Name: Gameo ( Ga-me-o)

Physical Description: Height 5'11, weight 180, sex: male, W/E my avi looks like (My guy will change his look often so it's my avi's clothing)

Age: 16 (died at 15)

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Name: Kumoya Description:

Zanpaktou: Acheieved

Shikai Release: "Kumoya, take your revenge"

Shikai: acheieved

Bankai: not achieved

Special Accessories: special Zanpaktou, coat (Uses my spiritual energy to lesten the damage of blows from enemy)

Skills: Able to move extremely fast and extremely quiet for a easy kill

Abilities: Able to create a barrier of ice around me by using spirit energy, can create Ice armor on top of my coat. If angered, can release almost all of spiritual energy to freeze enemy down to their core.

Personality: laid back, likes to goof off and train every now and then

Biography/History: Don't remember much from before death, but when i got to the soul society, there was no one there to look after me, after some time roaming around, a man calling himself a soul reaper looked after me and taught me everything he knows. This man later died trying to kill someone in the soul reapers home.

Signature/Patented Technique: My signature is freezing part if not all of my enemy.

Guild Status: lowest probably

Online Schedule: usually on form 6-9, varies sometimes ( Live in BC)