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Samhain/Yule 2009

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The dark half of the year is upon us, we will do the last of our harvesting and then settle down for the winter months. It is a time for looking inward, towards our own hidden selves, and a time for reflecting back on the past year, as to ready ourselves for the new year to come. As usual we will be holding our Sabbat celebrations in the Gatherings Sub-forum (Samhain/Beltaine will be started shortly, and Yule/Litha in December), if you haven't stopped by in the past, please do so. There are lots of games and contests for everyone to enjoy!! We look forward to seeing you there.

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2: Birthday of Wiccan author Sirona Knight
2: Full moon -- Mourning Moon at 2:14 pm
16: New moon at 2:14 pm
30: Birthday of Oberon Zell-Ravenheart, founder of Church of All Worlds
30: Festival of Hecate Trivia

2: Full moon -- Long Nights Moon at 2:30 am
16: New moon at 7:02 am
17: Beginning of Saturnalia
21: Winter Solstice or Yule
21: Litha (Southern Hemisphere)

25: Christmas Day
25: Feast of Frau Halle, Germanic goddess
31: Full moon -- Blue Moon at 2:13 pm
31: Partial lunar eclipse
31: Festival of Hogmanay

1: Birthday of folkorist Sir James Frazier, 1854
15: New Moon: 2:13am
13: Last of Austria's witchcraft laws repealed in 1787
19: Birthday of Dorothy Clutterbuck
25: Birthday of poet Robert Burns, 1759
27: Up Helly Aa celebration, Shetland Islands, Scotland
30: Full Moon - "Ice Moon" 1:18am
30: Birthday of Z Budapest, founder of Dianic Wicca
30 - Feb. 2: Roman celebration of Februalia


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For information on the exact dates and times of the Sabbats please check out this site...


Samhain (October 31st):

Samhain is a time to remember those who have left us. This is a time to remember our ancestors, both ancient and wise. This is the time when the barriers between our world and the next become blurred, and those from the other side are free to visit our world, as well as guide us. It is also the time when the Witches and Wiccans say goodbye to the god. Though this temporary as the God gets ready to be reborn from the Goddess. This is a time for reflection, to look back over the past year. A time to come to terms with the one great phenomenon of life in which we have no control of – Death. The year starts with Samhain, for it is in the dark half of the year. The great Druids believed that the day began with the setting of the sun; therefore, the dark half of the year is the beginning. New Years resolutions are made on Samhain. Samhain is the traditional day to raise a Covener within a circle.

Other Names: Third Harvest, Samana, Vigil of Saman, Shadowfest (Strega), Halloween, All Hallows Eve, Hallowe’en, and the Scottish Gaelic spellings for Samhain are Samhuin or Samhuinn.

Correspondences and Associations

Colors: Black, Orange, White, Silver, Scarlet, Dark Brown, Bronze and Gold.
Foods: Apples, Pumpkin Pie, Hazelnuts, Corn, Cranberry Muffins and Bread, Ale, Nuts, Cider, Turnips, Gourds, Mulled Wines, Beef, Pork, Poultry, and Herbal Teas.
Symbols: Jack-o-Lanterns, Photos of the Deceased, Apples, Squashes, Autumn Flowers, Fall Leaves, Gourds, Black Cats, Bats, Crows, Oak Leaves, Divination Acorns and Besoms.
Incense: Apple, Heliotrope, Mint, Nutmeg, Sandalwood, Myrrh, Mugwort, Patchouli and Sage.
Candles: Black, Orange, White, Silver, and Gold.
Gemstones: All Black Gemstones (Jet, Obsidian, and Onyx), Carnelian, Jasper, Smoky Quarts, and Bloodstone.
Deities: Anubis, Arianrhod, Astarte, Cernunnos, Cerridwen, Crone, Dark Lord and Lady, Demeter, Hathor, Hecate, Horned God, Innana, Isis, Kali, Odin, Morrigan, and Lilith
Herbs:Mugwort, Allspice, Broom, Catnip, Deadly Nightshade, Mandrake, Oak Leaves, Sage, Pumpkin, Apples, Chrysanthemums, Thistle, Rosemary, Rue, Calendula, Sunflower Petals, Pumpkin Seeds, Apple Leaves, Mushrooms, Wild Ginseng, Wormwood, Tarragon, Bay Leaf, Almond, Hazelnut, Passionflower, Nettle, Mandrake Root, Hemlock Cones, Garlic, Pine Needles, Acorns, and Straw.
Animals: Stag, Cat, Bat, Owl, Jackal, Elephant, Ram, Scorpion, Heron, Crow, and Robin.
Work: Sex Magick, Release of Bad Habits, Banishing, Faerie Magick, Divination of any kind, Candle Magick, Astral Projection, Past Life Work, Dark Moon Mysteries, Mirror Spells (reflection), Casting Protection, Inner Work, Clearing Obstacles, Uncrossing, Inspiration, Creative Visualization, and Contacting those who are no longer on this plane.
Tools: Besom, Cauldron, Tarot, Obsidian Ball, Pendulum, Runes, Ouija Board, Black Cauldron or Bowl filled with Black Ink or Water, and Magick Mirror.

