Rules of the Pack

-Follow the Terms Of Service.

-No spamming or OOC there are threads provided for that.

-Post a character profile in the specified area before role playing.

-Do not bump! Bumping will result in a warning then you will be banned.

-If you are inactive for a long time a guild Mod will PM you and with a warning, a second long absence results in being banned.

-No flaming anyone (please report to a mod or myself if this happens).

-I request you be at least semi-literate and no chat-speak, please. It is confusing and annoying.

-If a mod is abusing his/her power please let me know.

-Yes, you can create more than one RP character, please do.

-No God Modding. Particularly in fights this is a problem and doesn't end well.

-No Auto-Hitting. For the same reason as the rule above.

-Try to rp in 3rd person. It is easier to read and understand.

-We are Yaoi And Yuri frendly.

-Do not quote the first post of any threads.

- As a general rule, I will not give out any ranks in Alpha, Beta, Gamma, or Delta without having first seen reliable and frequent posting from the applicant.

-I am Alpha! Obey me or suffer the consequences!


You can make a thread but only with a Mod’s permission

You can't make a spam thread

You can't make a thread or post with a rating over PG-13

You can't post any porn or Hentai

You can donate to the guild to sponsor future events and contests

You can't post threads related to personal opinion (the OOC subforum is for this!)

You can't stretch pages (again no bumping!)

You can't post new threads on the main forum, this is for RP threads only (find a subforum).

You can make more than one character.

You can't quote the first post.