An AIM rp between Roxy and myself.

It had been many, many days since Yusri'Kahlil had stepped foot on his homeland. By the looks of it, much had changed since he had left...for one, it appeared that there is more activity in the pride than before. Did that mean there were more new members to the pride? Perhaps so, he reckoned quietly.

With a glance backwards, his harem wasn't too far off. He had come back with a third female to his harem. It was a nice number. They were all equally stunning and beautiful in his eyes, they were worth owning. At the sight of the three of them made him very proud. He would make his father proud of this accomplishment! Of course he didn't have any heirs yet, but that would come in due time he was sure of that.

Setting his eyes back on his home before him, he pointed in the direction of where he was raised and told the females that the den was in that direction. Should he not find them there when he came back, they'd have to answer to him. Once he made sure that they were all heading in the right direction he flicked his tail to look for any familiar faces.

Aali lifted his head from where he was perched on a large stone and narrowed his eyes. Could it be or was it simply fanciful imagining? He shot to his feet and grinned as he spotted a familiar face in the distance. With a smile he leapt off the large boulder and headed towards the male his entire posture welcoming.

"Yusri! Is it really you?" Ah but of course it was, that vivid green was a family trait.

Family, Aali almost cringed when he realized he would have to be the one to explain not only his own fathers passing, but Yusri'Kahlil's as well. It was a somber welcome, but at least he was back with the pride and undoubtedly successful after his long journey to find another Banu.

Aali's voice was very welcoming as he shot his head up and spotted the lion coming in his direction. With a broad smile on his features he called out, "Aali! It seems like forever since we last saw one another." This was a pleasant surprise, he didn't expect to see such a familiar face so soon...and to find him first was pleasant.

He waited till the other male got closer before he nodded his head slightly, unaware of all that had happened during his absence. "It is great to be greeted by a familiar face, Aali. Tell me, has much happened since my journey has ended?"

"It does seem ages doesn't it brother" He chuckled and glanced about curiously. "Where are your lovely jade ladies? I'm sure you've added another to their number since you've been gone?" He was trying to steer around the bad news, but he knew he wouldn't manage for very long.

He turned towards the lake and slowly his smile faded. " much has happened..." He paused before trying to force the smile back. "Come come at least lets have a nice cool drink while I tell you...everything that passed." He couldn't hide the sadness in his voice, the knowledge that he now ruled the pride, that his parents and Yusri's were gone now.

With a nod, "Yes! I collected another lovely lady. I shall give you a personal audience with them if you should desire so. I am sure you won't be able to miss my ladies." That much he was certain, him and green always went hand-in-hand.

As he followed after Aali, he could pick up the slow-tell signs that some troubling events had occured during his absence and that disturbed him. He should have been here for his pride if they needed him! But he would find out as soon as Aali was ready to tell him. Once the lake was within reach, he glanced at Aali before he dipped his head forward to take a couple of laps of water.

"You must meet my harem as well...we had a raid not too long ago all the males are quite content with their new ladies. I'm glad you've returned as successfully, you were missed." He bent himself for a few laps of water before sitting back and looking at Yusri a bit more seriously.

"A great deal happened since you headed out..." He hesitated unsure what news to give first, or last. How could he phrase the passing of their fathers? It had simply been their time...but no doubt the troubles with rogue males had played a part.

"I'm Sultan now..." He finally murmured, there was no great pride in the way he said it, for he only said it so that his own fathers passing would be noted. He was Sultan, because his father was dead.

"That I will, Aali." He would be honored to meet all the ladies of his friend. "I am happy to be home. The roguelands aren't such a wonderful place to live. So many whisperings and temptations out there that can easily sway the minds of lesser lions." He replied.

And then his ears perked forward as conflicting emotions splashed over his face at Aali's news. His friend was Sultan now? That was wonderful news, but it was a double-edged sword. He could only succeed with the passing of the previous Sultan...his father. Gently, "I had not expected to hear of such news for a while, but I am glad for you Aali," He paused, "Your father's memories will always remain with all of us." He said genuinely, remembering the late Sultan.

But his eyes were still on Aali, "That isn't all is it, my friend?"

He was glad that his old friend had returned from the roguelands safe and sound they all knew the perils that could befall them and their females in a place that provided neither constant food nor shelter.

He nodded softly grateful for the sympathy in his voice he had mourned his father too quickly the burdens of the pride thrust on him and catching him by surprise. "It was hard...but we have prevailed, the Pride flourishes despite it all. Thank you for that, the memory of my father is important to me, we have so many new males joining and learning our is hard to know that none of them knew what a great leader my father was."

He finally shook his head softly his voice clogged with emotion, how did he tell his friend that his father too had passed on. "No, it is not all...many passed...the prides numbers were dangerously low. If I could I would have sought your fathers council, he was a great Vizier Yusri, a great vizier. He passed with my father..."

It was great to hear of more males coming to the pride and learning their ways. That is what makes a pride grow, afterall. "Your father was a great Sultan. That will never be forgotten by me nor my two banus who were raised in the pride." He would make sure that Nasha and Zulaica were told of the news as well.

