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[PRP] Haven't seen you around! [Kova and Mei]

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Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 2:29 pm
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A happy hum lifted in the air as the young male wandered away from his family's den. He was in a very good mood that day. Then again there were very few reasons for him to be upset for any reason. He had a pretty large smile on his face, he also kept up the very cheerful hum as he was walking. Kova was normally a cheerful lion but he really loved days like this when he got to wander around. He had a good chance at the moment to wander toward the borders of his pride. He was thinking about wandering away for a little bit but he wasn't that sure of where he would go... So at the moment wandering at the border was a good idea.

His humming got a little louder as he weaved in and out of the border lines of the pride. Just like the other lions that were part of the pride he loved to be musical, hum, dance and drum, anything! It was a major priority to him, any kind of music! He stopped under a tree that he loved to spend his time under and grinned widely. He started to sing lightly before he couldn't help himself anymore. His paws started to move under him and he started to dance. He laughed a bit as he did, enjoying the air that went through his mane a gently purr escaping his throat. He was very happy. The only thing that could have made him happier was the idea of having some kind of company around here he would have really loved that.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 2:39 pm
User ImageMei was wandering about, not quite sure of where she was going. She never quite settled in one place, never having a reason to do so. Her red paws padded across the the plains, but she stopped when she picked up a scent of another lion. Interesting. The young female followed the scent, spying the young male in the distance. Was he a rogue? Or had she wandered too close to a pride again? It did happen sometimes, she didn't always pay attention as to where she was going. A bad habit, she will admit.

She decided to see if he was friendly, padding closer to him as she spoke, not too far away from him. "Hello there. My name is Mei. I hope I am not intruding on your territory or anything." she said, stopping before she got a bit too close. She didn't want to risk upsetting him. She wasn't much of a fighter, and tried to avoid fights if possible. Flight, not fight. Though if given no choice she CAN fight, she just doesn't like to. She had heard a sound earlier, almost like singing. Was he the one singing? The thought intrigued her. Music was lovely, but you didn't often find lions singing now did you?

((being a lion nut, technically they don't purr XD are the lions here special in that they can? =3 just curious ^^ since obviously they aren't normal lions with all the pretty colors, so just wondering if purring is a modification to them ^^))  

Reverie Rose


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 3:33 pm
[[XP I always forget that. I know a lot of people RP their lions like they purr. XD]]

Kova was caught off guard by the sound of another approaching him. His attention shot up and he looked in the direction of the voice to find a lioness there. He quickly turned around before simling at the female. "Hello there!" He chirped before bowing to the girl and nodding at her. "I've never seen you around here." He listened to what she had to say before nodding. "Hello Mei! My name is Kova'Rytmi, everyone calls me Kova though." He laughed a bit before shaking his head. "You are but don't worry about it. Welcome! Our pride is a friendly one." He nodded, he didn't know many who were chased away from the lands, for the most part everyone in the pride was friendly.

"So what brings you around these lands Mei? Did you hear the music?" His face lit up at the idea of her hearing it, he loved to see rouges that were interested in music. In that sense he was just like his mother. He always wanted to see some one tapping their feet along with what ever beat he had started. He was excited to see what this lioness was going to say. Hopefully she was interested into the music!
PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 3:51 pm
((most people do actually XD I correct people all the time when they think lions can purr XD cheetahs are the only big cats that can purr. Its because Lions roar that they can't, the throat is shaped differently*watches too much animal planet* XD haha))

Well he seemed very friendly! That seemed like a good sign, to not be chased away from the area. "Well I don't think you would. I move from place to place. And sometimes end up in pride territories. Seems I did it again. I hope its not a bother having me here." she said with a frown. "But thank you for being kind. Its nice to meet a friendly pride. I have met a mixtures of friendly, and unfriendly ones." she said with a chuckle as she sat down.

When he mentioned music she nodded. "Well I heard a noise so I guess I subconsciously followed it without much thought on what it was. I was surprised to hear you singing, I didn't know lions sang. Or at least, I never met one that sang before." she said as she cocked her head ot the side curiously. "Mostly just birds, and creatures like that. But it sounded nice. I like to listen to birds." she said. Music was nice to hear. "And its very nice to meet you Kova." she said as she smiled at him. What a friendly boy.

