Name: Saito Mishimori
Aliases/ Nicknames: N/A

Physical Description:

Height: 5' 11''
weight: 140 lbs
Description: Wears a standard shinigami uniform. Has long brown hair tied back into a ponytail. He wears an bandana on his head with two hawk feathers hanging from the knot.

Age: Died at age 29 in 1567 at the battle of Inabayama Castle.

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name:
Name: Akkenai Shoujuu (Long Rifle)
Spirit: (in picture)

Zanpaktou: A katana blade with a handle resembling that of Squall's gunblade from FF8.

Shikai Release: Aim true, Akkenai Shoujuu!


Transforms into an early age japanese matchlock rifle, shorter barrel than the one shown and with a katana dagger bayonnet on the end for close quarters combat. Fires accurately and powerfully, but reload time is around 10 seconds, so use of the bayonnet is common.


Transform into two duel-barreled flintlock pistols. Both weapons have a small dagger blade at the end for close range combat. This increases Saito's movement abilities, but his range is limited to close quarters. While the bankai's power is drastically increased at close range, at long range, damage is limited to a minimum. Must use physical speed to use these effectively. The first shot is reloaded 5 seconds after the second shot is fired from the first gun, same going with the second gun and vice versa, creating rapid fire attack that is fast but innaccurate.

Before anyone starts to call him overpowered and saying "OMFG HE HAS UNLIMITED AMMO!!!! DENIED!!!" He uses his reitsu as bullets. So, the amount of energy he has and what condition he is in determines how many shots he can take. So, at around vice captain or captain, he can fight for a pretty good long while. But since he's just a mere soldier, about a 3-4 hour long fight is the best he can go.

Also, injury is a factor. How badly injured he is not only determines how many shots he can make, it also affects his accuracy of his shots and their power output.

Special Accessories: none

Skills: The ability to hit a motionless target from 150 yards away (take into consideration that he is using a shikai that is a matchlock rifle, so it takes skill to fire that accurate with the large recoil)

Abilities: Extremely good eyesight and accuracy with his shikkai.

Personality: He is very social with his comrades and likes to go drinking and flirt with the girls. His friendliness is only matched by his tactical brilliance in the battlefield

Biography/History: Born during the warring ages of Japan, Saito was born into a noble samurai family in the region of Sakai. Famous for their flintlocks and their musket battalions, instead of a sword, Saito took up the way of the musket. He would lead his musketeer squadron into battle until he was struck down by the army of Nobunaga Oda at the age of 29 while assisting the Saitō clan at the battle of Inabayama Castle.

Signature/Patented Technique: (If any) (Patented techniques can only be learned from Captains, VCs, or those of Captain level.)

Guild Status: newby

Online Schedule: Always on