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Name: Saki Hirotori

Age: 14 - 15

Appearance: Saki wears her forehead guard around her neck like many kounichi.

Rank: Genin

Guild: Kirianei (Kirikura Village)

Clan: Hirotori

Clan Traits: In order to open their minds and release hidden abilities many members of the clan practice harsh almost cruel training with a focus on gaining incredible speed to their movements. The members of the Hirotori clan practice dissociation and meditation and rarely engage in normal family pastimes such as celebrating birthdays or holidays in order to make themselves into stable self-sustained shinobi. In fact the Hirotori's are less like a clan and more like a Shinobi Academy. They often take in orphans to train up into shinobi. They are ninja's in the most traditional sense and have no problem with killing from behind unannounced.

Clan Techniques:

- Shadow Dance: It is said that the members of the Hirotori clan have the ability to disappear into the night this is often called The Shadow Dance, and it is the ability to Move within Shadows to another Shadowed Location. This is a special clan ability and as such no one knows the secret of this magic like maneuver except for clan members. It requires the shadows to be rather dark in nature and the user to be rather detached and cold in personality. The less mastery one has of the ability the darker the shadows must be to allow movement between them and the smaller the distance one can travel. This is used as both a stealth and an assassination technique.

- Shadow Hand: The Shadow Hand is a Martial Art developed by the Hirotori Clan. It is characterized by flowing movements that often lead from one move directly into another much like Shoulin Kungfu. It is very smooth and can be applied to weapons as well as hand to hand combat. Because of its smooth and flowing movement many Hirotori's use duel or twin weapons. It is said some members of the clan can manipulate the air or water around them but this requires excellent mental control and a mastery of the form.

Healing Techniques:

- General First Aid

Stealth Techniques:

- Shadow Dance

- Kakuremino, ???, literally "Cloak of Invisibility" (Wilderness and Urban): The skills needed to blend into ones surroundings so as to become 'invisible' to those looking. Requires a certain amount of skill and alertness. It can not fool those who know what they are looking for and are very attentive. Can be used in both Wilderness and Urban areas though each is a different skill set.

- Lock Picking: The skill to pick locks. Time and ability depends on the type of lock one is trying to pick.

- Nawanuke, "Escaping Skill": Encompasses several techniques to escape from restraints and includes basic lock picking as well as aerobics in order to escape. This technique is less effective the more complicated the restraints are and it takes time and effort to accomplish. It is considered a stealth skill because it allows one to escape often seemingly impossible ways.

- Kirigakure, ???, literally "Hiding Mist": A skill that uses a flask of fluids, often water mixed with something else, to create a thick mist allowing a ninja to attack unnoticed or escape. The time needed for the mist to form is very small but often depends on the type and quality of materials used. The mist has a limited time use and it often effected by local weather conditions.

- Henge, ??, literally "Transformation": A set of observational skills developed to allow one to change many characteristics of their posture and attitude in order to blend into a crowd. This includes the ability to change quickly and make one appear to be a different person. Though this does not change the persons physicality it can often fool searching guards and receptionist. Requires a degree of acting and often props.

Assassination Techniques:

- Shadow Dance

- Shunshin, ??, literally "Body Flicker": Combined with high speeds this uses light and obstacles to confuse ones opponent's eyes so that they can not follow all your movements with their eyes. Received it's name from the fact that it makes one appear to flicker from place to place.Is often combined with a pouch of shiny material like glass thrown in the air.

- Jibaku Fuda, ???, literally "Exploding Tag": A small bomb created by mixing chemicals on a paper tag or in a small bag attached to the tag that is then thrown or attached to an object. The time delay depends on the chemicals and how long a ninja holds it before throwing. The chemical containers are usually broken before release or upon impact to create the explosion

- Seduction: This encompasses a wide variety of techniques to seduce someone. Used to gather information, gain access to a restricted section, or lure prey into a trap it is a very personal skill that is often passed from mother to daughter or master to apprentice. Not many can actually master this skill as it requires natural talent and charm. Taught primarily to kounichi it can also be taught to males though the skills are very different.

Martial Art Techniques:

- The Shadow Hand
- Shoulin Kungfu
- Kick Boxing
- Muay Thai
- Capoeira

2 Kodati
Numerous Kunai
Ninja stars

Weapon Specific Techniques:

- Duel/Twin Kodati
- The Shadow Sword

Flask of Hiding Mist (X3)
Exploding Tags (x10)
Lock Pick Set
Set of Normal 'Villager' clothing

Missions Completed:


Biography: Saki graduated from the academy at an early age but shows no ambition to further her placement though she sometimes talks about what fun it would be to be a chuunin. While Saki is extremely talented, she learns very fast and is able to put her techniques into use quickly, she lacks the attention span and focus to master any of them. In battle she often uses her half mastered techniques in unique and unusual ways. She will also steal a technique from an opponent though she mutilates it in the process. She prefers Weapon techniques to any other form of fighting thought she has a ton of Martial Arts techniques that as of yet have no name. This makes Saki is a very unique ninja. She has a quick wit and raking sarcasm which she uses as well as any bladed weapon. Saki has never celebrated her birthday so she's not sure of her exact age.