Name: Cho Mokam0 (Mo-Ka-M0)
Aliases/ Nicknames: butterfly (is cho in english)

Physical Description:6"9' very big 374 pounds all muscle a average face

Age: died at age 23 on september 21 1400

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name:Mokuma

Zanpaktou: achieved

Shikai Release: bloom

Shikai: achieved

Bankai: achieved secretly

Skills:silent killing

Abilities:almost all hadou(not black coffin and i dont use bokudo`s)

Personality:very laid back and can take a joke if you hit him first he will likely knock you out.

Biography/History: he remembers his death and was soul burialed very soon after becomeing a soul he then was sent straight to the academy unknown why though and graduated early he is now trying to become a member of squad 11 while changeing from squad 2 and wants to become the vice captain of that squad.has a feeling of another person inside of him but he doesnt know why.his zanpaktou is thicker than normal zanpaktous

the person inside of him is obviously a inner hollow and it got there before he was soul buried when a hollow tryed to devour him but he devoured it

Signature/Patented Technique:

Guild Status: no squad but is trying to join 11 after leaveing 2

Online Schedule:6-9 or later in eastern time frame

hollow mask:

User Image