Name: Hikari Mizuki

Aliases/ Nicknames: None

Physical Description: The first thing noticed about her is usually how vertically and horizontally “challenged” she is, meaning she is very short and very thin. The other thing is the sky blue color of her eyes sometimes with a tint of aqua green mixed in. Other times, depending on her mood, they will turn light grey or silver. She has very choppy and layered, medium-length maroon-colored hair with very light, sandy and dark brown streaks throughout, giving her an overall cluttered appearance. And when she ties her hair up, the different layers can be very noticeable. Her usual clothing consists of tight outfits that are usually schemed in a color, or just rainbow, frequently with stripes or checkers. However, the most common colors she dons are black and white. She has a tendency to wear fancy belts as well with loops and chains dangling from them and short plaid / checkered skirts or tight jeans. She also loves wearing cute, emo ties. Designs that are commonly seen all over her body – from the clips on her hair to her shirt to her Converse shoes – are skulls, hearts, rainbows, thunder clouds, angel and devil wings, checkers, Chinese characters, Monokuro Boo, etc. Hikari simply refuses to wear school uniforms, and she can be freakishly insistent at times when it comes to the way she looks or dresses. When she is in her soul reaper form, her hakama is much different in that hers is very short, only reaching about mid-thigh, is sleeveless, hung around her neck like a halter top, and is tight around her torso but baggy past her waist. Instead of a white ribbon, she has a crimson red one tied around her waist, supporting her katana’s sheath. She views is like a sign of rebellion, even though it really just signifies how she is different from normal shinigami.

Age: Hikari is 16 years old, a junior in high school. She is still considered mortal, and at the same time, immortal, but she has never died.

Race: She is a representative shinigami, meaning that she stole the powers of another soul reaper though not intentionally, and she comes to wish it never happened at times, as great as power may seem.

Zanpaktou's Name: Yuki Hana

Zanpaktou’s Spirit: A miniature sparkling pixie with two majestic wings tinted with a light blue color and covered in dazzling sparkles of light (resembling Link’s pixie). Hikari refers to it simply as “Yuki”, and instead of it being given human qualities, it is sexless and just a supernatural being. It can be seen floating just above her head at times like a silent and observant guardian. Yuki has a very quiet and nice-tempered personality. She can be authoritative at times, but is very lenient at the same time. She usually detests fighting, yet she is a hell of a fighter. Yuki shows no signs of dislike towards anyone as all and greatly believes in equality, sometimes conflicting with Hikari. She is emotionally connected with Hikari and has an intimate relationship with her, like a sister-to-sister one or a mother-to-daughter one as well, despite the fact that Hikari was not her original ‘owner’, or the one she revealed her powers to. But because their personalities are so alike, they got along quite easily.

Zanpaktou: A normal-looking katana with a white hilt and sheath instead of the usual black one. The blade is surprisingly light yet very sturdy and capable of slicing easily through all kinds of things.
Basic: She has the ability to control the weather and temperature within a certain distance near her and freeze anything in an ice pillar at her command. She can also release a blast of tiny snowflakes made of little pieces of blades, just as on-the-spot defense.

Shikai Release: “Breathe, Yuki Hana.”

Shikai: (achieved) Basically her katana turns into a transparent blue color and thin white fumes are released from the blade. They travel through the air unharmed and usually surround her opponent. It instantly freezes into a substance that resembles ice, yet it even stronger than diamond itself. The opponent is thus trapped in the barrier while inside ice begins to develop. When the barrier is completely filled with ice, the opponent hypothetically becomes a frozen statue within an 'ice cube.'

Bankai: (achieved) “Release all the wrath of the frozen heavens. Bankai!”
When she goes into this state her reiatsu will automatically increase threefold. Ice wings, like Hitsugaya’s except a lot smaller, will appear on her back and she will be lifted high into the air. Six jagged ice pillars will rise from the ground surrounding her opponent to enclose them in a confined space. The sky, still way above her reach, will tear open and huge ice shards are fired at the opponent in great amounts at a time so it is impossible to dodge all of them (and the space he/she has is limited too). Then a wave of forceful, misty air will wipe over the whole area and create a thick layer of ice on top of any surface.

