let the rain poor down on me,
and wash away my sadness.
let the rain poor down on me,
wash wash away my fears.
let the rain poor down on me,
and wash away my tears.
the rain is the the only thing
that can save me from the
darkness in my hear. the
rain is the only thing that
can save me from my
sadness.the rain is the
only thing that can free
me frim my saddness.
the rain is the only thing
that can take my fears
away.the rain can free
and save me from
everything.i love the
rain,because it protects me.
the rain is the only thing that
heal my heart.so let it rain
down on me and take away
my sadness.let it rain down
on me and take away my
fears.let it rain down on me
and take away me tears.
let it rain down on me and
heal my heart.let it rain down
on me an samme me from
the darkness in my heart.