User ImageHana's eyes narrowed at Rei. It was not lost on her that he was joking, but her life's work was going into the discovery of this amulet. Taking a deep breath she relaxed, nothing was at stake that she currently had so to get flustered about things now would prove...tiring.

She smiled sweetly and looked at Garret and Rei, "Yes, being prepared is key. However, pack lightly because we will be frequenting towns so we wont be at a total loss and to carry too much stuff would be rediculous." Holding her purse close to her she added, "I have much of the required elements of this trip, though you two should bring a different tent for yourselves."

Glancing over her shoulder Hanna sighed, the sun had fallen past its apex and was now slowly burning a path to the horizon. The sky seemed alight with orange fire and the clouds looked like a sherbert cream. The buildings and trees around were glowing an amber tone. Finally she said, "I have a few more documents and supplies to get, and I feel that we should prepare for the journey alone so as not to raise questions. The towne tree, just north of the town, that is where we should meet. One hour after the sun has set. Is that ok with you guys?"


User ImageGarret nodded. He was itching to do something. Staying in one place for more than a few hours was just not his bag, unless Garret was around and made it all bearable. "Right,' He said, 'Then lets get this stuff to the 'safehouse' and see if we cant stir up some trouble."

He picked up some of Sylva's things and opened the door for the other two. "Any idea who you wish to try talking to first? Or is this a 'lets split up and tap our rescources gig?'"