A shadow of sadness and guilt passed in Gabrielle's eyes. Indeed they were no knight, not anymore and this was lla her fault. She should have just let go...yet she could not regret to continue her journey with Dimitri at her side.

Gabrielle made a tired smile in the direction of Olaf to calm his doubts. Yet she hid carefully her overdeveloped canines. She would have to remember that.

"Thank you." she whispered at the man as they passed him and headed for the Inn.

As they walked across the street, hand in hand, Gabrielle spoke in a low tone.
"I hope they will not find us here. I would never forgive myself if any civilians were hurt because of me."

They reached the Inn and they entered.

A broad hips, large breast, red hair woman welcomed them.

"Welcome!" she shouted so loudly that the man sitting at the closest table and drinking his beer probably lost the usage of both his ears.
"What can I do for you?" she shouted at them. "A room for two?" she laughed and some people in the assistant chuckled.
"Drink? Food?" she asked tilting her head from right to left gauging at them.

The wave of scents in the Inn overwhelmed Gabrielle for a moment and she almost lost balance. Her hand tightened harder on Dimitri's.

"My oh my! You are so skinny!" commented the large woman in Gabrielle's attention. "You need to eat!!!"

"Gertrude! Beer!" barked a man in a corner.

"Coming!" shouted back the waitress.
"Well I let you decide and I be right back." she said at Dimitri and Gabrielle with a smirk.