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Character Name: Ryujin, Kaede

Age: 25

Rank: Jounin

Guild: Nakaru Shoji (Tarumizu Village)

Clan: Ryujin Clan

Clan Traits:

The Ryujin are a fierce clan that believes that combat is the root of truth. They used to be a very high standing noble clan though recent inner struggle and assassinations have weaken their unity. Their basic fight style mimics those of large felines and dragons and many members take on a style of dress and weapons that mimic this. They prefer straight on confrontation and dislike many forms of subterfuge even though they are highly trained in assassination techniques. The Ryujin can be very violent if provoked because they have a harsh temper. For the Ryujin strength is a way of life and weakness should be conquered. Injuries and sometimes death is the result of the training style the Ryujin follow. One could say that they follow the mantra of "What does not kill you only makes you stronger".

Clan Techniques:

- Animal Forms of Martial Arts (Specifically Tiger/Cat Style and Dragon Style)

- Blood Eyes: From a very young age members of the Ryujin clan study the human body in order to gain an understanding of how it works and where its weakness are. As such they have developed a technique that focuses on the nerve centers, pressure points, and joints of the body. Young Ryu ninjas are put through strict training on locating their opponents weak points and using those to disable them. This includes many strikes directed at pressure points that immediately cause pain and paralysis that can sometimes be permanent, they are also taught how to cause massive bleeding with simple seemingly irrelevant strikes to joints of blood vessels. Mastery of this skill allows the user to unconsciously target weak areas of the body making their opponents believe that they have eyes that can see through the skin and to the blood and nerves below. When combined with any weapons technique especially acupuncture like needles it can be devastating, though it takes many years of singular training and concentration to be considered a master of this skill though all young Ryujin ninjas have a basic understanding.

Healing Techniques:

- Basic First Aid

Stealth Techniques:

- Kakuremino, ???, literally "Cloak of Invisibility" (Wilderness and Urban): The skills needed to blend into ones surroundings so as to become 'invisible' to those looking. Requires a certain amount of skill and alertness. It can not fool those who know what they are looking for and are very attentive. Can be used in both Wilderness and Urban areas though each is a different skill set.

- Lock Picking: The skill to pick locks. Time and ability depends on the type of lock one is trying to pick.

- Nawanuke, "Escaping Skill": Encompasses several techniques to escape from restraints and includes basic lock picking as well as aerobics in order to escape. This technique is less effective the more complicated the restraints are and it takes time and effort to accomplish. It is considered a stealth skill because it allows one to escape often seemingly impossible ways.

- Henge, ??, literally "Transformation": A set of observational skills developed to allow one to change many characteristics of their posture and attitude in order to blend into a crowd. This includes the ability to change quickly and make one appear to be a different person. Though this does not change the persons physicality it can often fool searching guards and receptionist. Requires a degree of acting and often props.

- Stealth: The ability to move almost silently. This skill takes years of practice and harsh discipline to acquire. This includes not only walking but breathing, running, jumping, falling, climbing, communication, and the ability to hide yourself on the ceiling of a hallway quietly. Gennins are usually too clumsy to use this technique though they are highly encouraged to practice it.

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Assasination Techniques:

- Shunshin ,??, literally "Body Flicker": Combined with high speeds this uses light and obstacles to confuse ones opponent's eyes so that they can not follow all your movements with their eyes. Received it's name from the fact that it makes one appear to flicker from place to place.Is often combined with a pouch of shiny material like glass thrown in the air.

- Jibaku Fuda, ???, literally "Exploding Tag": A small bomb created by mixing chemicals on a paper tag or in a small bag attached to the tag that is then thrown or attached to an object. The time delay depends on the chemicals and how long a ninja holds it before throwing. The chemical containers are usually broken before release or upon impact to create the explosion

- Seduction: This encompasses a wide variety of techniques to seduce someone. Used to gather information, gain access to a restricted section, or lure prey into a trap it is a very personal skill that is often passed from mother to daughter or master to apprentice. Not many can actually master this skill as it requires natural talent and charm. Taught primarily to kounichi it can also be taught to males though the skills are very different. Kaede is not very good at this particular technique because she dislikes its general use.