Reverie Rose


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 4:23 pm
Kova looked at the female before smiling at her. "Oh! your a rogue! I met a few like you." He laughed a bit before nodding toward her. "I wander out of the pride some times. I've met many that wander around." He laughed slightly before flicking his hair out of his eyes ocne more before nodding. "It's no problem being kind, It's hard not to be kind." He laughed slightly before looking at her and making a very small face. "I've heard of some of those not so friendly prides. Be careful I heard there is a very unfriendly pride not that far off from this one. I forgot what it was called but I heard that you could end up getting killed there." He was so used to the calm and welcome of the pride that it was hard for him to imagine other prides being crewel and unwelcoming. He was born into this pride and it was so hard for him to think of life any other way.

"Ah! Lions do sing." He chuckled slightly before nodding his head. "This entire pride sings! We dance and play drums. We love music here. We live off of the earth's rhythm along with out own. It's hard for some to understand but to me it makes more sense then why we have to breath and eat." He chuckled slightly before nodding at the idea. "It's a good way to live." He smiled slightly before bowing toward her. "It's my pleasure to meet you."
PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 4:44 pm
"Wow I never heard of lions doing things like that! That's pretty amazing." said Mei with a smile. "I would love to hear your pride's music sometime. I bet it is very lovely to listen to." she said as she wagged her tail slightly as she spoke to him. What a lively and friendly boy he was. "I guess I am lucky I ran into this on on accident instead of one of those ones. I have been chased a few times, but it didn't seem like they wanted to kill me previously. Just get me to leave. I wonder why they would kill you over an accident." she said, thinking about it before shrugging the thought off. Didn't matter if she wondered about it or not now did it?

She smiled at his bown as she nodded to him. "Same. Its a pleasure to meet you Kova." she said as she knelt her head in response to his bow to her. "So do you play drums or just sing?" she asked him, curious about this singing pride of lions.

Reverie Rose


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 9:25 am
Kova chuckled slightly before nodding. "It's very amazing. The entire pride gets together some times and we all play music." He laughed a bit then nudged her. "Everything makes music. Even the sound of your paws hitting the ground as you walk can count as music. You can probably sing and dance." He chuckled a bit then nipped at her. "It's fun to watch because we all dance too!" He backed away for a moment before doing a little dance himself to show ehr what they did before turning back toward her with a smile.

"It's hard to imagine these prides that chase off others... I mean..." His voice trailed for a moment before he nodded toward her. "I know for a fact that prides chase others out. But I was born into this pride. I can really only imagine friendly prides." He chuckled a bit before shaking his head. It was hard to think of it it really was. "I'm really used to just being here with the friednly lions. She laughed a little more.

"I play the drums some times." He chuckled slightly once more then smilied. "I like singing and dancing too though. I really like a bit of everything here. My mother is really good at playing the drums, I'm not as good as her yet. And my father is good at dancing. But once more I'm not that good." He laughed a little nervously before nodding toward her. "I guess I fall more into the singing." He looked at her before arching a bit of a look at her. "Can you sing? You look like you would have a really pretty voice."
PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 1:44 pm
She nodded when he spoke, it felt good to be near someone so passionate about what they loved. And he seemed very passionate about music. It was nice! She felt his nudge, a little surprised by it as she smiled and nodded when he explained how anything can make music. "I never thought of things like that being used for music. Just being sounds made naturally. Like the rustling of the wind." She responded with. Could such things be used for music?

"That sounds fun! I bet you have lots of fun with your pride eh?" she said with a wink and a grin. He did seem interesting, and the thought of a pride based around music excited her. She wondered what their music sounded like when everyone was working together. "Well I would love to hear one of your performances one time. It sounds interesting." she said.

When he asked if she could sing she shrugged her shoulders. "No clue. I have never tried. I mean, singing doesn't really come to mind with lions so I never tried." she said.