Yule (December 21st):

Yule has the longest night and the shortest day of the year. It is the time when the Goddess gives birth to a son, the God. Witches and Wiccans celebrate the Festival of the God’s Rebirth. It is a time to honor the Holly King. Accomplishes of the past, love, togetherness, and love are also celebrated. These things are celebrated by burning the Yule Log in a bonfire. A portion of the Yule Log is always saved to light next years Yule Log. The Yule Log is usually oak. It is kept throughout the year to protect the home as well.

Other Names: Winter Solstice, Christmas, Alban Arthan, Finn’s Day, Festival of Sol, Yuletide, Great Day of the Cauldron, and the Festival of Growth.

Correspondences and Associations

Colors: Red, Green, White, Silver, Gold, Yellow, and Orange.
Foods: Roasted Turkey, Nuts, Eggnog, Cookies, Fruit, Pork, Ale, Roasted Apples and Mulled Wine.
Symbols: Yule Log, Evergreen Boughs, Wreaths, Holly, Mistletoe, Gold Pillar Candles, Baskets of Clove Studded Fruits, Poinsettias, Cinnamon Sticks, Ivy, Wheel, and Fir or Pin Bows.
Incense: Bayberry, Pine, Cedar, Rosemary, Juniper, Cinnamon, and Frankincense.
Candles:Red, Green, White, and Gold.
Gemstones:Ruby, Cat’s Eye, Blue Zircon, Turquoise, Serpentine, Emeralds, and Diamonds.
Deities: Athena, Attis, Dionysus, Fates, Frey, Freyja, Hathor, Lucina, Norns, Osiris, Woden, and the Horned God.
Herbs: Bayberry, Blessed Thistle, Evergreen, Frankincense, Holly, Laurel, Mistletoe, Oak, Pine, Sage, and Yellow Cedar.
Animals: Reindeer, the Stage, Mouse, Deer, Horse, Squirrel, Phoenix, and Bear.
Work: Peace, Harmony, Love, Happiness, Banishing Disease, Seeking Past Lives, Meditation, Singing Around the Hearth Fire, and Goals and Accomplishments.
Tools: Bells.



Beltaine (April 30th to May 1st):

Beltaine marks the emergence of the Sun God in manhood. Stirred by the energies at work in nature, he desires the Goddess. They fall in love, lying amongst the grass and flowers and unit. The Goddess then becomes pregnant. Beltaine marks the return of vitality, of passions and hopes consummated. This is the last Spring Fertility Festival. It is time to dance around the Maypole, a symbol of Fertility. This Festival celebrates the union and marriage of the God and Goddess and reawakening of the Earth’s fertility at its greatest. The time for plating seeds has ended and the time to wait has begun. It is one of the two most important Sabbats of the year. Beltaine is the compliment of Samhain. The Barriers between our world and the next are again blurred. At Samhain the Otherworld visits us, at Beltaine we can visit the Otherworld. Jumping over the bonfire promotes fertility and prosperity. Wild Water is collected on this day and used the bathe in or used to drink for health. Beltaine literally means “Fire of Bel” (Celtic God of Light and Fire.). May is the month for sensuality and sexuality to be revitalized. The awakening of the Earth and her Children.

Other Names: Beltane, May Day, or May Eve.

