Moonlight says, "I should have done this a long time ago but only now this idea came to mind. Now you can check out and keep up-to-date on the guild mule account. In the 'Rules/Updates' Stickie (located here) you can now view her items/and current amount of gold in the account. Anyone who donates will also be added to a thank you list (currently in the making of. Will be on that same page)."
Update on Contest Room:
Been slow there so let's brainstorm ideas for it! ^_^
So far the new prizes aren't so successful as the old ones. So I'll be changing them around. Still keeping the ones there since it was so much work. lol But I'll increase prizes in there.
What prizes do you want to see?
Plans so Far:
1.Bringing back Guild Animated Emotions
(Remember the avi's that would move around and all? Instead forms will now be available. After reaching a certain amount of points you can trade in for a form.
It might look like this:
Pose/Action: (what do you want your avi to be animated doing?)
Models (meaning which gaia avi to use): You can do a duo with another avi or just yours alone.
Pose/Action: (what do you want your avi to be animated doing?)
Models (meaning which gaia avi to use): You can do a duo with another avi or just yours alone.
2. Art donatins
Want to draw and put them up as prizes? Well how about making a form and place it up for points?
Ex. Moonlight artwork= (you choose) 30 Points
Fill out form below:
Any other wonderful ideas? ^_^