An alien who flew around space alone, who had met Mamoru in the past.
(Sailor Moon R movie)
fire buster [ファイヤー・バスター]
Eudial's attack.
fire soul [ファイヤー・ソウル]
One of Sailor Mars' attacks.
fire soul bird [ファイヤー・ソウル・バード]
One of Sailor Mars' attacks.
Fish Eye [フィッシュアイ]
A very effeminate bad guy with long blue hair, blue outfit.
(Sailor Moon Supers)
flower hurricane
One of Sailor Jupiter's attacks.
Fruits Parlor Crown [フルーツ・パーラー・クラウン]
The coffee/desert shop that Usagi and friends go to a lot. Located above the game center.
Fukami Rica [深見梨加]
Voice actress for Aino Minako.
Furuhata Motoki [古幡元基]
A friend of Mamoru who works at the Crown Game Center.
Furuhata Unazuki [古幡宇奈月]
Motoki's younger sister who works at Fruits Parlor Crown.
Furuya Tohru
Voice actor for Chiba Mamoru.



galactica tsunami
One of Sailor Aluminum Siren's attacks.
(Sailor Stars episode 18 cool
Galaxia [Sailor Galaxia] [ガラクシア]
The evil senshi who was after the star seed so she can take over the galaxy.
Garayan [ガラヤン]
A world famous conductor.
(Sailor Stars episode 180)
garnet orb
One of the talisman, taken from Sailor Pluto's heart crystal.
Ginga Natsumi [Ann] [銀河夏美]
The name that Ann uses when in her human disguise.
Ginga Seijuurou [Ail] [銀河星十郎]
The name that Ail uses when in her human disguise.
Ginga TV [銀河テレビ]
The name of the TV station that held the hideout of Galaxia.
(Sailor Stars)
ginzuishou [銀水晶]
The silver crystal, which was an object of great power from the moon kingdom.
Gurio [Umino Gurio] [ぐりお]
One of Usagi's classmates, who is a nerd.
Gushiken Akane [Sister Angela] [具志堅あかね [シスターアンジェラ]]
A director of stage plays. She was actually a teacher at Rei's school.
(Sailor Stars episode 176)



Han Keiko [潘恵子]
Voice actress for Luna and Queen Beryl.
Hara Eriko [原えりこ]
Voice actress for Sailor Iron Mouse.
Haruka [Ten'ou Haruka] [はるか]
The girl who transforms into Sailor Uranus.
Haruna [Sakurada Haruna] [春菜]
The teacher of Usagi's class in Juuban Junior High School.
Hawks Eye [ホークスアイ]
A bad guy with spiked up pink hair.
(Sailor Moon Supers)
Hell House [ヘルハウス]
The nickname given to the supposedly haunted house, which was the embassy of Yubelia.
(Sailor Moon Supers special episode 3)
Hikawa Shrine [火川神社]
The shrine where Rei and her grandfather lived.
Hino Rei [火野レイ]
The girl who transforms into Sailor Mars.
Hisakawa Aya [久川綾]
Voice actress for Mizuno Ami.
Horie Mitsuko [堀江美津子]
Voice actress for Sailor Galaxia.
holy grail
The very powerful item that is used by the Messiah, that can destroy the world. The holy grail only appears when the 3 talisman are brought together.
Hotaru [Tomoe Hotaru] [ほたる]
The girl who transforms into Sailor Saturn.



Ichinohashi Park [一の橋公園]
A park where Seiya told Usagi to meet for their date.
(Sailor Stars episode 181)
Inoue Kikuko [井上喜久子]
Voice actress for Sailor Aluminum Siren.
Iron Mouse [アイアン・マウス]
An enemy in a white mousy outfit, who works for Galaxia.
Ishibashi Saki [石橋サキ]
A camera woman who was taking pictures of the Three Lights.
(Sailor Stars episode 175)



