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university of neko study bout nekos. dorms are open now and i need a room mate too getting pretty lonely lol. so u can study anything u want all neko people that wanna study bout nekos or anything else its here at neko university so if u need help just ask me so icon_biggrin.gif the teachers will have there own dorm if they want one:
There are two dorms one for girls and one for the boys .
when u enroll as a student i want u to fill out this form.
eye color:
classes sad any classes)
neko pet name sad if have a neko pet)
Neko pets are allowed in the school

workers :fill out this form for the workers
teachers (at least 7)
security guard (at least 6)
headmaster assistant
vice headmaster
cooks(as long there are good food lol)
dorm leaders (2 dorm leaders 1 for girls and 1 for boys)
why do u want this job (optional)
neko pet name:
eye color:
teachers dorm: (if want a teachers dorm)

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