Special Accessories: (All basically mentioned in physical appearance section.) She wears a black glove on her left hand to nullify the powers she has with that hand to freeze anything it touches.

Skills: Other than being a skilled fighter with blades, she is a very good housekeeper, cook, and knitter. She enjoys simplistic things rather than fighting and killing, like most shinigami do. She is also very artistically and musically talented and enjoys making intricate designs to decorate accessories and such.
Though she may seem like a goody-two shoes don’t get her wrong. She is probably the best thief around due to her small size, steady, quick fingers, innocent personality, and speed. Yes, she is very agile obviously because she’s so light and acquires energy so easily.

Abilities: Though she is very agile and swift in motion, her physical strength is somewhat lacking. She can handle blades very well though.
She excels in being able to sense any reiatsu, even new and unfamiliar ones, anytime, anywhere. Her senses are sharp and keen. Though her simple attacks are insubstantial when it comes to combat, perhaps her speed can cover that up easily. She tends to save up most of her energy and power for her releases though, and so her shikai and bankai are very admirable. Her expert manipulation of her great amounts of reiatsu is also another addition to her strengths.

Personality: She is rather shy at first and very nervous around people in a much higher position than she is. When she gets to know someone very well, she opens up quickly. She loves fooling around, though she is somewhat gullible and very obedient at the same time. But she’s very deceiving.

Biography/History: When Hikari was barely past a year old, her parents claim that she had an unusual amounts of intelligence. She learned to speak fluently even before walking. Her eyes always had a sly look to them as she observed everything that happened before her. Things seemed to register quickly into her mind. During elementary school was the first time that she caught a glimpse of a Hollow, or at least its outline since the rest of its body was just about invisible. From that day on, she focused more on the creatures that terrorized the playground, looking through the window rather than studying the book in front of her. Honestly, she didn’t need school at all, and if she had paid attention just a little more, she probably could have skipped grades in a blink of an eye with her teacher’s approval. Still, no attention or effort was really needed for her to learn, whereas other kids started spending hours studying two pages in a book as middle school came about. By that time, Hollows grew clearer and clearer in her vision, and their appearances surprised her no more. She began to think philosophically after clearly seeing a Hollow due to absolute concentration and some kind of spiritual power that she could feel on the tips of her fingers and the ends of her hair. Wondering why they existed and why they were so evil, she decided to witness one herself, which was obviously not a smart idea for a seventh grade girl who looked very wimpy. If it were not for the shinigami that appeared to save her, she probably would have died instantly. But if it were not for the shinigami, she would not have been able to steal powers illegally, although it wasn’t illegal at all in her case. What happened was when the shinigami’s Zanpakutou entered the Hollow’s body, somehow the reiatsu released was not focused properly for some unknown reason, although it could have been Hikari’s fault because she did not know how to control her own power, and supposedly some kind of attraction caused a sudden transformation from the attack into a huge supply of power that found itself in Hikari a few moments later. Stunned, the shinigami tried to make out what had happened, but the Hollow slaughtered the soul reaper before her eyes. She felt a surge of euphoric feelings rush through her blood as she watched helplessly in a daze. She looked down at the Zanpakutou in her hands and gazed at it. The Hollow scoffed as it neared her with a fatal attack. She made no move, and yet the Hollow fell down at her feet and morphed into a pile of sand that blew away silently before her. From that day on, she hated both shinigami and Hollow alike, for her own reasons…

Guild Status: Crew (if that’s what’s being asked)

Online Schedule: Massachusetts time lmfao…Eastern US Time? Crap, idk.
After school most days of the week, depending on all kinds of crap.
Usually like 3:30-ish to 5 or 6 pm.