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[Q] Zephy's Quest for the God of Exiles

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Timid Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:55 pm

For keepings tracks of my quest, and storing up all the info I'll need to get him customed heart

PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:01 pm

Name: Hi'kyuu
Stage: Adult - standing lines
Gender: Male
Species: Lion
Parents: ? x ?
Offspring: none
Domain: Exiles
Have you cleared this domain with any existing god owners? If so, who? Checked with the god of refugees and got an OK
Description: A white lion, his mane and tail are a dark bluish-black, and almost all of his mane except for 'stray hairs' around his face would be tied into a very long ponytail that hangs down over a shoulder, leather tie would be there, and down to curl around a forepaw on the ground. His wings look slightly demonic, around medium size, with a little dark colored talon. Preferably partially furled or held flat so as not to take up huge amounts of space. Smallish dark brown ram's horns by/behind his ears. He'd have several scars at least, most notably across his muzzle.
Around his nearer hindpaw is a silver chain, but it is broken and black tarnish spreads from the broken link towards the shining band around his paw. That paw has black toes that fade to the regular white by the time the color reaches the band. All his other paws would have small red swirl-streak patterns around the 'wrist' part. A red mark by the corners of his eyes, as though a tear started to fall...kinda. The Japanese kanji for 'exile' would be in black on his shoulder ( 放 )
He would also have seven silver ring-earrings in his left ear, and a small charm (fang with bloody tip) on a skinny silver chain (or leather cord) around his neck. Two feathers, one 'eagle' feather, one 'raven' feather, tucked behind one ear. Both ears would be lowered, his expression a bit bitter (sad/angry mix). Teeth showing, gritted, dark blue eyes narrowed. Claws on one forepaw, the nearer, extended (if he could be lifting that foot that'd be cool, but it's not a big deal if you can't. I know edits like that are a little crazy). His tail might be long, tail tip is black, it should be long and fluffy-to-sleek.
Reference Image(s), if applicable: ROUGH for visual but use as a basic outline, the description is more important. (My screen is off, so my colors might be 'wrong', so use the colors in the descriptions please) Items would be on the side nearer, so they can be seen :3 (the top 'head/shoulder' is more accurate than the full-body. Wing position can be adjusted)
Are you an SoA god newbie? Yes.

IF I get him, I want him on perm-adol new rogue lines for his mortal shape X3

Refs - Color/Marking reference,Chain and Pendent edits sample, Rough Sketch, mane and expression ref, Mane and Expression Ref - colorWing sample and Eye close-up

Personality: He tends to be abrasive and rebellious, though he craves companionship and hates being alone. He tends to do a push-pull thing with people he cares about, wanting them to get away from him so they won’t get killed and needing them to stay with him. Needless to say, this can cause, erm, misunderstandings I guess. And a LOT of arguments, as he often seems to be picking a fight. He gets more confrontational the more upset or frightened he gets, anger is a good mask. The only way to tell if he’s seriously angry is if you know him very well. A hot temper means he’s ‘bluffing’ (mostly). However, if he’s icy cold and totally calm, you are in serious trouble, because he is planning to back up every word and you will probably very much regret crossing him. Really, in spite of the tough-guy heartless act, he’s a big softie, a side that only very few people ever get to see. When he’s afraid he tends not to show it unless its in regard to one of his major fears, in which case he has trouble hiding it. He’s unbelievably loyal to those whom he counts as friends, to the point that he would die for them. This doesn’t stop him from push-pulling them, in fact it makes it worse.

He seems to prefer his solitude though in reality he is somewhat lonesome. This is a thing you will never find out however, with is confrontational personality, and his clearly expressing that he wants to be left alone. He's generally in a state of annoyance, or irritation, and will emphasize boredom in a situation he cannot escape or employ subtle sarcasm. He's rather bitter, and doesn't like to stay in any one place, including the realms of the gods. He finds mortals to be easier to deal with than his immortal brethren, of whom he doesn't really feel a part of. At least with mortals he expects to be the outsider, which makes it easier to tolerate.

