Day At The Beach

I couldn't believe the beauty of the scene before me, the place I hadn't wanted to go to. The sun danced off the flowing, thundering waves. As the waves smashed against the sandy ground, sounding like hooves, it turned foamy white. But the sun-glazed beach was only a stop along the way. I slowly and cautiously walked over the lippery rock, which the salty water had just licked.

I sat down, my eyes transfixed on the small pool below me. The small trees of coral that had grown there were stiff and had bubble like crevices in it's surface. The seaweed danced to the invisible currents below the surface.

Small, colorful fish, that had been captured by the current, swam around, inspecting their temporary home. Small rocks at the bottom of the pool sat untouched by the currest and still.

The sun's orange rays danced on the surface of the small pool, letting the living organisms know of it's departure. I wanted to reach down and dips my fingers into the pool, I want to know what it'd be like to live in the pool, to see it's beauty day in and day out.

Water swam around my toes and I knew it was time to go. I gazed into the small pool, filled with coorful fish and dancing plants. The tide was coming in and I had to go.

I sighed and carefully got to my feet, edging over the slippery, rocky surface, the tide rising and the sun fleeing into the horizon.