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It seemed that the pride had suddenly gone from emptied and boring to, well, bustling with activity and growth! One morning, Farrah could swear she woke up to a ghost-pride, and then all of a sudden all the banus had started popping out cubs like clockwork, within days of each other, it felt like. Both Viziers had managed to have cubs, or so she heard, and a few other banus had given birth.

Farrah couldn't pretend to be jealous; birthing sounded as though it was a great deal of labor and stress simply to please one's Pad. Perhaps she could go without the pain... Logically, she knew this was not to be so, and she would accept her pain with dignity and good grace, but she was still young enough to not have to worry about that. Not yet. Perhaps sooner rather then later, but not yet.

As it were, with her ever-present brother trailing along and watching after her, Farrah was exploring the pride's lands under the heat of the hot sun. Though she knew her brother would've liked to go to the go to the watering hole to cool down, Farrah didn't want to, and unless he ordered her to go that way, she just wasn't.

Instead, away from the trees and in the open area of the Pride, she was stalking a little mouse who didn't seem to realize a great hulking she-beast was following it. Just a little closer and she'd pounce, but until then, Farrah had to stay absolutely quiet.

Just a little closer...