war_junky 91
If you drop ******** Apple offers into a Mac Pro, including the quad-channel fibrewire card, all the offered software, a printer, two 30" displays, etc, it breaks 30k. xd

Requiem in Mortis
Woa, didn't actually see the total price. It's still cheaper than the Alienware I designed a while back. I put the best of everything in, and the total came out to just under $20,000.

I could buy a home theater set for the cost of that computer.

And a self made build will be $15k cheaper.

I will never buy Alienware for one simple reason. Its owned by Dell.
And Ober is right about building it yourself. I went to some website that had some big long thing about making a custom computer. Just for shits and giggles i started putting in the stuff i used in mine. Price came up ten grand and it didn't even include everything i wanted, build it yourself if you have the capabilities. Its worth it.

Another reason to not buy from Alienware;
They're over priced.

It's really not that hard to build.

Follow the form factor for the board and you'll be fine.
Get the right socket on the processor for the mother board (there are boards and processors that come bundled with each other) and it's relatively easy.
Now that is. Before you had to ******** with jumper, dip switch and dial settings for old stuff like SCSI drives and all that.
Pain in the a**.

But with all this SATA s**t and plug and play easy mode stuff it's very easy.

Boards should come with specs that will or should rather, give you enough information to get things that are compatible.

I'm guessing the biggest thing to do is to get the right amount of thermal paste between the processor and the heat sink.
Most heat sinks I've used are pre-pasted and covered in a sheet of cellophane to keep it from rubbing off.

Wow, that's...
easy easy mode.