So I've been here in the guild foru for a few weeks now trying to learn more about the furry community/lifestyle, all the terminology and whatnot and whether or not I would like to join and take on a fursona.

I've decided that 'yes', I would like to create a fursona, but there's a little problem. I don't know where to start. So I had a few questions:

Only problem is I don't really know where to start. So I have some questions that I'd like to ask of the community.

How does one go about choosing an animal to represent themselves as a furry or even just furry art?

How do you decide whether to be anthro or feral?

And if one chooses to be anthro, how far human or animal should the furry be?

I'm pretty sure it's all about personal preference but I was just wondering if anyone had any helpful input.
Sorry to be such a noob about it. OH! oh,..and if I offended anyone by using the wrong terms,..I am also sorry for that too. Lol.

I've read over everyone's replies and have to agree with most of them on how to pick a fursona. One thing I would like to ask and point out is this; is this fursona going to be for just RPing, or are they going to be how you truly see yourself?

For example, I have two fursona's I use a lot. Ralph a red squirrel is mainly just for RPing with since that is how he started out (he got changed in a game from a human). But over time I have come to see him as being like my younger self; shy, trusting of everyone, and not knowing about the darker side of live and how things work in the real world.

Now Randolph, he is a red wolf and I see him as more being as I am now. I've used him in a few RP's, but mostly he is me. I picked a wolf because I have always liked them and felt connected for as long as I can remember.

lol, sorry for rambling everyone. I hope this all helps some though. smile