But the latter bit was very unexpected. His father was gone too? Sadness swelled within him, he had never thought to return home bittersweet. But this was so now. It had never occurred to him that it was possible for his father to pass on so soon, but he was sure the same was said about Aali's father as well. Tolls must have been hard then. He looked to his friend, full of grief for the two of them. "What a bittersweet arrival. I am glad you are telling me the news, Aali. You are my friend, we grew up together and you know of my father as I know of yours." He paused to collect his thoughts. "What has happened to his position? Who are the viziers now?"

Aali could see the expression change on his friends face and he was glad that at least he had been able to deliver the news himself. Bittersweet indeed just as his own position changing from Emir to Sultan had been. He could imagine the ache Yusri felt with his father gone, but the joy of returning home to a thriving pride with a new banu.

"We must keep their memories alive, perhaps with a tale of what great council your father often provided. No doubt he is giving my father council still wherever their spirits may lay." He smiled softly at the memory of the two older lions walking together and debating.

He pulled himself from the memory and smiled. "I have chosen only two new Vizier the third position is yet open. You remember my brother Faiz? I have chosen him and Pad Tariq, no doubt you remember him as well." Of course, who could forget Tariq, those pink eyes remained with you for a long time even after conversations and pleasantries had been exchanged.

He nodded, "Indeed we do. What a daunting task, but it shall be done for them. They deserve our respect and honor." He returned a smile to Aali. He couldn't let the grief get to him as his friend had it much worse.

"Oh yes! I remember Faiz! That is another face I shall have to seek out and greet upon my return. It will be nice to see him once again." It came as no surprise that Faiz was a vizier to Aali. Brothers were bonded strongly, even more so though blood. But Tariq was a surprise. "I remember Tariq as well. I admit I was not as close with him as with both Faiz and you, but I shall seek him out as well and let him know of my return."

To have the third spot open was such a weakness for the Sultan. He imagined that Aali was working on filling it, since he needed to have that party of three afterall. "If it is brash of me to say to you, I would like to try for that third Vizier position. I am sure that you have many applicants and I fear that my absence might not put me in the best of light, but I would be honored if I could be thought of as well." It would the least he could do to honor his father, to try for the position.

Aali nodded and had to hold back a small smirk at the mention of Tariq, it was a surprise indeed for all when he had chosen the dark male. No matter what was said of the way Tariq handled his females it could never be said that he wasn't loyal to the core. "They have both been a great aid in the hard times, and now the whole pride is reaping the rewards. No doubt we'll soon have as many cubs as there are banu to watch over them. And our younger males must be trained for their great quests."

He was so proud of the way things were going, and with Yusri back he found it as a good omen of things to come. He blinked and looked at the green male surprised, "but of course...I would never look ill upon you for leaving, you only wished to expand your harem. I should have done might have saved us the trouble of the raid, but whats done is done. You are welcome to vie for the position...two of our newer males showed interest in the placement as well. I know I should have chosen swiftly but with things settled down I must admit I gave myself the luxury of time to choose. I should like to have a good balance, Faiz and Tariq are often at odds." He chuckled softly.

At Aali's words he chuckled softly as well, "I can only imagine!" And then he shook his head, "It isn't anything to choose in haste though. The decision of a vizier is very important and I wouldn't blame you for taking your time to fill the last slot."

At the mention of cubs his curiosity was piqued, "You speak of cubs. Do we have many cubs in the pride?"

It was good to have his old brother back, a Pad who knew the ways the traditions, who could really see how the Pride was growing and take the same joyful interest that he and the others did. Of course Yusri's Banu would help as well, they knew the ways of the pride and the duties of a female and would be able to help the new females adjust.

"Faiz just had a litter, second on the way, and I believe Tariq's den will soon be full. Two of our newer Pads Achal and Vu will no doubt soon be in need of another banu to help take care of their little ones and the hunt. I've had Aysel setting up larger hunts to bring back enough for those who need the extra paw, she's Sultana now."

His eyes widen a bit, "That is terrific news! I didn't expect to hear of so many new cubs. I shall be very excited to see them grow the pride!" Cubs were the future, and it made him very happy for Aali and the pride.

"If my Banus can help in any way, please don't hesitate to use them for the pride." He offered Aali. With so many little mouths to feed, now and in the near-distance future. All the help he can offer for the pride he would. "Please give my regards to Aysel as well!"

Aali nodded happily glad that such a bright future was laid ahead of them, already he knew that the young males would need more attentive lessons to ensure they returned to the pride safe and sound and with their first banu's behind them. They would avoid dark times if they could just keep their youth safe. So many had left on their quests and never returned, but he promised himself that would not be the case now.

"You must let your banu rest and settle back in, then perhaps they can join my ladies for a hunt. Have you chosen your Beybanu yet?" He grinned slightly no doubt Yusri was keeping his girls on their toes for who would be given the honor.

"I'm sure Aysel will be pleased to hear of your return, she's been having to adjust to so many new females learning our ways."

He shook his head with a cheeky smile, "Just like you, I have no choosen a Beybanu just yet. It is a hard choice and I want to make sure I pick a good Beybanu." He wanted to make the best decision as well, just like Aali. It was not a position to choose lightly.

His gaze shifted towards the pridal area as he asked, "In which direction does Faiz reside? Is he still in the same den or has he one of his own now? I should want to greet him before I retire for the day."