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[PRP] Cherished moments never last. [O'tep x Shiva]

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Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 1:32 pm
User Image The world was still new to the shining star that was Shiva, her eyes and ears only just opened to reveal a strange and overwhelmingly wondrous world full of sounds and sights that were, at times, mind boggling. Not that the tiger striped cub had traveled far yet, still too new to have made her way much further than the edge of her family's den. There at the mouth of the cavern, wide, round eyes observed everything around her with an inquisitive delight.

One such morning would find Tariq and O'tep's youngest daughter asleep in the sun after teetering on unsteady legs to greet the day. Tiny frame balled under heated shafts of light away from her siblings after she had spent some time observing the daily routine of her pride always searching in hopes of a glimpse of her papa. Today though, Shiva had wondered where her mother was for she'd woken up amongst siblings and half siblings they were alongside the marsh colored Ukoo, but no mom!

It had been while awaiting O'tep's return that the cub's eyes had grown heavy and the warmth which settled over her pelt made it hard to remain awake. Little paws twitched with fitful dreams despite the ease of the day, anxious for her mother to return home.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 2:11 pm
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O'tep really never wandered that far away from the den in the first place. Even before the cubs. Sure she loved to get away from Tariq, yet there was so much changing around her. She hated Tariq at first, she truthfully hated him more than anything else. Even more than her father. However now she wasn't feeling that hate as much. She was so confused. She was even starting to do more jobs around the den, compared to her once full rebellious self. Sure somethings she still refused to do, but she was breaking. But in a way there was some else. That something else were her cubs. She was so nervous to have them at first, she really didn't want to have them at first. But she was turning out a pretty good and loving mother.

However it was nap time at the den and she needed to get away to think so bad. But she couldn't manage to wander away for too long. She wanted to get back to her cubs. The short amount of a break that she had was good enough for a little bit at least. You can say she would be happy for a while.

She approached the den a little more slowly than normal. Tariq was out doing his pridal duties. He had been so busy he hadn't had much of a chance to talk to O'tep about things or see his cubs really... Her mind's thoughts trailed as she wandered up to the den. She could already spy a little body, one of hers. It took her a moment before a named popped up in her mind as she could pick out the colors. It was Shiva, she was such a sweet little girl. With out realizing it a smile grew on her face. She noticed the cub was sleeping. She chuckled slightly stepping around the cub and laying behind her before gently using one of her paws to pull the little cub close. She purred quietly before running her tongue across the little cub's forehead in attempt to clean her.


Mega Streaker

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:17 am
The sudden pull of paws upon her tiny body caused Shiva to stir violently, yelping in alarm until soft, lavender hues opened, wide and fearful. Clouded with sleepy disorientation, her tiny paws pressed at the face too near for her to focus on before the familiar scent of her mother filled her nose and washed a sense of relief over the cub. Chirping quietly as she nuzzled into her mother's chest while rough tongue bathed her with a tenderness that even the inexperienced O'tep was able to express towards her offspring.

A quiet sound lifting from Shiva's maw as she enjoyed the soothing vibration of the rolling purr in her mother's chest. Instinctively kneading at soft, pale fur as she curled up between resting forepaws. Huffing as she buried her face against the larger figure, annoyed at her mother for waking up and not knowing where she was. Ukoo was all well and good, but Tariq's plain banu was no replacement for her maternal figure no matter how close knit a family they were. When I woke up you were gone! W-where'd you go, momma?

[OOC] Sorry fr the delay on this, writing tags has been like pulling teeth for me lately with work being kind of crazy. v___v;
PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 8:02 pm
O'tep didn't react much when the cub started to flail around. She had a feeling that the cub was just caught off guard. She had a lot worse then little cub claws in her maw before. Her mind drifted back to when her and Tariq always got into fights. She remembered all of the scratches and scars. She was glad that she took care of all of the wounds that she had. All of them had easily disappeared into her coat making them unable to see unless she some how lost all of her hair. However some times when her coat was wet you could see some of the scaring but it wasn't anything major for sure. At one point they were but they weren't anymore. As she looked down at the cub she started to try and figure out how Tariq was really going to act to the cubs... She didn't want her cubs ending up like she did at one point. Beside Tariq wasn't that bad toward O'tep lately...