Correspondences and Associations

Colors: Pink, White, Green, Soft Pink, Blue, Yellow, and Red.
Foods: Red Fruits, Herbal Salads, Red or Pink Wine/Punch, Large round Oatmeal or Barley Cake, Strawberries, Cherries, Passion Fruit, Kiwi, Marigold Custard, Vanilla Ice Cream, and Green Salads.
Symbols: Bonfires, Maypole, and Flowers.
Incense: Frankincense, Lilac, and Rose.
Candles: Dark Green.
Gemstones: Emerald, Orange Carnelian, Sapphire, Rose Quarts, Amber, and Malachite.
Deities: Flora, Diana and Artemis, Pan, Aphrodite, Venus and Maia.
Herbs: Honeysuckle, St. Johns Wort, Almond, Angelica, Ash Tree, Bluebells, Daisies, Hawthorn, Ivy, Lilac, Marigold, Dandelion, and Apple Tree.
Animals: Swallows, Doves, Swans, Cats, Lynx, and Leopards.
Work: Fertilize, Activities of Pleasure, Leaping Bonfires, Making Garlands, Dancing around the maypole, and Feasting.
Tools: Besom, Bonfire, and Cauldron.

Litha (June 21st):

Litha is the Summer Solstice. It marks the longest day of the year. Litha is the classic time for Magick of all kinds. Believe whatever is dreamt of will become true for the dreamer. This is a time to celebrate passion and success. Litha is the opposite of Yule. On this day of the longest daylight, life and light are abundant. This is the time when the Sun God has reached his greatest strength. Seated on his greenwood throne, he is God of the forests. The powers of nature are at their highest point. Bonfires are lit to represent the Sun God and to rouse love, purification, health, and fertility. Litha Eve is also special for adherents of the Faerie Faith.

Other Names: Midsummer, and Leetha.

Correspondences and Associations

Colors: Blue, Green, and Yellow.
Foods: Fresh Vegetables, Summer Fruits, Pumpernickel Bread, Ale, and Mead.
Symbols:Dried Herbs, Potpourri, Seashells, Summer Flowers and Fruits.
Incense: Frankincense, Lemon, Myrrh, Pine, Rose, and Wisteria.
Candles: Blue, Green, Gold, and Red.
Gemstones: Emerald, Jade, Lapis, and Diamond.
Deities: Ra, Bast, Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Father Sun, Father Sky, and the Oak King.
Herbs: Lavender, Chamomile, Roses, Daisies, Cheekweed, Apple, Vervain, and Lilies.
Animals: Butterflies, Caterpillars, Sea Creatures, Wren, Robins, Horses, Cattle, Satyrs, Faeries, Firebird, Dragon and the Thunder Bird.
Work: Herb Drying, protection, luck, health, transformation, career, and relationships.
Tools: Drums, Rattles, Bonfire, Mirrors for reflecting the sun or bonfire, Earth circles of stone energies.


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This month we are spotlighting the Reading Room. This is the place to go to discuss books and authors. Read a great book lately...tell us all about it! Not sure if an author is reliable... ask here! Looking for a list of books that are relevant to your path... it's all inside the Reading Room. Looking forward to seeing you there!

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Samhain is a time to do some serious divination - it's the time of year when the veil between our world and that of the spirits is at its thinnest, and that means it's the perfect season to look for messages from the metaphysical. Scrying is one of the best known forms of divination, and can be done in a variety of ways. Basically, it's the practice of looking into some sort of reflective surface -- such as water, fire, glass, dark stones, etc. -- to see what messages, symbols, or visions may appear. A scrying mirror is a simple black-backed mirror, and it's easy to make one yourself.

To make your scrying mirror, you'll need the following:

* A clear glass plate
* Matte black spray paint
* Additional paints (acrylic) for embellishment

To prepare the mirror, first you'll need to clean it. Use any glass cleaner, or for a more earth-friendly method, use vinegar mixed with water. Once User Imagethe glass is clean, flip it over so that the back side is facing up. Lightly spray with the matte black spray paint. For the best result, hold the can a couple of feet away, and spray from side to side. If you hold the can too close, the paint will pool, and you don't want this. As each coat dries, add another coat. After five to six coats, the paint should be dense enough that you can't see through the paint if you hold the glass up to a light.

Once the paint has dried, turn the glass right side up. Use your acrylic paint to add embellishments around the outer edge of the plate -- you can add symbols of your tradition, magical sigils, or even your favorite saying. The one in the photo says, "Thee I invoke by the moonlit sea, the standing stone, and the twisted tree." Allow these to dry as well. Your mirror is ready for scrying, but before you use it, you may want to consecrate it as you would any other magical item.


