i figured there needed to be an updated intro for this forum.
so in the “introduce yourself” thread in the main forum, you get one post to briefly, well… introduce yourself. this forum is for a bit more, for elaborating on yourself. more room to breathe and express yourself. go crazy. :]

do say your favorite movies, music, books, shows, in great and overwhelming detail.
do recite your life’s story as far as you like.
do explain your sexuality, coming out story, anything relevant to your heart’s content.
do talk about your family, friends, pets, hometown.
do post all sorts of pics.
do start conversations to get to know more about one another.

don’t flame.
don’t make personal ads, there’s another subforum for that.
don’t make more than one profile.
don’t go crazy bumping.
don’t lie! D:<

any questions, post here or message me, schulte.


::All crew members: Dr. OCD - Kaiju Koi - schulte - Mazzie Bell -colon bracket - Nyu-sama - Masked Casanova - avenged_king ::