Gennin Level Abilities:

- Shunshin ,??, literally "Body Flicker": Combined with high speeds this uses light and obstacles to confuse ones opponent's eyes so that they can not follow all your movements with their eyes. Received it's name from the fact that it makes one appear to flicker from place to place.Is often combined with a pouch of shiny material like glass thrown in the air.

- Seduction: This encompasses a wide variety of techniques to seduce someone. Used to gather information, gain access to a restricted section, or lure prey into a trap it is a very personal skill that is often passed from mother to daughter or master to apprentice. Not many can actually master this skill as it requires natural talent and charm. Taught primarily to kounichi it can also be taught to males though the skills are very different.

Chuunin Level Abilities:

- Herbal Poisons: The ability to create potent poisons out of seemingly simple plants.

Jounin Level Abilities:

Master Level Abilities: