's not the greatest so if anyone would like to make more, it'll be put into our banner post and credited to you.

Many thanks again, guys. smile Just a few more days until the premiere of season 5. For those who, like me, didn't get a digital converter, you may want to try (international) or (may just be for US/Canada users) for episodes, although I haven't gotten any official confirmation from either site that they'll be posting them.

Happy watching!