She smiled as the cub started to snuggle into her chest. It wasn't a feel that she was used to, nor the kneading. She was starting to study Ukoo close. She watched her sister carefully trying to figure out the ways of motherhood. Occasionally making sure she was doing things right. She was feeling pretty comfortable but it was still something else. She was barely getting used to it. Forgetting that the nights she curled up next to Tariq up on his sleeping spot that there would be cubs below them. She almost stepped on one of her sons once! But she was slowly getting used to them.

She ran her rough tongue down the cub's spine again listening to the squeaks that the cub expressed. She was a little caught off guard, she didn't know the cubs even noticed she was go. So much for not being noticed. She wasn't going to be able to get away with that. "I was getting something to drink, my pale little angel." She looked down at the cub and smiled softly. She was pretty surprised at how much the cub looked like her. She was surprised any time she looked at her cubs and noticed the similarities. "I wasn't that far away. I'm sorry." She nuzzled the small cub before going back to the cleaning.


Mega Streaker

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 12:20 am
While O'Tep was lost in her reverie, Shiva was content to be appeased with her mother's affection, greedily soaking up the independent attention she received at the moment. With so many siblings afoot it was hard to get any time alone with her mother and as such the little beybanu-to-be took advantage of every opportunity she could snag. Shivering in response to the warmth of her mother's touch as rough tongue combed over the fur along her backside, rolling to stretch out on her belly, tiny paws extended as far as they could reach over her mother's forearm, rear legs stuck out behind her while her tail flicked lazily.

It was silly of O'Tep to think that it wouldn't be acknowledged when she went missing or even that she wouldn't be missed. Huffing a breath that caused tiny frame to swell and then collapse rather suddenly in dismay in response to her mother's words almost distressed by them and scolding quietly. You shouldn't leave me by myself, momma! I could get hurt or even worse, someone could try and steal me!

It was evident by the tone of her voice that the latter would have been far more likely and horrifying, after all who wouldn't have wanted such a beautiful and endearing daughter as Shiva? Surely she was the envy of all the Pads who wished their daughters were as lovely and talented as she and certainly all the banu in the pride must have bowed their heads in shame that they had not produced offspring as glorious as O'Tep's precious angel. Not the least bit conceited this was, oh no. Lingering on the thought of being carted away by one of the other males of the pride the pale striped cub chuffed indignantly, her papa would have made any pad foolish enough to get such an idea in his head pay with his life. Bobbing her head soundly, she was certain of it. Finally lifting her voice to her mother as she was bathed. Reprimanding, but also holding an underlying touch of fear. She loved her mother even if she was inexperienced and the idea of being taken away from her made Shiva's chest hurt. You should be more careful next time!

...cause I don't want to be taken away.
PostPosted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 12:33 pm
O'tep looked down at her cub before chuckling a little bit, she ruffled her cub's hair on her head before smiling a little bit. "Well..." She chuckled a little bit before nibbling at the cub's fur and purring quietly. "Well sweetie, no one would take you." She smiled then nipped at the cub's ear a bit before licking her nose gently. She pulled the small cub closer to herself before flicking her hair out of her eyes.

She was very amused at the idea that the cub was afraid to be taken. O'tep knew for a fact that the cub was safe, she knew that her cubs could not be taken. If they were taken they would have to face herself and Tariq. She Nuzzled her daughter before laughing once more. "This pride is VERY safe sweet heart, you have nothing to worry about." She nudged the cub before chuckling a bit. She was more than sure that her cubs were safe. She purred quietly before looking down at the cub.

"Next time I'll take you with me if you would like." She told the cub before looking around. "Would you like to do anything sweetheart?" She asked the small cub before letting out a yawn. She knew for a fact that her children were very good looking, but she wouldn't think so much that some one would take her because of that. She was in fact very sure that her daughters would be wanted as Banu's later on in her life. But for now they were just cubs.


Mega Streaker

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 6:18 pm

Shiva practically gasped at her mother's reassurance it should have been comforting to hear, but the youth could only feel offended by such a notion. No one would take her?! Lies!! Shiva was a shining star! A brilliant and beautiful beybanu! Everyone would take her! They would fight each other for her! The desire and envy of all! Someday O'tep would see that, for now, perhaps she had too many other things on her mind to realize she had struck such a vein of self consciousness within her daughter. Small cheeks puffed, poutingly, as the tuft of her sprouting forelock was gently groomed followed by the rest of her pale coat, very much like her mother's.

