Most of my friends think he's "So hot" and "super sweet" and then look digusted at me when I call him a racist douche bag.
What is up with the universe!?
Seriously I don't see what anyone sees in that pervert. Seriously, he says shawty too many times and wears those caps and the baggy hoodies like some f-ing wannabe poser. I don't know who he thinks he is. But if he's trying to be cool, it aint working. Teen fad 'sensation', huh? Well if he can make it then so can a tonedeaf cat with a crapping problem.
And I don't like him. His small mouth, girly voice, face, his giant egg head or anything else about him.
Screw. Him.
That's all I have to say on the matter. *

*(Untill I can think of more to bash on.)