Name: Hinata Intu
Aliases/ Nicknames: Hinata-chan

Physical Description: User Image

Age: 17

Zanpaktou's Spirit & Name: Minta ni ( The demon of water)

User Image

Zanpaktou: achieved

Shikai Release: Get them Minta ni

Shikai: Melts to the ground and when rised it'll grib them and suck them into a new deminsion.

Bankai: Minta ni melts into the sword necklace around Hinata's neck and her sword necklace would become a real sword

Special Accessories: Sword necklace around her neck

Skills: good at close combat, smart,

Abilities: can control wind, and teleport

Personality: she's just a teenager but she mostly lazy

Biography/History: She dosent know anything about her past, she blacked out until she came to the soul socicety. On the day when her zanpoktou was in her hands. There was a huge explosion!! Nobody got hurt, But still nobody knows what happened.

Signature/Patented Technique: (none)

Guild Status: i dont know?

Online Schedule: when ever my sister isnt on the laptop.