Usually in his dealings with them, he tends to be gruff and annoyed, often excusing a kind action with a comment of "It's my job to look after the people no one else wants x( " He tends to linger and look after anyone who seems to be suffering particularly, though he hates to confess to having any real concern for them. He does like to feel that they can make it on their own before he leaves them alone, and has been known to check on people. If someone asks, he will occasionally go and speak to their leader on their behalf. However, they must first convince him that they were either treated unfairly, or that they have changed their ways and deserve a second chance.

History: He no longer remembers it, any of it, and it bothers him tremendously, though he'll not tell a soul. No idea if this is his first life or his hundredth, and though he may occasionally meet someone 'familiar' he never meets anyone he 'knows' that he hasn't met since he woke up as a young adult.

All he know is that he feels oddly when he is in the godlands, uncomfortable and as though he doesn't belong. Like there are unfriendly eyes upon him, or someone following him, and there's a feeling of deep aching grief in his bones. This fades when he is in the mortal lands, and so he tends to spend much of his time there now, where he is a very paws-on sort of god. He has tried sometimes to accompany a mortal he may or may not be fond of, not telling, but even if they find themselves comfortably established in a new pride or pack, he himself will grow uncomfortable, and be forced to move on again.

(may elaborate soonish, or may leave everyone as uncertain as him)


God: Hikyuu
Domain: Exiles
Temporary Powers:
Homesick - Any mortal who is suffering from being exiled from their home will feel a bit of relief in his presence, a sort of "It's not all bad I guess" kind of feeling. This fades once he is gone, though if they wish they can use a meeting with him as a turn-around point. (such as, the SOA is exiled, they're depressed and hopeless and just want to give up, meet with Hikyuu, feel a bit better, he leaves, and while his influence fades they are aware that it is possible to feel better and find themselves some hope)
Sympathetic - Not really a power exactly, more of a presence. But a mortal exile who is suffering will always be able to see him as a god and may find their way to him. Once they have come to terms with their exile, or found themselves established in a new home or whatever, then this awareness fades and they see him however he wishes them to.
Empathetic - Just as a suffering exile can sense him, Hikyuu has the ability to find anyone who has recently been exiled or is seriously suffering from it even years later. Usually, he will go find them.
Permanent Power:
Exile's Curse - Hikyuu has the power to, if a mortal particularly offends him, force that mortal to never fit in with another pride/pack/coalition/group. Wherever they go, they will either be chased out or fit in so poorly that they uncomfortable enough to leave for however long the curse lasts. Sometimes it is just a taste of suffering, a few days, a week, a month, a year, however long he thinks they deserve. Other times he curses them indefinably, causing them to become an outsider for the rest of their lives, unless they seek out the god and ask his forgiveness.
If someone is interested in having this power used on their particular SoA, how would you like them to contact you? PM me, I love RPs


Temporary Powers
Soothing Presence - Any mortal who is exiled will be able to feel somewhat comforted in his presence, the pains of missing home being nudged to the back of their mind while he's around. It's a temporary relief for them that will fade once he's gone, however, they will be able to remember feeling 'better' afterwards.
Sympathy - More an aura or presence he exudes. Any exile can be drawn to him, and finding him will see him as the god he really is regardless of whether or not he's using an illusion. If an exile finds acceptance and ceases to be an exile, they will see him as however he chooses to appear. * this can include if they join a different pride/pack even if they still aren't welcomed back to their old one.
Empathy - He can always tell when a mortal has been exiled, and can sense their feelings on it. Usually, he will seek them out, especially if they are suffering or in strong distress.

Permanent Power - Exile's Curse
If a mortal particularly offends him, he can curse them so that they will never fit into another pride/pack/coalition or anything involving a group (sometimes including families). They will always be chased out, or feel so uncomfortable that they simply have to leave. Sometimes this is just a taste of suffering and will wear off after a period of time. Rarely will he curse someone 'forever', but if he does they will need to find him again if they wish the curse to be lifted.


Timid Hunter


Timid Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:06 pm

And then I'll need a slot.

heart A thousand 'thank you's to Mia!
heart D'aww, thank you Lady!

