Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 10:26 pm
Reminder: You many only win two breeding slots per month total, not per colorist or event. If you win two in the same month you can no longer eligible for any breeding slots for that month with any of your Soquili. Similarly, if someone wins a breeding raffle slot, then they may only enter one couple for the remainder of the month's raffles.Does your Soquili dream of a family of his or her own? This is the place to find out how to bring a new generation of Soquili into the world. The Breeding Thickets lie in the heart of the Soquili lands, a safe and protected place for young foals to be born and raised. When they are born, small and weak, Soquili babies are placed in pretty baskets. Tasunke will be keeping watch so that everything goes smoothly, even if the breeders are not around. Basics• Breedings are Pay-What-You-Want Trades should be sent directly to the colorist doing the breeding. Some colourists require a trade to be sent, while some accept no trade as 'pay what you want'. Please read the individual rules for your opening. If you do not send a trade, and they are paid slots, you may forfit your breeding oppourtunity.• Soquilis have between 2-3 babies per breeding2-3 baskets is normal. Role-played soquili have a higher chance at 3 baskets. Breedings where one or both parents are Elders receive 4 or 5 baskets.• Soquili can choose to only mate with one life partner or multiple partnersSee the Mates & Permissions thread for more information on lifemating.
• Saying yes to throwbacks means colorists may choose traits from previous generationsThis does not guarantee there will be throwbacks, only that you are allowing the colorist to include previous edits/colors/patterns if they so desire. For first gens this will mean the possibility of random traits. You do not get to pick which traits may be used if you say yes to throwbacks.• Baskets will not open without owners.There may be cases where you are unable to reach the other owner of your breeding due to inactivity. If so, you are required to attempt to contact the other owner. If after 1 month they have not responded, you are free to allocate baskets however you want. You must still give one basket to the MIA owner, but may have first choice of basket yourself, and can assign the owner for the 3rd basket (if there is one).Limits• Pairs must be adults. • Soquili must be certed. Alternatively, you may link an uncert and a cert request, if your pet hasn't been certed yet. An uncerted pony that has not been named / had a formal cert request cannot be bred. Please post for certing first.• Soquili may have unlimited breedings.• Breeding slots cannot be reserved or swappedThe couple who entered for a breeding slot and won will be the couple who receives baskets. Their breeding slot may not be given to another couple or held in reserve for later use.• Only one basket may be kept per owner, per breedingEven if you own both parents, you may keep only one basket - any others must be given to other people. Any individual may only have their name on one basket from a breeding. This goes for full ownership and co-ownership. The basket you choose is yours, you cannot swap foals or adults after they pop. • You may give away your Soquili's baskets freelyIt is your responsibility to pick names & owners for your Soquili's baskets. You may run any kind of free raffle or contest you wish to find a home for your basket(s), as well as choose the terms and conditions of the contest or raffle. The only stipulations are that you may not profit from your game/contest! If your basket was CC'd, then the colorist cannot be gifted a basket. • Directly related soquili cannot breed but cousins are okay!No direct relations that were purchased as siblings or customed into a family cannot breed together even if the owners change their minds about them being related later. You still cannot have your characters breed with immediate and direct line relations -- mother, father, sister, brother, aunts, uncles, grand-parents, great-grandparents, etc. -- be they full-blooded or half-relations; you also cannot have your character breed with adopted relatives that are raised AS immediate relations -- adopted mother, adopted father, adopted uncle, adopted sister, etc. Please note: This is for direct biological lines only. If they don't share direct genetic ancestry themselves and are connected only through the coupling of relatives on a later date, they are STILL not genetically related and thus are exempt from this rule. • Spirit Breedings Soquili can have Spirit Breedings if a Colorist allows it! This is a breeding for non-traditional pairs, meaning same-sex couples, mini x standard soq, aquatic x landbound soq, different familiar types, and poly-groups. The colorist will treat the breeding as a normal breeding, but the baskets dropped will be considered gifts of the spirits. Familiar x Soquili breedings are NOT allowed in regular breeding slots, only in wishing stars! • Related In CosplayIf two Cosplay soquili are genetically related to each other in their original source, they count as relatives and cannot mate together, even if they are not related in Soquili Canon. Cousins are okay!
