the manga and brotherhood is EXACTLY the same. lol. and the first anime was way better because it kept you on your feet and yes there was filler but one of my favorite fillers was episode 13 FullMetalvs. Flame. Now, i am almost done with the brotherhood series and yes there are some perks like episode 19. and how hoenheim is an invincible "monster" and really cares about his kids instead of the decaying body. But what really is super mega FREAKING RETARDED IS THAT IN BROTHERHOOD EDWARD ELRIC GETS NEW LIGHTER WEIGHT AUTOMAIL AND IT LOOKS SO FUTURISTIC AND IT IS HORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIBBBBBLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEE.
I know everything about fullmetal alchemist and i will rant about it.
~that is my intake lol~
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