Slots Tried for:
DFA and Lil's Feb Raffle (2010)
Major March Customs - Gods (2010)
Amy's July God Custom Raffle (2010)
January Custom God Raffle (2011)
PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 5:33 pm

He has been approved by the mule

People I need to contact over powers...

Refugees - Safaia (PMed)
Outlaws - Kijani (PMed)
Hope - Arafel (PMed)
The Lost - Kay thx (PMed) - OKed

All asked by 7-5-2010 Waiting to hear back now.


Timid Hunter


Timid Hunter

PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 7:06 am
I had an idea I can't get outta my head. SO I'll add it to the quests list.


Domain: Helpfulness
Existing Overlapping Domains: Charity, Conscience, Virtue (Questing conflicts would be compassion, and kindness) Obsession might kind of overlap on her permanent power.
Physical Description:
Permadol, pale creams in her coloring, golds in her markings, a smile on her face, tiny little white-feathered wings, feathers or flowers tucked behind an ear, gold bangles on her forepaws, gold tailcuff.
Concept: This goddess is a quiet sweet-natured individual who believes strongly that people exist to help one another. The act of aiding someone who needs it is one that should be instinctive, or so she thinks, and never warrants payment or ‘owed favors’. She has, unfortunately, lost her memory of being a goddess and spends her time in the shape of a mortal, unintentionally influencing some with her powers through conviction of what she feels is right. (ie: “How could you do something like that? She needed your help, you should have helped her!” and in this activate her permanent power).
* The idea for one of my most heavily RPed SoA to be a ‘sleeping’ goddess amused me too much to simply pass it up without trying. She does have ten RPs to use for ‘conversion’ but she’s not dying, she has just been utterly unaware of her heritage and lives life as a mortal with zero suspicion as to her godhood. I understand if this is too bizarre to be allowed, I just thought it would be worth it to try. Her mortal self, colored by Kir
--> If you have already figured out powers, this will help us!
--> Submitting powers is usually optional, except for gods with broad or unusual domains.
Temporary Powers: [Up to three. Be very specific with what they can do/can't do.]
1 – The ability to know if someone she is in contact with, nearby to, needs help.
2 – The ability to know what sort of help said individual needs most at that moment.
3 –
Permanent Power: She can inspire within a mortal the desire to help another. This can be something like looking after a specific individual for the rest of their life, or simply being more open to lending a helping hand when an individual used to be utterly selfish. The former is more likely in a case of someone attacking and badly wounding another (blinding, maiming) and being forced to take responsibility for their cruel actions. She cannot totally recreate feelings or emotions, only give a sort of compulsion to stay and help. Any emotional attachments that do come into being while under that compulsion would be purely due to time’s influence, not hers.


Ninja Master!
Name: Kina Seh'baelrae
Stage: Perm-adol
Gender: Female
Lineart: Perm-adol (so the rearing one)
Parents: --
Domain: Helpfulness
Is this Domain Approved? not yet
Description: She should look very similar to her mortal form, with CC modifications to her appearance (please don't add colors to her fur). Her expression should be a kind smile, her eyes the same gold they are in her mortal form. A simple golden tailcuff and gold bangles on her forepaws, and some white feathers tucked behind her ears. Her wings should be tiny with white feathers, 'extended' though they're really small.
Reference Image(s), if applicable: Her mortal form

Are you an SoA God Newbie?: No
Is this a God rebirth?: (If so, please list the required rps here.)

I am Questing other SoA now as well!

Name: Gervais
Stage: Adult
Gender: Male
Species: Cheetah
Parents: Maël x Esmeé (father x mother)
Description: Black, with a cold blue and purple color to his markings...and some of Aziz's green. Sharp eye markings like his father's, and color inside his ears and streaked through his mane. The same bracelet-ish pattern on his paws as his father, only in the purple, blue, and green. The little chin-stripes Azizi has in blue-purple. Would love his eyes to be hot orange or dark pink, something brighter than the rest of him. Maybe some spots on his shoulders to look like his other brother/mother? Colorist Choice if you wanted to add/remove things to make him look 'better', more like his family. NO RED.
Reference Image(s), if applicable:

