Gennin Level Abilities:

- Kakuremino, ???, literally "Cloak of Invisibility" (Wilderness and Urban): The skills needed to blend into ones surroundings so as to become 'invisible' to those looking. Requires a certain amount of skill and alertness. It can not fool those who know what they are looking for and are very attentive. Can be used in both Wilderness and Urban areas though each is a different skill set.

- Lock Picking: The skill to pick locks. Time and ability depends on the type of lock one is trying to pick.

- Nawanuke, "Escaping Skill": Encompasses several techniques to escape from restraints and includes basic lock picking as well as aerobics in order to escape. This technique is less effective the more complicated the restraints are and it takes time and effort to accomplish. It is considered a stealth skill because it allows one to escape often seemingly impossible ways.

- Henge, ??, literally "Transformation": A set of observational skills developed to allow one to change many characteristics of their posture and attitude in order to blend into a crowd. This includes the ability to change quickly and make one appear to be a different person. Though this does not change the persons physicality it can often fool searching guards and receptionist. Requires a degree of acting and often props.

- Stealth: The ability to move almost silently. This skill takes years of practice and harsh discipline to acquire. This includes not only walking but breathing, running, jumping, falling, climbing, communication, and the ability to hide yourself on the ceiling of a hallway quietly. Gennins are usually too clumsy to use this technique though they are highly encouraged to practice it.

- Kirigakure, ???, literally "Hiding Mist": A skill that uses a flask of fluids, often water wixed with something else, to create a thick mist allowing a ninja to attack unnoticed or escape. The time needed for the mist to form is very small but often depends on the type and quality of materials used. The mist has a limited time use and it often effected by local weather conditions. This skill is specific to the Kirianei Guild.

Chuunin Level Abilities:

Jounin Level Abilities:

Master Level Abilities: