Hi, welcome to (????),if you have not read the main forum page, I suggest you do that now or everything will be quite confusing. First thing to do is to choose which side you want to fight for. If you choose the Order Of The Fallen Sun the techniques you are aloud will have guide lines. If you want to make you character without any guide lines are specifics for you class do not choose the order. The other two choices are the Agarian Military which is the good guys. If you choose to enlist as a soldier as long as they are not overpowered you can make up any techniques you want. Also keep in mind we will provide techniques for all sides and classes as well if you do not wish to create your own. The last choice is the dark mysterious cultists, less is known about the evil side, but like soldiers you can create any kind of character you want as long as they are evil. The next thing you will need to do is pick a god. If you are in the order you choose between Valik, Kalthor, and Athrix. Kalthor is for the protectors, Valik is for purgers(warriors) and last is Athrix for seers(psychic mages). If you choose the Agarian Empire, you will serve Zerosha. Keep in mind soldiers really are forced to fight alone and usually win because of this.
Lastly if you are evil you will follow Saraphos the god of destruction since his minion the Priest Of Havoc is said to be the leader of the cult. If you choose to go evil you will have advantages over the other two sides. To view all the gods visit the thread below called "Chapel Of The Gods".