my favorite pairing is SasuxNaru (I prefer my Naruto to be the bottom b***h XD)
Honestly though, for a long time I though Iruka and Kakashi had a little somethin' going on... but I've grown out of that pairing.
another pairing I've come to like (and have even started a fanfiction on that I have yet to complete another chapter) is ItachixNaruto.
But yeah... I'm really just for SasuxNaru.. though I also don't mind GaaxNaruxGaa... that one doesn't bug me too much some times.
Or NejixNaruto... again going back to the fact that I like Naruto to be either a submissive bottom or a feisty one...
Two AMVs I've made for SasuxNaru for anyone who likes the pairing: like comments too, so don't be afraid to comment.
The first link is my favorite of the two... though I do admit I had a limit amount of clips to use for it because at the time I was making it I had no internet connection so no access to other episodes.