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This month we are featuring a Spell that was submitted by Musical_Vampire_Socks

Loneliness Spell
Needed: Small White Candle, Mirror, Pen and Small piece of Paper, Either Cauldron or Toilet.
(Warning: Do not leave the candle untented be careful with any open flames)
If you don't have a cauldron I suggest preforming this spell in the bathroom if you do have a cauldron I suggest preforming it outside away from flammable materials (don't want to start any fires).

Light the white candle and focus on what is making you Lonely
Write on a small piece of paper the spell below and as you are writing it imagine you are writing out your loneliness on the page that its leaving you going into your hand into the pen and out with the ink on to the paper (feel free to personalize the spell to make it more your own style if you think it will be more effective for you)

Loneliness leave me
Misery melt away
Instead let me be filled with comfort and warmth
Even if the people I love might be away making me lonely or feel a hollowness inside
Let my own inner elements be good company for each other so I might feel peaceful and whole again
So my loneliness might fly away
And a full heart might come to stay

After you have written the spell out on the paper their are two different steps you can take to remove the loneliness.

The 1st Way: (If you have Cauldron or fire safe container) Banish your Loneliness with fire
If you have a Cauldron or a fire safe container take a moment to take the flame of the candle into your mind and imagine it burning away what is left of your loneliness in your body take a minute to look in the mirror and really look at yourself gain confidence in the fact that you can be all you need to not feel lonely any more when your ready then you can light the paper with the white candle burn the paper and place it inside of your cauldron or fire safe container you can burn it either indoors or outdoors your choice but I often do it outside since the smell of burning paper or ash gets in the house (learned that the hard way) then snuff out the candle and say "Good-Bye Loneliness!" and clap your hands once.

You can later remove the ashes from your cauldron to the trash if desired or bury them.

The 2nd way: (If you have a Toilet) Banish your loneliness with water.
In the bathroom roll up the piece of paper into a tube and fold one end shut then take a deep breath and blow whats left of your loneliness out into the paper tube then quickly fold the other end take a minute to look in the mirror and really look at yourself gain confidence in the fact that you can be all you need to not feel lonely any more when your ready if you don't have a cauldron you can flush it down the toilet then snuff out the candle and say "Good-Bye Loneliness!" and clap your hands once.

Once the spell is over you would soon feel less lonely and more accomplished having done something to help fight the loneliness.

You can also do basically the same thing with earth and Wind if you rip up the paper and throw it into the wind but I don't like to do it this way since its like littering to me or you could rip it up and they bury it under ground if you would prefer.

Based On A Spell From:

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Because the topic has come up a few times... I thought it would be a good idea to share this article with everyone:

Reader FAQ: What Makes a HPS?
Thursday October 8, 2009
A reader writes in with a good question. She says, "I am a solitary who wants to start a coven of her own. I want to start it as a study group, then eventually turn it into a coven if all the members comply. I know I need to learn a lot more but I don't know exactly what credentials I'd need to become a priestess of a coven. What are some of the fundamentals a High Priestess should know?"

Typically, the title of High Priestess is one that's given to you by someone else -- specifically, someone who's got more knowledge and experience than you. While that doesn't mean that a solitary can't learn enough to BE a HPs, what it does sometimes mean is that you'll find advantages in learning from a mentor at some point.

The reason I say this is because a HPs has to know more than just how to cast a circle or what the different Sabbats are for. Being a HPs (or HP) is a leadership role, and that means you'll find yourself solving disputes, performing counseling, making occasionally tough decisions, managing schedules and activities, teaching other people, etc. These are all things that tend to come a little easier with experience, so the fact that you're setting yourself a goal is a good one -- you've got something to work towards.

I think the idea of starting off with a study group is an excellent one -- it puts everyone on an even playing field, and helps you evaluate the group dynamic before anyone gets too committed. However, if you're looking at moving into a leadership role some day, I'd strongly recommend you find some other folks to learn from. Again, no one will tell you that you can't be an HPs if you don't train under someone else, but it really will help you out in the long run if you've got someone to mentor and guide you through the early part of your studies.


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Well it should be a great couple of months! We're looking forward to seeing everyone hanging around. If you are looking for a great way to earn some extra gold be sure to check out the Arcade - there are lots of contests and games for everyone!!! I mention this because we give out 1000's in gold every month to a handful of loyal players, so if you are looking for your share of the loot - come on in and join the fun!!! I also encourage everyone (if you haven't already) to really explore the subforums - there are a lot of things going on that you might miss out on if you never move off of the main page blaugh