September Customs
Lith's Feb Customs
Blue's Feb Customs


Name: Zekile
Stage: Adult
Gender: Male
Species: Cheetah
Parents: --
Description: Gold fur fading to cream at his belly as his main coloring, with cream toes and cream fade from his tail tip. Brown spots and sock-like markings, and splotches along his tail, and a brown nose. The spots can be splotchier or smoother, but I’d like them to not all be exactly the same size, and with some in the shape of a heart on his near shoulder...not stupidly obvious but a definite heart. See ref for rough outline, it doesn’t need to be followed exactly, I had some trouble drawing it. The pink marks would be scars, you can add more if you wish, he should look rather roughed up. The marks by his eyes should resemble the 'cheetah tears' marking, with a little bit of that Egyptian-eyelined look. His mane is cream-and-brown striped. Green eyes, please. The ref colors do not have to be used exactly, but close is good.
Edits, if applicable: Mane, make it fluffy, add the braid, white feather, and green bead, and trace it further down his spine, like in the ref. Make his fur fluffy too, at his chest and elbows/tail especially, the way some pets have fluffy fur edits. NONE of the fluffy on his chin, cheeks might be cute though. Edit his expression to look a little quieter, and maybe make his ears lowered instead of perky, and add a notch in one.
Add a braided bracelet on his paw with more green beads, or more green-beaded rope-ish looking stuff elsewhere IF you feel like it, all the accessories would be CC. All of them, aside from the feather and bead in the braid, is totally optional.
Rough ref Eyeliner thing (NOT the eyeshadow) Cheetah ‘tears’ Doodle
September Customs
Movember Customs (November)
December Customs
Caj's January Customs
Lith's Feb Customs
Blue's Feb Customs
Major March Customs


Juu'Kilile Pack!

Name: TBD
Owner: TBD
Species: Wild Dog
Pride/Pack: Rogue (will be contested for J'K pack)
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Parents: (if applicable) --
Offspring: (if applicable) --
Description: 'Storm brewing' - interpret in any way you'd like.
Reference Images: Color Pallette

Name: TBD
Stage: Adult
Gender: Male
Species: Wild Dog
Parents: --
Description: 'White Knight'
Reference Image(s), if applicable: Color Pallette

Name: TBD
Stage: Adol
Gender: Female
Species: Wild Dog
Parents: --
Description: White Knight's Sister
Reference Image(s), if applicable: Color Pallette (devation is CC )

Name: TBD
Stage: Adol
Gender: Male
Species: Wild Dog
Parents: --
Description: White Knight's brother
Reference Image(s), if applicable: Color Pallette (devation is CC )

Name: TBD
Owner: TBD
Species: Wild Dog
Pride/Pack: Rogue (will be contested for J'K pack)
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Parents: (if applicable) --
Offspring: (if applicable) --
Description: 'Spring Blossom'
Reference Images: Color Pallette

Name: TBD
Owner: TBD
Species: Wild Dog
Pride/Pack: Rogue (will be contested for J'K pack)
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Parents: (if applicable) --
Offspring: (if applicable) --
Description: 'Demonic'
Reference Images: Color Pallette

Name: TBD
Owner: TBD
Species: Maned Wolf
Pride/Pack: Rogue (will be contested for J'K pack)
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Parents: (if applicable) --
Description: Glowy swirly CC
Reference Images: Color Pallette


Name: tbd
Stage: Adult
Gender: Male
Species: Cheetah
Description: Darker colors (blues, blacks, and/or purples) with a few small white accents. Maybe tiny clusters of spots? Maybe a 'mask' type marking? Pale colored eyes might be cool too. But mostly CC
Reference Image(s), if applicable: -
Is this a low luck custom?: No


Name: tbd
Stage: Adult
Gender: Male
Species: Cheetah
Description: Colored as a cosplay of a shiney version of the new Black and White Pokemon Zorua. I'd like his eyes to be two different colors, maybe a shiny and not shiny eye? I dunno, you pick, I just like unmatched eyes.
Reference Image(s), if applicable: User ImageZorua, shiney Zorua

Lith's April Customs
Caj's April Customs
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