• AdoptionIf a soquili is adopted into a family, they cannot breed with their adoptive Mother/Father OR their adoptive Siblings/their siblings kids/That direct family line (so grand-parents, aunts, uncles, etc.) Cousins are okay!
• Kelpi and Obvious Kelpi hybrids are the only species other then mers capable of breeding with Mer soquili biologicallyKelpi are capable of breeding with Mers, However they are simply required to have obvious kelpi traits (Fins, kelpi-tail etc). Nixie and Obvious Nixie Hybrids are the only species other than Seathi capable of breeding with Seathi in the same manner as the above.Permissions & Entering• You must have permission from both owners to breed Soquili Permission must be posted in the Mates & Permissions thread before you may enter any breedings. Both owners and all relevant co-owners MUST have posted permission for a breeding by the time winners are announced, or it shall be null and void. No permission is needed when both Soquili are owned by the same person.• Co-owners listed as "no rights" cannot own a basket for that breedingIf a pet is co-owned and one of the co-owners has 'no rights' to a breeding, then that co-owner may NOT receive a basket from a breeding they have no rights to. If I co-own a Soq and have no rights to the first breeding, I may not receive a basket from that breeding, even if there are three. I would also not be able to co-own from that breeding; no rights means no rights.• Soquili who have entered 20 or more times but failed to get baskets are Low LuckLow Luck couples are eligible for special "Low Luck Only" slots which are offered by colorists for those who have had no luck in getting a breeding, to help offset the fickle whims of the fates. It's suggested you keep a list of links of breeding slots you have entered but not won in a journal or teepee for easy reference. When a couple gets a breeding slot their Low Luck counter resets; they begin anew with no "points". Missing a breeding raffle or switching your entered couple does NOT negate any previous entries you had towards Low Luck, only getting baskets for the couple (by any means, raffle, RL, bribe, Master CC) will. Each thread you have entered for breeding slots in but failed is one "point" towards being Low Luck, regardless of how many are in the same month or how many colorists were offering slots in the thread. Entries in the Master CC List do not count towards Low Luck "points".• Owners may have up to two Soquili pairs involved in breedings each monthOwners are eligible to win two slots each month, but no more. Please make note of your permissions and talk with other owners to make sure you have NO additional pairs entered in any events! Bribes & co-owned breedings where you have no basket rights do not count towards monthly limits. If you win a breeding slot in a raffle, you may only attempt with one other couple in other raffles for the remainder of the month.• Colorists have the right to place conditions on their raffles/eventsAs long as these conditions are clearly stated, colorists have the right to DQ couples/owners in violation, i.e. requiring entries to be posted in a specific format, only accepting RP'd couples, or Soquili with no offspring. They also have the right to invent new types of slots to raffle from (such as minis (usdia & seathi only), as long as those categories are general in nature. (no slots for "Ponies named Bob" or "blue elder uni mares")Roleplay• RP of Soquili couples is encouraged but not mandatoryRP'd Soquili are eligible for special Plot/RP slots - See the RP-Couples Qualification Check thread for more details.• Roleplays must be at least 2 weeks old to qualify for RP slotsFor any RP categories, RP must have started at least 2 weeks before breeding slots open. In order to qualify for the RP raffle, couples must have trackable/verifiable RP which has been approved in this thread. Two oppositely gendered Soquilis discussing the weather by the river are NOT eligible for the RP category and will be moved to the first category accordingly. Staff will determine if your RP is enough to qualify. • Inactive ownersIf one of the two/three owners is inactive in picking a basket, the other owner/s after ONE MONTH can allocate baskets to the other owner/s. Active owners must allocate one basket to the other owner regardless if they are active or not. All co-owner agreements must also be reserved, IE if agreement states that the other co-owner will receive basket then they will have to receive basket.
