Soquili Name: Laures
Image of Soquili: Describe your soq's personality/interests: He is a gentle soul, and a gentleman. Though he is quick to call others “friends” they are usually acquaintances unless they have had some major impact on him. Seemingly always happy-go-lucky, he often comes across as rather less intelligent as he is, and one-dimensional. At times immature, he has reluctantly grown up somewhat- his “good is good, evil is evil and there is no in-between” attitude has been completely shattered and he realizes that there are shades of grey in the world. He often acts rather colt-ish but is more than capable of being serious if the situation calls for it.
What is your soq looking for in a mate? Non-evil/non-cling-y temperament.
Understanding- Laures’ heart belongs to the mare who will eventually be his mate-
Someone he can remain on good terms with- he would like to be a part of all his offspring’s lives, just as he would like to have the mare be a part of all as well, even though he will have his future mate also help raise his foal.
OOC’ly- Breed and edits not important, I will be looking for asthetics- no clashing colors/patterns please
Breeding slots left: 1/3 (technically all 3 but 2 are reserved for his mate-to-be)
Fling or Lifemate?: fling only
How do you want others to contact you?: pm