Name: Shiro Fukui (Shee-roe Foo-ki)

Aliases/ Nicknames: Spades (For the fact he is constantly carrying more than a few deck of cards on him)

Physical Description: Skinny, Caucasian, medium length dark red hair that covers most of his face except his mouth, which is adorned with a single lip stud on the right of his bottom lip. Few have actually viewed his eyes, and eve he has forgotten how his own forehead looks. He also has a black headband tied above his eyes on top of his hair that trails behind him down to the bottom of his back. He has a large tattoo of a spade on the left of his neck, and tattoos of flames around his wrists.

Age: Died when 22

Zanpaktou's Spirit: The spirit form is one of a young women wearing an ominous rabbit mask. Spirit

Zanpaktou: Shiawasi: A unique zampaktou in the form of dual Kukri with a back sheath. The handle is covered in a fiber wrapping like a katana instead of a brass handle, as most kukris have.

Shikai Release: Good luck, Shiawasi!

Shikai: (not achieved)

Bankai: (not achieved)

Special Accessories: Fingerless black gloves, long black headband, playing cards, and a lucky coin.

Special Traits: Fast, Lucky, and a very high jumper.

Special Skills: The ability to throw cards at opponents that have small random tricks that are meant to distract, slow, or ensnare opponents.

Personality: He can be course, cold hearted, and seem desolate at times, but usually he can crack a joke at the most serious of moments. He has a smart mouth that constantly gets him in trouble. He gambles a lot and will bet on anything. He is known to be a womanizer at times, though most often he just likes to make friends. When making tough decisions, he flips his lucky coin. He seems to have a strong attachment to his past life and wont let his murder go unavenged.

Biography/History: Shiro spent his entire life gambling. He worked at a casino during the day, and played cards at night. Sometimes he made enough to rent a hotel room, other times he lived in a box outside. He was obsesed wih gambling, but he wasnt in it for the money, he likes the exhileration. The last game on earth was with the biggest ante: his life. He made enough one day to get invited to a private table. There was a man who offered a great reward if he could beat him at a single hand of blackjack. The man warned him that if he lost, there was also great consequence. Shiro should have won, but the man had a card up his sleeve. Shiro was shot from underneath the table and subsequently died on the spot. He promised revenge with his last breath, even though his only lead would be the mans name-tag, which contained only the chinese symbol for the number 4.

Upon entering the spirit world, Shiro learned of the Shinigami Acadamy from beating a man in a card game. He felt this was a perfect chance to get revenge on Four.

Signature/Patented Technique: N/A

Guild Status:

Online Schedule: Im on at least an hour a day, everyday.