Rules: Love them, hate them, either way: obey them.

1. Use proper grammar and spelling. I know that sometimes mistakes happen, but please try to keep mistakes to a minimum.
2. Please write 3 sentences minimum. Writer's block happens, but 3 sentences is easily setting the bar low.
3. BE A REASONABLE RACE. No Vampires (especially sparkling ones), no Werewolves, Hydras, Medusas, Leprechauns, etc. You are human, mutant (technically still human), or alien (superman anyone?). Any other race will most likely get shot down, but you may run it by myself or siris99.
4. No Godmodding, powerplaying, and anything that falls under the category of blatant abuse of power. Yes, people can dodge attacks, and people can take hits and keep on coming, but if you start godmodding, then we will come down on you like the fist of an angry god. Keep it fair and in character.
5. Do not post until you are accepted. Pretty self explanatory.
6. Post regularly. Try to post regularly enough that we know you are still alive. Posting once a week kills roleplays, and who wants that?
7. Let us know if you will be gone. Life happens, we understand. Please just try to give us a heads up when you are leaving.
8. FOLLOW GAIA TOS!!!!! If you can't do this, you need to get off the site. Pretty easy to follow.
9. PM all profiles to either siris99 or Roskuel
10. We reserve the right to deny any character, and ban those we do not want in the thread. ie rule breakers.
11. NO CYBERING! Like stated earlier, follow the gaia tos and DON'T CYBER!
12. We will allow magic users (Dr strange uses magic after all). please keep it tasteful and not all-powerful.
13. Three strikes, and you're out. Breaking one rule is a five point dock. The second rule is a ten point loss, and your character will be held back in missions. Three times, you will be asked to leave.
14. To be a cannon, pm myself or siris99 with the cannon's name and a brief rp sample as that character. Say you want to be batman, send us a pm telling us that, and include a sample of you rping as batman.
15. To save us trouble, please have the pm subject be the hero you wish to intern under. Self explanatory. It's not a test or anything so if it isn't done, then don't panic. This is simply to help us process profiles easier. This only applies to intern profiles obviously.
16. To keep things organized, put your hero mentor's name in brackets at the top of your post please

New rules will be added in RED