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 1:02 pm
General Breeding FAQ's Where do I enter for breedings?Keep an eye on the Breeding subforum - slots generally open near the beginning of the month. Colorists will have their own thread here for entries when they're accepting couples. Can I keep my soquili's babies?You may keep up to one basket per breeding. I don't have any friends to give my soquili's babies to!You can host a contest to give away the kids, they don't have to go to your friends. Wait, I'm confused. Do co-owned Soquili count for the limit?-If you are a co-owner and entitled to a basket, then a couple counts against your entry limit. I co-own a Soquili, but we have no co-own agreement. Does that mean my co-owner doesn't have to post permission?-No. If there is no co-own agreement, it is assumed that the Soquili is completely co-owned in a 50-50 setup. Both co-owners must post permission for these Soquilis to be entered. Ok, so who is the active owner of co-owned soqs with no agreements?-The co-owners are both held accountable unless both clearly state that only one of them (an agreed on one) will be getting a basket. My Elder only got 4 baskets from their breeding!-Elders have the *possibility* of getting five baskets, it's not a guarantee. My pair wasn't put in the category I signed them up for!-This means one of two things. Check your post and make sure you entered them in the right categories; if you typed the wrong thing, they might have been put in the wrong thing. Additionally, rp entrants and rp contest entrants have their rp status checked; if your pair doesn't meet the requirements, they'll be moved. Finally, it is also possible it was an honest mistake on the colorist's part. We're only human. My pair isn't in the contest at all!-If a pair is lacking permission, they aren't added to the contest until the permissions are all posted. If the permission doesn't make it before the deadline, the couple is out. Sorry! -Otherwise, your pair might have been either your or the other owner's third pair. In this case, it was removed at the over-entered owner's discretion. My soquili is homosexual. How can I get him or her to breed?If a colorist allows Spirit Breedings, than you may enter the couple n the raffle normally. Should they win, the baskets will be considered a gift from the spirits! In other cases, they will need to find a surrogate of the opposite sex, to help carry children for them. When my soquili's baby grows to an adult can my soquili mate with their own baby?No, Soquili may not breed with family members, even ones customed into the family and later 'negated' from it. The only exception are cousins. It is okay for cousins to breed. Previously only couples with no breedings could be Low Luck, did that change?Yes - any couple who has entered in 20 or more breeding raffles together with no baskets is now Low Luck - those entries need not be consecutive months, and entering for more than one raffle in the same month counts (ex. entering three raffles in January unsucessfully would give you three LL "points" towards your twenty.) If you win a breeding, and wish to start trying with the couple again, their "low luck" counter resets. Do I have to keep track of where my entries are for Low Luck?Yes. Use your teepee, journal, MCCL post, or whatever other method you please, but we have to be able to verify your Low Luck status. It is your responsibility to track your own entries. What happens if I'm trying for a breeding with a friend's soquili, and they go MIA?You MAY keep attempting to breed you pair, but if you win the breeding, you must honor your initial agreement with the other owner (ie, make sure that they receive a basket from the breeding if that is what the agreement was). Owners must wait one month before allocating baskets. All co-owner agreements must be followed as well.
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 1:07 pm
Breeding FormsPlease use the form in breeding slots; however, please make sure to read over colorist rules in their thread. Quote: [quote][b]Is it ok to livestream the breeding?:[/b] (If you say yes, it's possible you -- and other viewers -- will be able to see the adult stages ahead of time. Say no if you'd prefer they be kept a surprise.)
Entry Code: [code]Parent1Name (owners) x Parent2Name (owners)[/code]
[b]Parent 1:[/b] [img]CERT[/img] [url=]UNCERT[/url] (optional: [url=]Nekkid[/url] | [url=]Markings[/url] | [url=]Feral[/url] (pureshifter only) )
[b]Parent 2:[/b] [img]CERT[/img] [url=]UNCERT[/url] (optional: [url=]Nekkid[/url] | [url=]Markings[/url] | [url=]Feral[/url] (pureshifter only) )
[b]Co Ownership?:[/b] (List who isn't getting baskets, AND link to the co-ownership agreement) [b]Teepees:[/b] (While this is not mandatory it would make our lives easier if you were able to post links to the teepees of the owners for easy stat checking later on.)