White toed paws would eventually press against her mother's maw, pushing her back as she rolled beneath the grooming finally deciding to protest out loud when the nagging thought persisted beyond her capability to ignore it. I could too get stolen, momma! Not by strangers... c-cuz papa would never let a stranger get inside our pride.. but a pad could come along and snap me up for his harem!

Shiva gave a wise, knowing nod as if she'd witnessed such an event first hand. They would hear how beautiful and what a good banu I am come and whisk me away!

There was an almost dreamy look in lavender hues. Apparently she had listened to one too many of the Sultan's fanciful stories. Her head full up with the perfect life and handsome pad that waited her in her future. A proud, powerful lion, just like her papa. Shaking away the lingering affects of her distant thoughts, it was all forgotten at the mention of traveling to the watering hole with her mother. Trilling and wagging her hind paws with excitement at the very prospect with glee. Yes! Yes! Yes! I want to go momma! Can we go now?!
PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 4:51 pm
O'tep looked down at the small cub before chuckling a little bit, she couldn't help it. She pulled the cub closer before sighing and shaking her head. She couldn't help it, she really couldn't. She ran her rough tongue across the small lioness's back purring quietly as she did. She nipped at the cub's ear then smiled a little bit. "Sweetie no one is going to take you." She said again, this time her voice a little more firm. She knew her children were quiet beautiful. What she could remember of her sister looked like she was also very beautiful. She couldn't say the same about herself she didn't like to admit those things.

She looked down at the cub before chuckling a bit. "No one would do that. They would have to talk to your father and he wouldn't do that." She laughed a bit and then glanced down at the cub. "They would be in a lot of trouble with me and also with everyone else if they did that." she was more than sure that wasn't allowed in the pride. Stealing Banus young or not wasn't a good idea. O'tep would defend her cubs with the life of her if she needed to. No one was going to take her babies away from her.

She was glad to see her daughter's excitement to going out. Ukoo was still in the den she knew that her daughter was going to be safe for her other cubs if she wanted out in that direction. She stood up and nudged her cub again then started to trot toward the lake. "Come on sweet keep up."


Mega Streaker

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 9:26 pm
Chirping in surprise as she was suddenly dragged back to her mother, any protest Shiva might have made was quickly silenced by the caress of her mother's tongue. Happily arching into the affectionate lick and the strange tingle of her fur being rubbed the wrong way, though it ironically seemed to appease the little cub opposed to making her all the more ornery. Ear twitching in response to the gentle n** that addressed the pale rim, though once able to find her voice, you can bet that the little banu squawked in further protest despite the emphasis in her mother's tone. But they might! They might! They could be sneaky!

Luckily for O'tep the excitement of being able to venture out to the lake was already sinking in, providing its surely intended affect of distracting the pastel colored cub from the conversation at hand as her eyes gazed listlessly towards the mouth of their den. Springing forward when encouraged by her mother's nudging maw and toddling to keep up though her tiny legs could only carry her so quickly and Shiva still stumbled and wobbled occasionally. W-wait momma, wait for me!

Panting, Shiva struggled to keep pace with her mother. Tiny pink tongue lolling rather undaintily while seeking to hide from the sun in her mother's shadow. Weaving around her legs and underneath her belly. The little banu decided she'd be glad when they finally reached the watering hole and she'd be able to jump, paws first, into the cooling wetness.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 5:17 pm
O'tep turned toward the little lioness. It was so hard to convince her cubs of anything, so she felt, at times. They were all as stubborn as she once was. Now she was still stubborn but only at the right moments. Occasionally she would refuse to do something but for now she was just generally quiet. She listened and went along with things but she now found her stubborness in her children and at times it was a headache. She flicked her tail around behind her as she thought about it. As she did she didn't really regret anything and as long as her children got in trouble for the right things she cared even less.

She stopped as she heard the cub's voice. That was something she was still getting used to. Waiting for little cubs to catch up with her, she forgot about their little legs. Before her own cubs she really didn't ahve anything to do with anyone else's cubs not even the other female's cubs. She paused and then looked down at the cub nudging her and then smiling, walking slowly toward the watering hole, waiting for the little lioness and making sure that she could keep up with her.

In all honesty she as proud to have such little balls of fur that were hers. She wasn't a big fan of it at first and she really didn't know what to do with them at first but she was starting to like them more and more, and now she was just happy. Happy to have them and have her mate. Although at times she was still grumpy and got a little sassy but she was glad to have them to take care of and keep her company. They were all pretty adorable and she was proud to have them.


Mega Streaker

[IC] Abandoned Forest [IC]

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