Martial Art Techniques:

- Jujitsu

- Karate

- Tiger Style

- Dragon Style

- Kick Boxing

- Muay Thai

- Raiken, literally "Thunder Fist": A boxing like technique known for its fast solid movements which are said to rock an opponent like thunder.

- Variant: Rai Raiken, literally "Lightening Thunder Fist" Using a small device to pass a steady electric charge through a metal gauntlet or other types of armor on ones hand while using Raiken. This causes the opponent to be shocked when hit and depending on the level of charge it can damage the neural network. This is limited to contact with metal and the amount of charge delivered. Usually a small chock effecting only a localized area. Time limited as the 'battery' wears out. User can be effected if not properly shielded from the device.

- Variant: Raikou Ken, literally "Lightening Discharge Punch": Very Similar to the Rai Raiken only it is a much larger charge. This can usually only be used once or twice before the battery runs out. It is not a steady charge but more a sudden release of electrical energy just before contact. This delivers a much larger shock directed at the neural network of an opponent and can disable them for a length of time.

- Raigeki no Yoroi, ????, literally "Lightning Armor": Passing electricity through body armor in order to protect ones-self from an enemy. This is a time limited technique where its range depends on the device used. The wearer must be protected from the electricity and trained specifically in this technique or they can be effected by it as well.

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Weapon Specific Techniques:

- Cross Slash

- Raikyu, ??, literally "Lightning Ball": This technique uses a small metal ball sometimes on a chain or string which is tossed an an opponent. The ball is electrically charge and releases a shock on contact. This shock ranges depending on the source of the shock the size of the device and the time since it's been activated.

- Rasengan, ???, literally "Spiraling Sphere": This technique uses a small circular object on a chain or string to compress and magnify airflow around itself.The ball is whirled around the head or body of the user or tossed at an opponent. It usually has many holes or other surface features designed to create a vortex and pressure wave around the object. In order to work this object needs to be moving at high speeds. Often wielded like a Chinese Dart. Believed to intimidate more then actually inflicts damage.

- Rairyu no Tatsumaki, ?????, literally "Lightning Dragon Tornado": Combining the Rasengan with the Raikyu. This is a very specialized technique that can be very dangerous. It is often said that wielding both the Raikyu and the Rasengan perfectly at once will cause one electricity to spark off and follow a path in the wind created by the Rasengan looking like lightening.

Katana (x2)
Duel Swords
Claw Gauntlet left hand (x1)
Rasengan Ball (x1)
Raikyu Ball (x2)
Kunai (x10)
Small Throwing Knives (x 10)
Anything She can get her hands on

Exploding Tags (x10)
Lock Pick Set
Cloak with hood
Several Electrical generating Devices.
Small Thin Needle like Throwing Knives (x 100)

Missions Completed:

E: 1 - Chuunin Exams (Champion)
D: 1 - Escorting the Master to a Treaty Meeting.
C: 1 - Retrieve a Scroll from the Black Forest.
B: 1 - Trained Gennin for Chuunin Exam

Kaede is the first born of Shiro and Kunashugi Ryujin. She is Hitomi Ryujin's older sister. Kaede and Hitomi are the rightful heirs of the Ryujin Clan but wary that the noble rank of her family may attract assassins especially after her parents died in the last war she has laid low with her younger sister in order to further access any dangers that may face them. Kaede has been teaching her sister in the way of the ninja transforming both girls into deadly killers. While Kaede's talents obviously run in the way of being a fighter Hitomi shows some skill with cooking and perhaps herbalism, She has only made two stews that made the girls sick but oddly enough those 2 stews helped them heal faster. Seeing this as a possible advantage Kaede encourages her to continue dabbling.

Gennin Arc: Kaede loyally follows the leadership of her close childhood friend and backs Linea with the power and money associated with a clan name.

Chuunin Arc: Kaede decimated the competition in the Chuunin exams showing great fighting and tactical skill she backed her opponents into inescapable fates. She was easily promoted to Chuunin and shortly there after moved up to Jounin status. With Hitomi developing into a strong ninja she has more time to herself which may turn out to be rather dangerous taking in her nature but maybe her team of young Gennin will keep her from getting bored.

Jounin Arc: Kaede has settled into her routine of training young ninjas. Kaede has decided pain and failure are the best teachers making her a harsh task master. She often uses her students as experimental targets for their training to help her develop new skills and techniques.