[b]Link to Breeding Agreement:[/b] [url=LINK][ X ][/url] [color=white]---[/color][b]Lifemate?:[/b] Yes/No
[b]RP Approved?:[/b] Yes/No
[b]Low Luck?:[/b] Yes/No
[spoiler][list=1] [*] list of attempts [/list][/spoiler]
[b]Breed Variants (Stock Templates Only):[/b] Yes/No. If yes, different stock templates may be used so long as breed remains the same. If no, only breed templates on the parents and throwbacks may be used. [color=white]---[/color][b]Templates to Avoid:[/b] (If there are breed templates you'd like to avoid, post here. PLEASE NOTE: ONLY LIST TRAITS THE PARENTS THEMSELVES DO NOT HAVE.)
[b]Other Variants (Stock Templates Only):[/b] Yes/No. If yes, different hairs, body types (regular, draft, war), body poses (neck, legs), expressions, and anything non-breed may be used. If no, hairs, body types, body poses, expressions, and anything non-breed will be restricted to what the parents and throwbacks have. [color=white]---[/color][b]Templates to Avoid:[/b] (If there are breed templates you'd like to avoid, post here. PLEASE NOTE: ONLY LIST TRAITS THE PARENTS THEMSELVES DO NOT HAVE.)
[b]Random Breeds (1st Gen Throwbacks Only):[/b] If yes, random breeds (stock or edit, depending on the parent) may be present in the offspring if they get a throwback roll. This applies so long as at least one of the primary parents is a non-mock child 1st gen. (Must say "Throwbacks?: Yes" to apply.) [b]Random Variants (1st Gen Throwbacks Only):[/b] Same as above, except it allows more freedom in colors, markings, accessories, and so forth. (Must say "Throwbacks?: Yes" to apply.)
[b]Throwbacks?:[/b] (Saying yes gives the colorist a bit more freedom in the breeding. Throwbacks can come from previous generations from the parents, this mean grandparents/etc. For 1st gens this would mean mystery traits. NOTE: Just because you say yes doesn't mean you'll get throwback traits. It only gives the colorist the OK to play around. Nothing more. You also don't get to choose which throwback traits are picked.) [color=white]---[/color][b]Link to previous Generations:[/b] (If said Yes to Throwbacks please link to all parents (and grandparents/etc) NOTE: LINKS ONLY. NO IMG TAGGING)[/quote] Shorthand FormA shorthand form is also available. Use of this form will assume: The colorist may livestream the breeding. If a user's teepee has not been added to the Teepee Listing by the time the breeding is rolled, the colorist is under no obligation to look for it and may treat the soquili as if it is statless. RP bonuses, if any, are forfeited. LL bonuses, if any, are forfeited. All variants are CC. Throwbacks are CC. Modifiers must still be posted individually. Quote: [quote]Entry Code: [code]Parent1Name (owners) x Parent2Name (owners)[/code]
[b]Parent 1:[/b] [img]CERT[/img] [url=]UNCERT[/url] (optional: [url=]Nekkid[/url] | [url=]Markings[/url] | [url=]Feral[/url] (pureshifter only) )
[b]Parent 2:[/b] [img]CERT[/img] [url=]UNCERT[/url] (optional: [url=]Nekkid[/url] | [url=]Markings[/url] | [url=]Feral[/url] (pureshifter only) )
[b]Co Ownership?:[/b] (List who isn't getting baskets, AND link to the co-ownership agreement) [b]Link to Breeding Agreement:[/b] [url=LINK][ X ][/url] [color=white]---[/color][b]Lifemate?:[/b] Yes/No[/quote]