Jadeite [ジェダイト]
One of the generals of the Dark Kingdom.
A large evil crystal that appeared to create a gate of darkness between the earth and the Black Moon.
(Sailor Moon R episode 86)
Janerin [ジャネリン]
A female skater, who teamed up with Miisha.
(Sailor Moon episode 39)
J Daitou [J・ダイトー]
The name Jadeite used to pose as an announcer.
(Sailor Moon episode 3)
Jewelry OSA P [ジュエリーOSA・P]
The jewelry store owned by Naru's mother.
Junjun [ジュンジュン]
One of the Amazoness Quartet, she has green hair.
(Sailor Moon Supers)
jupiter coconut cyclone
One of Sailor Jupiter's attacks.
jupiter crystal power, make up [ジュピター・クリスタル・パワー・メイクアップ]
The words that Mako says to transform into Super Sailor Jupiter.
(Sailor Moon Supers, Sailor Stars)
jupiter oak evolution
One of Super Sailor Jupiter's attacks.
jupiter power, make up
The words that Mako says to transform into Sailor Jupiter.
jupiter star power, make up [ジュピター・スター・パワー・メイクアップ]
The words that Mako says to transform into Sailor Jupiter.
(Sailor Moon R)
Juubangai [十番街]
The district in Minato-ku, Tokyo where Usagi and her friends lived.
Juuban Elementary School
The elementary school that Chibi Usa goes to.
Juuban High School [港区立十番高校]
The high school that Usagi, Ami, Mako, and Minako go to.
Juuban Junior High School [港区立十番中学]
The junior high school that Usagi, Ami, and Mako go to.
Juuban Matsuri
A festival that was held during the summer in Juubangai. Rei was on the committee that ran it.
Juuban Shizen Kouen [十番自然公園]
A park where Chibi Usa and Hotaru met. Eda Yousaku was filming a movie there.
(Sailor Moon S episode 112)



Kaiou Michiru [海王みちる]
The girl who transforms into Sailor Neptune.
kaleid moon scope [カレイド・ムーン・スコープ]
Super Sailor Moon's item shaped like a pink long stick with a winged handle.
(Sailor Moon Supers)
A racing car mechanic, who was a friend of Haruka. His heart crystal was taken.
(Sailor Moon S episode 92)
Kaolinite [カオリナイト]
Professor Tomoe's assistant.
Karaberas [カラベラス]
The second oldest of the ayakashi sisters.
Katakuri Ukon [カタクリウコン]
An author who wrote Drop Drop, who got attacked by Mimete.
(Sailor Moon S episode 113)
Katarina [カタリナ]
The policewoman in England who was Minako's close friend.
(Sailor Moon episode 42)
Katsuki Masako [勝生真沙子]
Voice actress for Kaiou Michiru.
Kawashima Chiyoko [川島千代子]
Voice actress for Sailor Pluto, Sakurada Haruna, Tsukino Shingo, and other characters.
Kayama Mika [香山美香]
Shingo's girl friend.
King Endymion [キング・エンディミオン]
The Endymion of the 30th Century, and father of small lady.
Kino Makoto [木野まこと]
The girl who transforms into Sailor Jupiter.
The baby dinosaur that became friends with Chibi Usa.
(Sailor Moon R episode 67)

A space plant creature that took over people with weak hearts. She took over Fiore.
(Sailor Moon R movie)
Kumada Yuuichirou [熊田雄一郎]
The boy in love with Rei. He works and lives at Hikawa Shrine.
Kunzite [クンツァイト]
One of the generals of the Dark Kingdom.
kurozuishou [黒水晶]
The black crystal, that locates the humans that are nijizuishou carriers.



Lead Crow [レッド・クロウ]
An enemy in a red outfit, who works for Galaxia.
lemures [レムレス]
The androids (?) that are called by the bad guys to fight.
(Sailor Moon Supers)
Lubiina [ルビーナ姫]
A princess of a foreign country.
(Sailor Moon Supers episode 146)
Luna [ルナ]
The black cat that lives with Usagi.
Luna-P [ルナP]
Chibi Usa's pet, that looks similar to a basketball with Luna's face. It's a magical item that can turn into many things.
luna-P henge [ルナP変化]
One of Chibi Usa's magic words.
luna-P transform.
luna-P magic
One of Chibi Usa's magic words.