Gaia Name: Axzulia
Name: Zukaru
Age(in wolf years): 5 years
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straght
Physical Description (or picture):
User Image
Powers (demon, wings, elements, etc): Mind Reading, Blood Art, healing.
Zukaru is a quite, brilliant wolf. She usually doesn't get into drama unless she needs too. Her brother and her are very close, she is very protective over him and her pack members. She's is very loving and caring. But can be very dark minded.
Zukaru's family was from Russia, her parents are artic wolves, as so is she. She gained all her powers from her mother, her mother was the master healer of their old pack. Her parents were killed by human hunters while they were out searching for food for her and her brother. Since then, her brother and her have been training and working together to be sure that doesn't happen again to any of their loved ones.


Gaia Name: Axzulia
Name: Damein
Age(in wolf years): 5 years.
Gender: Male
Sexuality: straight
Physical Description (or picture):
User Image
Powers (demon, wings, elements, etc): demonic powers
Damein is a very kind wolf, even though he has demonic powers he doesn't use them for eil. He's just as loving as his sister. He's protective of his sister and pack members.
Also born in Russia, he gained his powers from his father. His Father was also an artic wolf. He witnessed his parents death, he was out looking for food with his parents when he heard something. He went to go investigate when he had arrows shooting towards him. He yellped and his parents came to his rescue. His father took him to a near by hole in a tree and told him to stay there. His father went off and fought with his mother. They were both stabbed and had arrows pierced through them. Damein peaked out of the whole once ther was no sound, he say blood eerywhere and his parents layed on the ground. He ran out of the hole to them and saw that they wer dead. Running back to the pack he tried getting help, but it was too late. So his sister and him hae been on their own ever since.