Reverie Rose


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 2:27 pm
Kova laughed and shook his head before nodding toward her. "Everything is music, even the wind is music." He nodded proudly at the fact that he knew so much about music,and it was true. He was very proud that he knew so much about music, he was even starting to get that feeling that his mother did when he was teaching others about music. He flicked his hair out of his eyes then nodded. "There is lots of fun that goes around here." He chuckled before then licking his lips. "everyone is treated like family. Everyone is nice. Ntohign really bad." He chuckled slightly at the idea, he loved how welcoming the pride was.

"Well if you stick around long enough you'll probably hear one. everyone is kind of random with the music making around here." He nodded proudly at the idea. "Everyone just kind of starts playing some times." He chuckled then streched his paws some.

"You should try. You never know."
PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 4:12 pm
Mei listened to his explanation, looking up as he did so. "I see. I never would have thought of that." she said before turning her gaze back to his. "You seem very knowledgeable about this. But it is nice to see that you love it so. Its better then just doing it because everyone around you does it." she said with a smile.

She perked her ears up in interest, just playing randomly. Sounds like an upbeat pride at least. And as long as everyone enjoys it, then why not? "Well sometime I would love to come and see so long as your family wouldn't mind." she said as she nodded to him.

When he mentioned her singing again, she folded her ears back nervously. "Oh but...I would feel terribly embarrassed. I have never sung before. I probably wouldn't sound much better then a hyena!" she said shaking her head. The nerves getting to her.

Reverie Rose


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 9:57 am
Kova looked at her the nodded the smile still on his face, "Not many do!" But if you think about it, all of it makes sense. When the wind blows it makes sound. It might take a bit and a lot of thinking to realize that is has a beat. I can understand that being a little difficult but after you can wrap your paw around that" His voice trailed before he looked at her and nodded.

"My family, mind?" He laughed at the idea before shaking his head. "My family would never mind. They would love it." He chuckled slightly then blinked a bit at her. "Well if you've never tried it you never know!" He chuckled slightly and nudged her. "If your shy that's alright. But don't count out hyenas!" He laughed before nodding "I've met one she wasn't that bad." He gave her a wide grin.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 11:31 am
"Hmm...I suppose so." she said, watching the wind blow the leaves in the tree around. "Well, I dont think I will view wind quite the same anymore." she said with a laugh as she nodded her head at him. It was true, once you have heard it from someone who views it as music, how can you help but not try to hear it yourself?

She smiled when he said his family wouldn't mind. That's good. "Well that's a relief! Nothing against your family or anything, but just because you are kind and accepting doesn't necessarily mean they are. Though I am glad it sounds like they really are kind. Its nice to meet others who are accepting." she said as she gained a shocked look on her face when he spoke of the hyena. "A singing hyena!? I have never heard of such a thing! They can sound dreadfully awful at times! To sing!? Wow!" she said, a bit shocked by it.

Reverie Rose


Mega Streaker

PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:41 pm
Kova looked at the lioness with a smile on his face. "Well I'm very glad to know that i'm going to leave as much as an impression to make you think that there is sounds every where just as I do." He chuckled once more then flicked his hair out of his eyes and stuff. "Our entire pride is pretty much friendly. I don't think there is a bad soul around here." He flashed her a smile then streched out slightly. "Well I have met one. She had a pretty good voice. IT caught me off garud too." He nodded before his attention turned toward the drum circle then the sun. "Oh my. I have to go for a bit. It's a family thing." He chuckled before nodding toward them again. "I'll have to catch you another time. I hope to see you again!" He bumpped heads with her before turning around. "It was nice meeting you!" He flicked a tail before trotting off toward the drum circle.  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:20 pm
She smiled and nodded to him, but before she could say anything her ears perked up as she heard a sound carried on the wind. A drumming? She heard him say that he had to go, and frowning, she nodded. ""It has been wonderful meeting you. And talking with you. I hope we can see each other again sometime soon." she said with a smile as she felt him bump her head, grinning as he ran off. "Good bye Kova!" she shouted as she smiled at him. He was very friendly in deed, she did hope she would see him again sometime soon.  

Reverie Rose

[IC] Nchi'mahadhi Lands [IC]

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